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Tag: euro

Elements retrieved: 251

Section: Observation and Innovation / Business: rethinking

Per una politica industriale che veda oltre le prossime elezioni #industry40 #GDPR #cybersecurity / For an industrial policy that survives election cycles #industry40 #GDPR #cybersecurity
Viewed 23074 times | Published on 2018-03-15 22:38:15 | words: 4158

Cambiar le teste, non cambiar i modelli / Change heads, don't change models
Viewed 6053 times | Published on 2018-04-19 06:23:33 | words: 1933

The "left behind" syndrome in business #data #centric #business #disintermediation
Viewed 8052 times | Published on 2018-07-08 21:26:11 | words: 1255

#transplant ing #manager s
Viewed 6942 times | Published on 2018-08-29 17:58:51 | words: 2307

Critical Human Infrastructure and business 4.0
Viewed 8303 times | Published on 2018-09-14 07:45:33 | words: 2150

The tipping point of #change and #sustainability
Viewed 8689 times | Published on 2018-10-14 13:10:40 | words: 1723

Digital transformation and transitioning a business to the XXI century: writing a script and connecting dots
Viewed 9530 times | Published on 2018-11-25 21:12:48 | words: 3075

Reinventing a company town - Turin, Italy and FIAT / FCA
Viewed 8464 times | Published on 2018-12-07 17:51:32 | words: 2896

Connecting the dots series - the video outline
Viewed 10003 times | Published on 2019-02-14 21:50:33 | words: 1126

#unbundling #organization s for #business40 and #chain of #trust - the business side
Viewed 9085 times | Published on 2019-04-09 09:16:42 | words: 2158

#democratic #data #centric #business at the #Edge + #circular #economy = #revitalizing #local #communities
Viewed 7481 times | Published on 2019-07-03 14:03:31 | words: 1713

the #hype #alert on #4thindustrialrevolution and #reinventing the #business of #government : quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Viewed 12680 times | Published on 2019-07-21 16:57:28 | words: 3582

Wheeling into the future - #Turin and the future of #FCA and #CNH - #Iveco
Viewed 8162 times | Published on 2019-09-04 16:36:35 | words: 5800

Assessing systemically: the business side #digital #transformation #automotive #mobility #Italy #Turin #FCA
Viewed 10025 times | Published on 2019-09-23 06:15:43 | words: 5041

Social cultural change experiments in Italy - from smoking to minipay, cashback and beyond
Viewed 9187 times | Published on 2019-10-20 22:11:43 | words: 6593

Being there - #rethinking #work and #urban #living - the case of #Italy
Viewed 6863 times | Published on 2019-11-07 20:58:22 | words: 5053

Behind the #smart #cities #future - #automotive and #banking rephrased
Viewed 13516 times | Published on 2019-12-12 10:31:24 | words: 5036

Assessing systemically: the data side of #European #Union #integration within #digital #transformation
Viewed 11772 times | Published on 2019-12-30 13:34:44 | words: 3401

#transparency and #digital #transformation: #emergence of the #common #good in the #age of #consent
Viewed 14045 times | Published on 2020-01-08 10:26:01 | words: 7127

#talent #attraction and #retention within a #data - #centric #society
Viewed 9285 times | Published on 2020-01-13 15:28:28 | words: 4278

#decision #making : #preparing for a #data #centric #future
Viewed 11221 times | Published on 2020-01-30 22:28:00 | words: 3446

The #future in a #data-#centric #world? Thinking about #automotive, #banking, #retail, and... #M&A
Viewed 10448 times | Published on 2020-02-12 20:27:19 | words: 3318

It is safe? Loooking forward post-COVID19 #Italy #automotive #banking #retail #urbanization #industrial #policy #COVID19
Viewed 19432 times | Published on 2020-05-05 16:54:53 | words: 7166

Going smart or going postal? smartwork, smartcities, smartvehicles- the Turin and Italy case - part 1
Viewed 17204 times | Published on 2020-08-24 22:00:00 | words: 5679

COVID-19 : systemic impacts and parochial thinking- moving toward long-term sustainability
Viewed 13100 times | Published on 2020-09-01 10:00:00 | words: 2748

Going smart or going postal? smartwork, smartcities, smartvehicles- the Turin and Italy case - part 2
Viewed 15653 times | Published on 2020-10-01 21:00:00 | words: 5017

Going smart (with data): the Italian case - introduction
Viewed 10614 times | Published on 2020-11-18 08:00:00 | words: 4405

Going smart (with data): the Italian case - a tale of two cities, virtual and physical - Turin example
Viewed 19287 times | Published on 2020-11-20 15:30:00 | words: 7132

Going smart (with data): the Italian case - mobility and the new automotive
Viewed 19931 times | Published on 2020-12-03 12:30:00 | words: 6332

The nine islands of continuous organizational learning #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #COVID19
Viewed 17203 times | Published on 2021-04-22 22:00:00 | words: 11202

