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You are here: Home > Business books > Book05. Strumenti per la comunicazione e promozione di idee - #DirittoDiVoto - 01 ISBN 978-1505281521 2014-11-30

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Published on 2016-06-16 | Updated on 2023-05-30 09:30:00 | words: 788

This book is available as paperback on Amazon.com (check also to your closest Amazon website for a lower price / no S&H)

The digital edition is available for free, or to purchase, on leanpub.com (Acrobat without DRM)

Also, as it is the only book that I published in my mother tongue (Italian) so far, you can read it here as a series of articles.

DirittoDiVoto series, vol. 01

This short book is about "why" and "how" to integrate your online and offline (meetings, events, etc) activities, but it was not meant to be a guide to Facebook, Twitter, o any other social media/social network.

Actually, it started as a curated collections of articles on the same theme that published years ago on DirittoDiVoto.Com, expanded and reviewed for publication.

What was DirittoDiVoto.Com? While resident abroad, and registered with the AIRE (Italian citizens' registration system for Italians resident abroad, as Italy has worldwide taxation), at last Italian abroad received the right to vote for the Italian Parliament.

Instead of giving a restricted vote, de facto more than once those elected abroad were lost for their constituents, settling in Rome, and even taking pivotal roles in supporting laws of matters of no or limited concern for Italian residents abroad, and more than once were indispensable to keep afloat a government.

So, it was a useful tool (representation for Italian citizens abroad), albeit a kind of reversal of the old mantra of Western democracies "no taxation without representation".

The missing link? Bidirectional, multichannel (physical and virtual) communication with voters- except, of course, few weeks before elections, and maybe few days after (for those elected), and few weeks after (for those not elected spilling the beans on their own party).

Hence, articles presenting the political platform for all the Italian political parties that had candidates in Europe that registered voters with AIRE could vote for, and articles sharing bits of "mechanics", to hopefully support a more constructive and sustainable dialogue.

Why in Italian? Because the articles (say from 2008-2009) targeted Italians.

You can look for further material on my website about communication in politics (92 articles as of 2023-05-30).

You can contact me on http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertolofaro

Questo libro discute "perchè" e "come" integrare le vostre attività online con quelle tradizionali (riunioni, feste, manifestazioni, ecc.), ma non vuole essere una guida all'utilizzo di Facebook, Twitter, o altri social media/social network.

In realtà, nasce come raccolta ragionata degli articoli sullo stesso tema pubblicati negli ultimi anni sul sito DirittoDiVoto.Com, ampliati e rivisti per la pubblicazione.

Il testo del libro è anche disponibile online su questo sito, diviso in capitoli, nella sezione "strumenti".

In futuro, ulteriori capitoli o articoli saranno annunciati sullo stesso sito.

(book published on 2014-11-30)