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You are here: Home > Observation and innovation

Viewed 26030 times | words: 561
Published on 2020-05-31 | Updated on 2021-04-18 16:30:00 | words: 561

Links to articles in this section: Few words about the rationale of this section

Thinking systemically: easier to say, than to do.


Because thinking systemically demands at least two choices:
  1. observing reality from a level high enough to see its boundaries
  2. accepting that there will be times when you do not have the human and financial resources needed under your control
  3. co-opt in this "thinking systemically" also those that traditionally are your competitors, if and when needed
  4. last but not least, accept that, in order to achieve your goals, sometimes you have to generate for third parties "positive externalities" that exceed those that you will receive.
The list could, of course, be longer- but I think that the last point is the most critical one, in our "lone leader" times.

The title of this section is observation and innovation.

I strongly believe that you cannot have the latter without the former, and that, while implementation of innovation is often a team effort, and innovation as conceptualization might be a "solo effort", formal or informal cooperation is at the earth of observation.

What is formal cooperation? Of course, when you negotiate, deal assemble a partnership- purpose oriented or structural, doesn't matter.

What is informal cooperation? In change, an assessment often involves both collecting information, and looking for sources (from "best practices", to case studies, to "lateral thinking" by accessing material apparently not specifically for your domain).

The gateway for my past (and probably future) activities in this area is PartnershipIncubator.com

In my view, any change is cultural change: also if you just switch physical tools in a manufacturing plant, or a software in your finance department, or a process or timeline, you are "importing" the culture embedded within those "tools".

Sometimes you have to dig deeper to identify the "embedded culture", sometimes is presented as a "manifesto", but it is there.

At least, this is my experience since 1986, and even before in politics and while serving in the Army: frankly, it might be my personal interest and background in studying cultures and how they express, but I still have to find something that, when assembled in a presentation or delivery, does not "embed" a culture.

The gateway for my past (and probably future) activities in this area is PRConsulting.com

You can find in this sections shorter articles and longer essays (some then converted into mini-books or silent videos.

Enjoy the (free) reading- and contact me on either Linkedin or Facebook if you have comments or suggestions.