Going smart: intermezzo on the future of compliance and regulation
Viewed 22057 times | Published on 2021-05-30 16:00:00 | words: 9896

Going smart: financial industry and our data-centric future turning systemic post-COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11080 times | Published on 2021-06-04 22:22:00 | words: 3342

Reinforcement learning and gamification within the #NextGenerationEU framework
Viewed 12238 times | Published on 2021-06-19 22:22:00 | words: 8218

Resources, timing, purpose: #NextGenerationEU - #RRF and three countries
Viewed 15738 times | Published on 2021-06-23 17:45:00 | words: 4707

Systemic details in a data-centric society - business from manufacturing to banking to citizens
Viewed 18953 times | Published on 2021-07-01 23:00:00 | words: 3795

Spilling the tea and narratives - business, technology, politics converging
Viewed 13887 times | Published on 2022-02-20 08:30:00 | words: 3989

bitwashing, greenwashing, warwashing: the self-defeatism of seizing the day vs. embracing transformation
Viewed 10732 times | Published on 2022-03-27 23:15:00 | words: 5326

Rethinking the future of work while going through the three transitions in Europe #digital #green #NextGenerationEU #repowerEU #business #models
Viewed 10973 times | Published on 2022-07-24 12:00:00 | words: 4625

Experimentation and talent development #change #transformation #Italy #EU
Viewed 10114 times | Published on 2022-07-29 17:00:00 | words: 7499

change and harmonization vs. assimilation #nextgenerationeu #data #culture
Viewed 8598 times | Published on 2022-09-08 16:15:00 | words: 5331

data-centric human capital and policy sustainability: part 1- the context
Viewed 9550 times | Published on 2022-10-28 08:30:00 | words: 6680

data-centric human capital and policy sustainability: part 2- the process
Viewed 9250 times | Published on 2022-10-31 07:20:00 | words: 5621

Emergencies or emergence? Trends are a matter of choice #EU #Italy #industrial #policy
Viewed 15832 times | Published on 2023-04-26 17:45:00 | words: 7903

Efficient organizational continuous learning
Viewed 8717 times | Published on 2023-08-15 23:45:00 | words: 3145

Enablers vs. extractors - shifting the airpods social model toward value generation
Viewed 13989 times | Published on 2023-09-08 23:55:00 | words: 7262

Of reforms and cultural / organizational change in politics and society #Italy #EU #business
Viewed 16410 times | Published on 2023-11-06 23:30:00 | words: 5108

Fortress Europe, strategic stockpiling, and coping with reality #sustainability #systemic #thinking #lifecycle #management
Viewed 16078 times | Published on 2023-11-23 13:00:00 | words: 4389

Business, policy, audiences in a data-centric society: the case of non-profit investments
Viewed 17435 times | Published on 2023-12-28 22:00:00 | words: 9851

Change Vs Tinkering - evolving data centric project, program, portfolio frameworks
Viewed 15443 times | Published on 2024-01-26 15:35:00 | words: 5223

Designing skills-based organizations in a data-centric world: we are all investors
Viewed 11930 times | Published on 2024-02-07 17:15:00 | words: 6348

Linking heuristics, AI, legacy, and... demographic trends - the case of Italy
Viewed 10440 times | Published on 2024-02-22 17:50:00 | words: 11458

Under the hood: best practices, transformation, and Weltanschauung in data-centric and AI times- part 1 conceptual
Viewed 11938 times | Published on 2024-03-10 23:30:00 | words: 5535

Under the hood: best practices, transformation, and Weltanschauung in data-centric and AI times- part 2 structural
Viewed 11825 times | Published on 2024-03-16 17:15:00 | words: 6448

transitions, transformations, lifecycles: shifting Weltanschauung and roles
Viewed 11561 times | Published on 2024-04-07 22:00:00 | words: 3402

The future is now: an asymmetric scenario on the intercultural side of collaborative AI
Viewed 7560 times | Published on 2024-05-26 18:30:00 | words: 3962

Structures and impacts: contextualizing social engineering in practice
Viewed 5781 times | Published on 2024-06-09 23:15:00 | words: 3363

Section: Observation and Innovation / Society: EU-Italy-Turin

Miopia culturale e politica industriale in #Italia
Viewed 13518 times | Published on 2015-11-22 22:08:35 | words: 1450

Amministrative 2016-04 Le amministrative di Lewis&Clark
Viewed 9585 times | Published on 2016-02-13 19:39:55 | words: 1510

Amministrative 2016-05 Investiture e sviluppo economico
Viewed 9188 times | Published on 2016-04-09 15:13:00 | words: 1325

Amministrative 2016-06 Coesione e sviluppo
Viewed 9374 times | Published on 2016-04-18 22:00:00 | words: 2642

Amministrative 2016-07 Chiuse le urne...
Viewed 9072 times | Published on 2016-06-05 21:14:48 | words: 1341

Innovare e rinnovare
Viewed 9072 times | Published on 2016-07-17 21:33:54 | words: 1498

