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You are here: Home > Suggested readings > Imbriani - Macroeconomia - ISBN 8860084059 - 4/5

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Published on 2018-05-02 | Updated on 2018-05-03 10:32:43 | words: 646


Imbriani, Antonio Lopes Cesare
BookID 113278532
ISBN 8860084059
(see LibraryThing.com card)
Description (from Amazon)---
My review: 4/5In and by itself, this book manages to summarize in a readable but rigourous way (including for the mathematical averse) through an amazing range of subjects, including discussing both private and public policy, the ECB and its role, and various theories- not just in (macro,micro,whatever)economics, but also influences from other sources, e.g. philosophy.

As part of my knowledge update and refresh, thanks to the postponement of a project, I focused this week on Macroeconomics.

This book is useful if you follow my approach: search for ""macroeconomia"" within the books that I reviewed, and you will see that I am following the ""multiple exposures"" approach (nothing to do with cameras- it is an approach when you get repeatedly through the same subject but using different sources).

In my case, I had previous knowledge (actually, since the early 1980s- I went first through macroeconomics concept due to publication from what were then the European Communities, now EU, than through microeconomics in business- in the latter, I was exposed first from a banking/insurance perspective to the ""lifecycle"" model of Modigliani, in 1987).

I read few books before this, and will read few more over the next couple of weeks, but I added this one to my ""to buy"" list- also if for the time being, after reading it to ""fix and refresh"" it was certainly useful to connect-the-dots with few courses that, following the same concept, I followed online since 2009.

I think that, also if you are not interested professionally, a book such as this one could help in cutting through all the propaganda of economic conspiracy theorists that claim to convert each viewer of a video into a Monday morning economist.

Actually, before reading this book, if you cannot stomach reading few ""standard"" books on macroeconomics, I suggest that you have a look at the following (free) courses online: the MIT one is the more ""technical"" one, along with the one from Moscow, but probably both are survivable- and, anyway, all these courses make extensive use of visuals to ""fix"" concepts.

As the only negative point of this book is: there is plenty of material that could be easily converted into bullet lists, Excel spreadsheets for exploration, charts, etc- anything that could be delivered through a website, but it is up to you to complement this book.

Yale Game Theory Polak 2009

MIT Microeconomics 2011

Yale Finance (2008 and 2011 editions) Fischer 2011 and 2013

Columbia Economic of Money and Banking 2014

Moscow Public Economics 2014

After reading this book, I would suggest to experiment with data from OECD, World Bank, IMF (e.g. I did few months ago an experiment with OECD data from ""Doing Business"" http://www.slideshare.net/robertolofaro/thinking-about-doing-business-2014-understan - OpenOffice or Excel are enough, albeit probably you will have better Infographic abilities than I do)"
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