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You are here: Home > Data items since 2019

Viewed 21650 times | words: 1352
Published on 2021-04-27 | Updated on 2022-12-12 16:00:00 | words: 1352

Most recent update: 2022-12-22

This page contains data items (datasets, webapps, analysis, Jupyter Notebooks, etc) released since 2019

Announces of new publications and updates: see on Twitter @changerulebook

click here to download CVs and profiling documents, or see a sample companies list since 1986

Datasets released since 2019

ECB Speeches etc. from 1997
released: 2019-10
updated: weekly

Global Risk Report: EU 27 priorization perception
released: 2022-12
updated: 2022-12
webapp (coming soon)

Borsa Italiana Listino as of 2022-11-19
released: 2022-11
updated: 2022-11
webapp (coming soon)

UN SDG - EU 27 sample datamart (subset for 7 KPIs)
released: 2019-12
updated: 2022-11
webapp (coming soon)

Selected indicators from World Bank 2000-2021
released: 2020-04
updated: 2022-11
webapp (coming soon)

Politiche 2022 - 34 interviews 20220908-20220921
released: 2022-09
updated: -
webapp (coming soon)

Recovery and Resilience Facility - Baseline KPIs
released: 2022-09
updated: -
webapp (coming soon)

Italian National Elections 2022 - political cloud
released: 2022-08
updated: -

Italy's PNRR - funding and coverage
funding timeline from the European Council assessment as of 2021-07-08

released: 2021-10
updated: -
webapp (coming soon)

EU recovery and resilience facility current status
summary information on grants and loans requested, and documents presented

released: 2021-06
updated: -
webapp (coming soon)

PNRR NextGenerationEU in Italy
presentations civil society presentations to the Parliament 2020-10-06 to 2020-03-18

released: 2019-10
updated: 2021-03

Italian State Libraries 1994-2018, focus 2000-2018
data from public MIBACT datasets, selected and collated for a publication

released: 2021-02
updated: 2021-02
webapp (coming soon)

Italy - shp files in CSV- from EEA and ISTAT
data for geolocalization and visualization projects

released: 2020-12
updated: 2020-12

EU 27 Energy sources - consumption 1990-2018
energy production, import, export by source - consumption by sector

released: 2020-11
updated: 2020-11
webapp (coming soon)

L 77/2020 2020-07-17 - word frequencies, timeframe
released: 2020-07
updated: 2020-07

Decreto Rilancio DL 20200519 - word frequencies
released: 2020-05
updated: 2020-05

Italian Cultural Heritage Sample Data 2015-2018
released: 2020-05
updated: 2020-05
webapp (coming soon)

Data analysis example

Along with datasets, I released also Jupyter Notebooks, as experiments in reproducing what I used to deliver in the past to customers as part of e.g. organizational or technological feasibility studies.

Each dataset on my Kaggle profile has also an associated Jupyter Notebook, to share my work-in-progress on each dataset.

In January 2021, as a further experiment, for a "challenge" on data analysis, built both a Jupyter Notebook, some reusable software components (to ease reproducibility of future analyses, creating also picture files and an "audit trail" of the output of data processing).

In the end, added also a book (the free version can be read via the links on its Leanpub.com page).

Thanks to the recent release of a new feature by Kaggle, you can also read the Jupyter Notebook embedded in the following box:

Social media presence