Primary colors #primarie #Italia
Viewed 6897 times | Published on 2017-04-30 10:26:31 | words: 817

A spasso tra i libri- parte prima: i libri #Italy #development
Viewed 6685 times | Published on 2017-05-22 22:03:34 | words: 1594

Lies, damned lies, and statistics
Viewed 7096 times | Published on 2017-06-18 20:17:32 | words: 1088

Tra eurofobia ed eurofilia
Viewed 6887 times | Published on 2017-06-24 17:01:14 | words: 3251

Rosatellum on my mind...
Viewed 8475 times | Published on 2018-01-07 22:15:53 | words: 992

L'oppio della politica e scelte di voto
Viewed 7365 times | Published on 2018-02-04 08:56:43 | words: 2027

In difesa della condivisione dei rischi e dei benefici
Viewed 9452 times | Published on 2018-03-22 14:17:50 | words: 2553

Controcorrente: olimpiadi sì, ma non da soli
Viewed 11764 times | Published on 2018-07-20 14:43:00 | words: 1427

Pensiamo all'Internal Investment Attraction, non solo al Foreign Direct Investment
Viewed 7308 times | Published on 2018-08-06 11:49:59 | words: 2240

#economia della #transizione #Torino #Italia #innovazione
Viewed 8663 times | Published on 2018-10-07 21:10:57 | words: 1983

#innovazione e #conservazione #sostenibile
Viewed 7253 times | Published on 2018-10-14 13:11:45 | words: 1394

brevi considerazioni a margine del #rapporto #Rota e di #Torino #Stratosferica
Viewed 8077 times | Published on 2018-10-22 07:51:06 | words: 1568

Building competencies #Turin #Piedmont #business40
Viewed 8444 times | Published on 2018-11-02 20:08:29 | words: 3235

retaining structural ability to cope with #complexity in #Turin
Viewed 12977 times | Published on 2018-11-07 07:35:21 | words: 2486

#digital #transformation in #Italy : the #electronic #invoicing and #broadband cases
Viewed 9076 times | Published on 2018-11-28 20:43:35 | words: 3724

After the #TAV point and counterpoint - the Status of #Turin
Viewed 7995 times | Published on 2018-12-09 21:34:06 | words: 2556

#deploying #sustainable #innovation - considerations on few events in #Turin and #Italy
Viewed 15222 times | Published on 2018-12-12 22:19:50 | words: 3254

Preparing for #digital #transformation ? Still work in progress
Viewed 10154 times | Published on 2019-01-18 22:44:01 | words: 2562

#RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit - announcing a new series
Viewed 7400 times | Published on 2019-03-31 19:45:32 | words: 991

201901- Is the #ecosystem #ready for the #elections ? ( #RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit series )
Viewed 8854 times | Published on 2019-04-02 22:04:19 | words: 1311

2019-02 Next stop: uncharted waters ( #RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit series )
Viewed 8144 times | Published on 2019-04-15 23:50:42 | words: 3069

2019-03 An election on #commons and #partisanship ( #RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit series )
Viewed 7180 times | Published on 2019-05-07 12:53:34 | words: 2070

2019-04 #Italy, A country between Milgram, Zimbardo, Hawthorne, and... a Gaussian distribution ( #RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit series )
Viewed 8585 times | Published on 2019-05-19 10:13:01 | words: 4174

2019-05 #Turin - the day after #elections and #FCA announce ( #RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit series )
Viewed 8043 times | Published on 2019-05-27 13:35:03 | words: 1714

Transitions: #Italy, #Piedmont, #Turin, and... #FCA #Renault
Viewed 7442 times | Published on 2019-06-02 19:19:53 | words: 2041

A tale of few mergers and foreign direct investment attraction #Turin #FCA #Renault #Nissan #FDI
Viewed 8066 times | Published on 2019-06-17 21:41:43 | words: 1588

#Italy: #war of #attrition on #organized #crime and the #gentrification of the latter
Viewed 18260 times | Published on 2019-07-19 13:24:25 | words: 1908

#attracting #innovators and #merging #cultures - reinventing the European Detroit without squandering goodwill
Viewed 7098 times | Published on 2019-08-06 20:51:18 | words: 2107

Il paese dei leader / The leaders' country takes a page from Vichy
Viewed 22180 times | Published on 2019-08-22 00:49:47 | words: 8077

A new government and a live laboratory #Turin and #Rome
Viewed 8513 times | Published on 2019-09-04 21:37:45 | words: 1218

Assessing systemically: the political side #digital #transformation #Italy #Piedmont #Turin #swarm #politics
Viewed 9459 times | Published on 2019-09-30 22:47:15 | words: 6107

The triple vacancies of #Italian #politics within a #relationship-based #economy
Viewed 9000 times | Published on 2019-10-15 07:34:27 | words: 2820

