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You are here: Home > Suggested readings > Cattaneo - Fare lobby. Manuale di pubblic affairs - ISBN 8845311198 - 4/5

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Published on 2018-05-21 11:23:43 | words: 525


Cattaneo, Paolo Zanetto Alberto
Fare lobby. Manuale di pubblic affairs
BookID 109016589
ISBN 8845311198
(see LibraryThing.com card)
Description (from Amazon)---
My review: 4/5the most useful element of this book is a step-by-step approach to stakeholder identification, analysis, and management+monitoring- not just for lobbying purposes; it contains also a down-to-earth description of coalition-building and negotiation issues that relies heavily on game theory and famous negotiation approaches- but without quoting them (i.e. no theory required- but see the suggested readings)

anyway, it includes an analysis on the organizational approach adopted in different industries (telco, pharma, utilities) on the management of public affairs- a straightforward guide on deciding how to organize your own lobbying activities

something that should be considered critical in any project, programme (for my USA friends: program), or initiative with wide-ranging impacts, both in the private and public sector, notably when an innovation (in service, product, or even just re-balancing of powers) needs first to generate consensus

most (notably start-ups) often forget that the cost of "evangelization" has to be factored in, and the only way to optimize the allocation of scarce resources is to a) choose the right targets b) keep monitoring evolutions that could require a different distribution of your "lobbying" activities

anyway- being a book written by the founders of a company providing services on public affairs, here and there ignore some "plugging" (what in Italian is usually defined "Cicero pro domo sua")

Additional suggested readings:
1. "Managing Successful Programmes 2011 Edition" http://www.librarything.com/work/12178691/book/88652157 (see also online at www.best-management-practice.com for examples on how it was used for the 2012 London Olympic games)
2. "The new practical guide to the EU labyrinth" http://www.librarything.com/work/8932367/book/79826275 (useful to complement this book, focused on the Italian legislative process, with the EU one; maybe it is worth checking a newer edition and network on Linkedin with relevant groups)
3. "Elites e processi decisionali tra politica ed economia. Analisi di casi" http://www.librarything.com/work/14989327/book/108887874 (it includes cases from both the private and public sectors; see also the detailed review that I posted on Librarything)
4. "In che senso? Che cosa sono le relazioni pubbliche" http://www.librarything.com/work/12252468/book/82758489
5. "Game Theory: A non-Technical Introduction" http://www.librarything.com/work/142968/book/91059607
6. "Swarming and the future of conflict (DB311)" http://www.librarything.com/work/2314401/book/79679434
7. "Foreign and Security Policy Decisionmaking Under Yeltsin" http://www.librarything.com/work/11907795/book/92683207
8. "Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" http://www.librarything.com/work/8196602/book/109081798

if you prefer a visual analysis... have a look at the movie "Thank you for smoking" and the BBC documentary "The Century of Self"
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