An #industrial #policy ? Can be sustainable by the #local #business #culture ? #innovation #industry40 #Italy
Viewed 8456 times | Published on 2019-11-10 23:30:18 | words: 3135

just few doubts on #national and #local challenges in #Italy and #Turin - how well we are coping with them - #industry #development #SDG #smartcity
Viewed 11092 times | Published on 2019-11-26 22:49:03 | words: 6345

when #techné becomes the #Weltanschauung- thinking about #Italy and #Turin
Viewed 8734 times | Published on 2019-12-01 22:04:39 | words: 5772

From #Mattei to #MES / #ESM - #Europe and #Italy
Viewed 17585 times | Published on 2019-12-09 13:21:48 | words: 3259

#Brexit and the #future of #Europe - considerations on #PPI and #PF in #UK and #Italy
Viewed 12167 times | Published on 2019-12-15 22:58:46 | words: 7733

#2020: three #twisted #reasons for a #positive #outlook for #Italy and #Turin
Viewed 16150 times | Published on 2020-01-10 14:15:41 | words: 2099

Three centuries in a month and moving forward: #Italy, #EU, and #COVID19
Viewed 14340 times | Published on 2020-04-08 18:50:58 | words: 12725

Preparing phase 2 #systemically #COVID19 #Italy #EU
Viewed 9905 times | Published on 2020-04-14 13:33:55 | words: 2031

Political #times and #political #timing in #COVID-19 times - the case of #Italy
Viewed 27438 times | Published on 2020-05-28 19:01:43 | words: 8892

The post-COVID economy: #unbundling #scenarios for #automotive, #banking, #cities
Viewed 14694 times | Published on 2020-06-14 21:24:22 | words: 8812

the #dimensions of #sustainability and #COVID19 - cog in the wheel paradox
Viewed 12413 times | Published on 2020-06-30 12:02:52 | words: 2630

Making it simpler? Italy, the externalization country, needs more transparency
Viewed 11252 times | Published on 2020-08-04 09:20:02 | words: 1911

The puppeteer syndrome and extreme tinkering in Italy
Viewed 11139 times | Published on 2021-01-17 08:00:00 | words: 6364

Intelligent cut and trust toward a systemically sustainable NextGenerationEU in Italy
Viewed 13614 times | Published on 2021-02-05 21:30:00 | words: 4515

Amministrative 2021/00- introducing - politics in Italy in the era of #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU #PNRR
Viewed 11149 times | Published on 2021-05-27 10:45:00 | words: 4887

Systemic boundaries and the fifth freedom #Italy #EU #NextGenerationEU #PNRR
Viewed 22866 times | Published on 2021-07-10 23:00:00 | words: 4281

A different model of #Italy - using #NextGenerationEU, #COVID, #PNRR as #leverage
Viewed 18176 times | Published on 2021-08-17 07:30:00 | words: 3879

Actionable intelligence and competence centers within #PNRR #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10625 times | Published on 2021-08-29 22:55:00 | words: 3455

Elections, democracy, #NextGenerationEU, #PNRR and... local issues
Viewed 11248 times | Published on 2021-10-24 10:30:00 | words: 3527

Democracy, continuity, tribes during transformation times #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #Italy
Viewed 10829 times | Published on 2021-11-01 16:50:00 | words: 5958

Moving ahead- the narrative of political change #Italy #France #EU #integration
Viewed 17979 times | Published on 2021-12-17 22:15:00 | words: 5666

The end of the beginning - a new book and thinking beyond #NextGenerationEU and #GDPR
Viewed 11261 times | Published on 2021-12-31 17:40:00 | words: 3476

Taking sides: a couple of thousand of years of tribal bipartisanship- lessons from #Italy to the #European #Union
Viewed 13937 times | Published on 2022-01-24 07:35:00 | words: 5462

What's next - healing #Italy within the #European #Union #PNRR #NextGenerationEU #President
Viewed 13187 times | Published on 2022-01-30 08:05:00 | words: 4058

Thinking about #PNRR / #NextGenerationEU in #Italy - #riding vs. #making #waves
Viewed 14113 times | Published on 2022-02-07 07:00:00 | words: 3967

Whatever it takes- #navigating the treacherous waters of #politics in #PNRR and #NextGenerationEU times
Viewed 10873 times | Published on 2022-02-26 12:15:00 | words: 6992

#climate, #pandemics, #wars and #migrations: #2022 paving the way for a perfect storm decade
Viewed 10652 times | Published on 2022-02-27 10:45:00 | words: 1746

poltronificio vs. cathedral builders - #Turin and #Italy within the perfect storm
Viewed 21242 times | Published on 2022-04-10 18:20:00 | words: 2460

A #Monnet moment? Different times require different tools #NextGenerationEU #crises #war #energy #democracy
Viewed 20037 times | Published on 2022-04-17 15:20:00 | words: 4847

Let's be serious about European Union integration and its future #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 16047 times | Published on 2022-05-24 21:20:00 | words: 3244

Planning a business, planning a society - #sharing #knowledge #infrastructure and #innovation #swarming #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10875 times | Published on 2022-06-05 12:40:00 | words: 6421

Going practical: contextualizing the #Quirinale #Treaty and sketching a way forward during a government crisis #Italy #France #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #SDG
Viewed 16305 times | Published on 2022-07-21 14:25:00 | words: 8137

politiche2022_01: Tre programmi ed un marziano a Roma #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 9810 times | Published on 2022-08-18 15:05:00 | words: 7769

politiche2022_02: Costruttori di cattedrali o imbonitori? #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 8136 times | Published on 2022-09-02 13:45:00 | words: 7015

politiche2022_03: elezioni tribali in Stato tribale #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 8557 times | Published on 2022-09-09 12:20:00 | words: 3820

politiche2022_04: il dopo elezioni è già iniziato #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 8298 times | Published on 2022-09-17 09:00:00 | words: 4608

politiche2022_05: una finestra di 34 interviste #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 10148 times | Published on 2022-09-23 11:00:00 | words: 3700

politiche2022_06: ad urne chiuse #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 11677 times | Published on 2022-09-26 08:00:00 | words: 2505

#rethinking #digital #transformation #democracy in #Italy
Viewed 14681 times | Published on 2022-09-27 12:20:00 | words: 2893

reforms and measuring business and society: #KPIs in a #data - #centric #ecosystem #EU #Italy
Viewed 9877 times | Published on 2022-10-08 23:40:00 | words: 5062

Celebrating November 4th and looking forward Italy European Union
Viewed 9596 times | Published on 2022-11-03 23:55:00 | words: 2094

Sustainability and elasticity - looking beyond the obvious #convergence #social #model #digital #green #transformation
Viewed 10822 times | Published on 2022-12-12 21:00:00 | words: 6158

Implementing the Quirinale Treaty at the NextGenerationEU times #PNRR
Viewed 9237 times | Published on 2023-01-10 19:10:00 | words: 5794

Developing a crisis into an innovation opportunity #Turin #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #Stellantis
Viewed 8303 times | Published on 2023-02-28 17:20:00 | words: 4808

Digital transformation and expanding organizational frontiers - part A: framework #Turin #Italy #EU #innovation #data #centric
Viewed 10991 times | Published on 2023-05-15 20:00:00 | words: 5860

Digital transformation and expanding organizational frontiers - part B: application- few ideas #Turin #Italy #EU #innovation #data #centric
Viewed 5171 times | Published on 2023-06-02 17:40:00 | words: 8606

#sustainability after #COVID and beyond #NextGenerationEU: #compliance and fostering an #ecosystem - with notes and links on #Turin #Italy #EU
Viewed 6103 times | Published on 2023-06-29 22:00:00 | words: 9134

Business continuity in an industrialized tribal society #Italy
Viewed 5916 times | Published on 2023-07-21 08:20:00 | words: 3212

Market failure, State remedy, and citizenship in a data-centric society
Viewed 5172 times | Published on 2023-08-02 15:03:00 | words: 13119

Accelerating European Union rights integration: from directive- to regulation-based harmonization (with cameos since 1990s)
Viewed 17441 times | Published on 2023-08-24 15:53:00 | words: 9525

Adding enablers to a data-centric society: it is not just about technologies
Viewed 14272 times | Published on 2023-09-12 17:30:00 | words: 6105

A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 1 of 4 - sustainability
Viewed 15374 times | Published on 2023-09-20 13:50:00 | words: 7221

A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 2 of 4 - technology
Viewed 14201 times | Published on 2023-09-24 08:20:00 | words: 7119

A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 3 of 4 - society
Viewed 13983 times | Published on 2023-10-01 23:45:00 | words: 5921

A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 4 of 4 - connecting the dots
Viewed 14728 times | Published on 2023-10-07 18:25:00 | words: 8068

The Italian way to economic policy: from Mattei to a cacophony of tribal actors #recovery #sustainability
Viewed 13855 times | Published on 2023-10-28 10:35:00 | words: 7604

The human side of supply chains: adapting to a changing social structure #Italy #Turin #automotive
Viewed 17814 times | Published on 2023-11-09 23:30:00 | words: 6839

Converting an issue and a need into an opportunity: the Turin case
Viewed 15927 times | Published on 2023-11-28 13:00:00 | words: 9035

Legislative reforms and direct democracy in a data-centric society: lessons from business and politics in Italy
Viewed 16527 times | Published on 2023-12-19 23:10:00 | words: 11352

Overcoming cognitive dissonance on the path to a real EU-wide industrial policy
Viewed 17557 times | Published on 2024-01-21 22:10:00 | words: 8653

Intermezzo: structural political change in Italy in the first European election with NextGenerationEU
Viewed 16330 times | Published on 2024-01-31 22:10:00 | words: 5258

EP2024Series_00 The tumbleweed of EU decision-making European Parliament elections
Viewed 10968 times | Published on 2024-03-17 14:00:00 | words: 4417

EP2024_001: Preamble - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 10287 times | Published on 2024-04-01 07:00:00 | words: 2117

EP2024_002: Preparing - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 9181 times | Published on 2024-04-19 07:00:00 | words: 2221

EP2024_003: Policy - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 10061 times | Published on 2024-05-01 07:00:00 | words: 3233

EP2024_004: Freedoms - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 4555 times | Published on 2024-05-16 07:00:00 | words: 2008

EP2024_005: Last call - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 3483 times | Published on 2024-05-31 20:45:00 | words: 1904

EP2024_006: Impacts - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 1407 times | Published on 2024-06-16 12:20:00 | words: 2560

EP2024_007: First lights - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 4114 times | Published on 2024-06-25 21:50:00 | words: 1913

EP2024_008: Dancing - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 1613 times | Published on 2024-07-12 22:54:00 | words: 1813

EP2024_009: Bartering - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 2527 times | Published on 2024-07-28 23:50:00 | words: 1510

EP2024_010: Preparing2 - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 2739 times | Published on 2024-08-11 23:00:00 | words: 2606

EP2024_011: Settling - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 664 times | Published on 2024-08-25 07:00:00 | words: 24

EP2024_012: Spitzenkandidaten - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 1192 times | Published on 2024-09-07 14:15:00 | words: 2458

EP2024_013: Incoming - #European #Parliament #elections
Viewed 546 times | Published on 2024-09-22 09:00:00 | words: 2592

directly elect a Prime Minister or the President? contextualizing reforms in Italy
Viewed 8199 times | Published on 2024-04-21 22:45:00 | words: 2783

Section: Observation and Innovation / Citizen Audit

Fast revolutions, long reforms: citizen audit and knowledge after COVID-19
Viewed 12012 times | Published on 2020-07-12 11:25:48 | words: 4110

Recovery plan and Legge 77/2020: a tale of two worlds- converging #EU and #Italy
Viewed 10635 times | Published on 2020-07-31 15:50:02 | words: 5944

Seizing the industrial policy opportunity: competence centers and recovery plan in Italy - thinking systemically
Viewed 17474 times | Published on 2020-09-12 18:00:00 | words: 4602

Grant or loan? The Halloween of Italy Recovery Plan COVID19
Viewed 8475 times | Published on 2020-10-30 20:30:00 | words: 5978

Another step ahead/03 2021-05-11 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11345 times | Published on 2021-05-11 16:40:00 | words: 5136

Another step ahead/04 2021-05-23 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11499 times | Published on 2021-05-23 21:00:00 | words: 5109

A visual journey: from #NextGenerationEU to #PNRR (piano nazionale ripresa e resilienza) to #NextGenerationItalia - part 2
Viewed 8775 times | Published on 2021-06-09 20:00:00 | words: 1328

Another step ahead/05 2021-08-19 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 12388 times | Published on 2021-08-19 18:00:00 | words: 3766

Looking at #NextGenerationEU #RRF #PNRR through time
Viewed 8326 times | Published on 2021-10-10 16:40:00 | words: 2690

Crises and the Monnet Method: looking forward beyond interim adversities EU
Viewed 11543 times | Published on 2022-03-17 23:00:00 | words: 3254

The Phoenix town Turin PNRR NextGenerationEU transition
Viewed 10055 times | Published on 2022-03-20 19:15:00 | words: 4582

Not only blockchain: financial data disintermediation and transparency, as continuous risk monitoring democratization
Viewed 8480 times | Published on 2022-10-20 11:15:00 | words: 2799

Year end and implement(ing) sustainable reforms in a tribal society #PNRR #NextGenerationEU #RRF
Viewed 8326 times | Published on 2022-12-31 20:00:00 | words: 3152

Reading pre- and post-COVID corporate narratives, the Italian case: a dataset in fieri
Viewed 4559 times | Published on 2023-07-26 14:30:00 | words: 1992

The human side of sustainability: looking at the demographic trends of Turin
Viewed 17236 times | Published on 2023-10-10 22:20:00 | words: 3822

Looking at pre- and post-COVID : decomposition by industry
Viewed 7193 times | Published on 2023-11-03 23:50:00 | words: 3605

Presenting a dataset on election results in Italy 1946-2022
Viewed 279 times | Published on 2024-08-20 17:30:00 | words: 2080

Section: Observation and Innovation / Communication: Strumenti

Strumenti02 Cenni per una bibliografia ragionata
Viewed 16010 times | Published on 2012-02-10 20:30:00 | words: 3989

Strumenti03 Meta-politica
Viewed 18495 times | Published on 2012-08-17 09:30:00 | words: 3908

Strumenti04 Comunicazione come atto negoziale - parte prima
Viewed 14774 times | Published on 2013-02-23 00:30:00 | words: 5537

Strumenti05 Comunicazione come atto negoziale - parte seconda
Viewed 11603 times | Published on 2014-10-31 15:12:00 | words: 7245

Section: Observation and Innovation / Glossary: Common sense

Wordbook: Democratizing #opendata - ECB speeches case
Viewed 8530 times | Published on 2019-11-19 21:45:24 | words: 2159

Wordbook: Digital Transformation and Innovation- the social impacts
Viewed 8928 times | Published on 2019-12-28 21:27:11 | words: 1033

Wordbook: Asymptote vs. Osintot - the impact of ignorance on planning
Viewed 10916 times | Published on 2020-01-16 07:55:08 | words: 1257

Section: Books / Ongoing

BookBlog20170902 Drafting a book - FrankfurtDiaries and a language journey
Viewed 6026 times | Published on 2017-09-02 12:34:15 | words: 2278

BookBlog20180423 Number crunching and knowledge sharing
Viewed 4384 times | Published on 2018-04-23 14:49:23 | words: 772

BookBlog20180604 "The Business Side of" series concept #GDPR #BYOD #privacy #change
Viewed 6582 times | Published on 2018-06-04 11:33:44 | words: 2118

BookBlog20201223 It takes a (global) village - introducing the CitizenAudit book series
Viewed 10953 times | Published on 2020-12-23 15:00:00 | words: 2290

BookBlog20210522 Degrees of political freedom while transitioning toward a data centric society based on commons
Viewed 7839 times | Published on 2021-05-22 12:00:00 | words: 4273

BookBlog20210712 Publishing outline and channels for the next 12 months: a tentative plan
Viewed 15269 times | Published on 2021-07-12 21:00:00 | words: 4648

BookBlog20230609 Testing the ground on a different approach and a public service announce on Turin
Viewed 4341 times | Published on 2023-06-09 23:57:00 | words: 5083

BookBlog20231208 audiences, presenting, publishing
Viewed 6193 times | Published on 2023-12-08 15:30:00 | words: 5692

BookBlog20240303 Converging data products, projects, and publications- a progress report
Viewed 9151 times | Published on 2024-03-03 22:30:00 | words: 3979

Section: Books / Published

Book05. Strumenti per la comunicazione e promozione di idee - #DirittoDiVoto - 01 ISBN 978-1505281521 2014-11-30
Viewed 15721 times | Published on 2016-06-16 20:07:35 | words: 788

Book09. The business side of GDPR: cultural and organizational impacts ISBN 978-1718910836 2018-06-03
Viewed 11308 times | Published on 2018-05-21 09:05:23 | words: 417

Section: Books / CenturyOfTheCommons

Viewed 10553 times | Published on 2016-02-07 15:30:19 | words: 1404

CenturyOfTheCommons02_Asymmetric commons
Viewed 9267 times | Published on 2016-03-06 13:27:37 | words: 1517

CenturyOfTheCommons04 Moving from #big #data to #shared #real #time #KPIs
Viewed 8418 times | Published on 2018-04-26 14:21:41 | words: 884

Section: Books / Bibliography

Procacci - History of the Italian People - ISBN 9780140135909 - 4/5
Viewed 4927 times | Published on 2018-04-22 21:21:43 | words: 249

Bradley - No Place to Hide 1946/1984 - ISBN 9780874512748 - 4/5
Viewed 2626 times | Published on 2018-04-23 08:07:48 | words: 234

Novelli - La democrazia del talk show - ISBN 9788843080854 - 4/5
Viewed 3232 times | Published on 2018-04-25 21:31:12 | words: 659

Schmitt - La Notion De Politique/Theorie Du Partisan - ISBN 2081228734 - 3.5/5
Viewed 3026 times | Published on 2018-04-26 09:29:29 | words: 585

Wrigley - Continuity, Chance and Change - ISBN 0521356482 - 3.5/5
Viewed 3283 times | Published on 2018-04-26 09:38:07 | words: 991

Mosca - La webpolitica - ISBN 8860876818 - 3.5/5
Viewed 4053 times | Published on 2018-04-26 09:46:31 | words: 841

Damilano - Processo al Nuovo - ISBN 9788858129784 - 3.5/5
Viewed 2950 times | Published on 2018-04-27 10:33:05 | words: 736

Di Martino - Ricchi per caso: la parabola dello sviluppo economico italiano - ISBN 9788815271440 - 3.5/5
Viewed 8740 times | Published on 2018-04-30 11:54:05 | words: 1048

Müller - L'enigma democrazia: le idee politiche nell'Europa del Novecento - ISBN 9788806213008 - 3.5/5
Viewed 4407 times | Published on 2018-04-30 11:54:45 | words: 119

Mini - Soldati - ISBN 8806189441 - 3.5/5
Viewed 2894 times | Published on 2018-04-30 11:56:51 | words: 282

Fortunato - Ripensare la Fiat di Melfi - ISBN 8843047345 - 3.5/5
Viewed 3060 times | Published on 2018-05-01 22:42:06 | words: 653

Wu - Usa-united States of Asia - ISBN 1608761800 - 3.5/5
Viewed 3026 times | Published on 2018-05-01 22:43:12 | words: 689

Kawasaki - The Art of Social Media - ISBN 1591848075 - 3.5/5
Viewed 3043 times | Published on 2018-05-02 12:48:27 | words: 904

Ammassari - élites e processi decisionali tra politica ed economia - ISBN 8849820399 - 3.5/5
Viewed 5032 times | Published on 2018-05-02 12:50:37 | words: 332

Francesco - Sognare l'Europa - ISBN 9788810963173 - 3.5/5
Viewed 2952 times | Published on 2018-05-02 12:57:57 | words: 530

Imbriani - Macroeconomia - ISBN 8860084059 - 4/5
Viewed 2759 times | Published on 2018-05-02 13:02:20 | words: 646

Fox - The Myth of the Rational Market - ISBN 9780060599034 - 4/5
Viewed 2775 times | Published on 2018-05-06 21:04:44 | words: 366

Paxton - The Anatomy of Fascism - ISBN 9780713997200 - 4/5
Viewed 4111 times | Published on 2018-05-14 10:51:35 | words: 422

Hasegawa - L'auto pulita - ISBN 9788895399171 - 4/5
Viewed 3555 times | Published on 2018-05-22 10:27:04 | words: 1052

Keese - Silicon Germany - ISBN 9783328101925 - 4/5
Viewed 12883 times | Published on 2018-05-28 18:03:25 | words: 1151

Manin - Principes du gouvernement représentatif - ISBN 9782081286184 - 3.5/5
Viewed 8529 times | Published on 2018-05-28 18:04:12 | words: 284

Florindi - Criptovalute: manuale di sopravvivenza - ISBN 9788868306779 - 4/5
Viewed 4997 times | Published on 2018-05-30 11:48:56 | words: 854

Jacobs - The Economy of Cities - ISBN 9780394705842 - 3.5/5
Viewed 2818 times | Published on 2018-05-30 11:49:36 | words: 494

Ferdinand Von Schirach - Terror / Ein Theaterstück und eine Rede - ISBN 9783442714964 - 3.5/5
Viewed 6995 times | Published on 2018-11-18 13:00:00 | words: 1069

Tombari-Greco - Fondazioni 3.0: Da banchieri a motori di un nuovo sviluppo - ISBN 9788830101326 - 3.5/5
Viewed 8505 times | Published on 2020-06-06 19:43:04 | words: 1311

Pedneault - Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation: From Detection to Prosecution - ISBN 0470560479 - 3.5/5
Viewed 15058 times | Published on 2020-07-02 22:30:52 | words: 716

Section: Data democracy

Case 01: ECB Speeches search by tag cloud
Viewed 5175 times | Published on 2020-05-18 16:33:33 | words: 160

Law&Versioning in #Italy - an experiment in #swarm #democracy
Viewed 21611 times | Published on 2020-06-03 17:40:00 | words: 587

For a forward-looking NextGenerationEU based on UN SDGs in Italy
Viewed 18642 times | Published on 2021-01-31 13:00:00 | words: 2153

End of a week of focus on #PNRR #NextGenerationEU and #transparency
Viewed 15577 times | Published on 2021-08-21 22:30:00 | words: 2405

Politiche 2022
Viewed 14799 times | Published on 2022-08-10 09:00:00 | words: 460

Not because it is easy: being there and getting there in a data-centric democracy
Viewed 10482 times | Published on 2022-11-16 12:30:00 | words: 6687

Section: Organizational support

Organizational Support 01 : matching demand and potential offer #AI #software
Viewed 9440 times | Published on 2022-09-15 15:45:00 | words: 3445

Organizational Support 02 : integrating AI and blockchain in competitive supply chains with #circular #economy #automotive example
Viewed 14554 times | Published on 2022-09-23 15:45:00 | words: 5502

Organizational Support 03 : three examples of integrating AI- portfolio, people management, vendor controlling
Viewed 7885 times | Published on 2023-01-03 12:20:00 | words: 4782

Organizational Support 04 : Of books, AI, sustainability, and... humans
Viewed 7454 times | Published on 2023-01-17 15:00:00 | words: 6865

Organizational Support 05: A flying project
Viewed 12314 times | Published on 2023-04-29 22:45:00 | words: 3571

Organizational Support 06: Experiments in technology democratization: the ethical dimension of a systemic view
Viewed 4508 times | Published on 2023-07-15 20:00:00 | words: 9558

Organizational Support 07: Experiments in prototyping human-IoT interactions in decision-making using open source and low-cost
Viewed 11714 times | Published on 2023-08-08 22:50:00 | words: 4758

Organizational Support 08: blending physical and digital- starting with an existing need
Viewed 10533 times | Published on 2023-10-29 21:45:00 | words: 3880

Organizational Support 09: shuffling and pruning- an organizational PDCA proposal
Viewed 15820 times | Published on 2024-01-09 13:45:00 | words: 17617

Organizational Support 10: strategy-oriented KPIs in a data-centric society
Viewed 13535 times | Published on 2024-02-15 17:50:00 | words: 11346

Organizational Support 11: business data-based storytelling - a concept and a COVID-inspired sample
Viewed 9857 times | Published on 2024-03-28 22:55:00 | words: 6644