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Tag: competence
Elements retrieved: 60
- Section: Observation and Innovation / Business: rethinking
Per una politica industriale che veda oltre le prossime elezioni #industry40 #GDPR #cybersecurity / For an industrial policy that survives election cycles #industry40 #GDPR #cybersecurity
Viewed 23075 times | Published on 2018-03-15 22:38:15 | words: 4158
Reinventing a company town - Turin, Italy and FIAT / FCA
Viewed 8468 times | Published on 2018-12-07 17:51:32 | words: 2896
Wheeling into the future - #Turin and the future of #FCA and #CNH - #Iveco
Viewed 8166 times | Published on 2019-09-04 16:36:35 | words: 5800
It is safe? Loooking forward post-COVID19 #Italy #automotive #banking #retail #urbanization #industrial #policy #COVID19
Viewed 19446 times | Published on 2020-05-05 16:54:53 | words: 7166
#Ecology of #information and #work post-COVID
Viewed 8132 times | Published on 2020-06-20 22:48:36 | words: 2729
Going smart or going postal? smartwork, smartcities, smartvehicles- the Turin and Italy case - part 2
Viewed 15668 times | Published on 2020-10-01 21:00:00 | words: 5017
Going smart (with data): the Italian case - introduction
Viewed 10620 times | Published on 2020-11-18 08:00:00 | words: 4405
Going smart (with data): the Italian case - a tale of two cities, virtual and physical - Turin example
Viewed 19301 times | Published on 2020-11-20 15:30:00 | words: 7132
The nine islands of continuous organizational learning #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #COVID19
Viewed 17214 times | Published on 2021-04-22 22:00:00 | words: 11202
Going smart: intermezzo on the future of compliance and regulation
Viewed 22058 times | Published on 2021-05-30 16:00:00 | words: 9896
Resources, timing, purpose: #NextGenerationEU - #RRF and three countries
Viewed 15755 times | Published on 2021-06-23 17:45:00 | words: 4707
data-centric human capital and policy sustainability: part 2- the process
Viewed 9250 times | Published on 2022-10-31 07:20:00 | words: 5621
Enablers vs. extractors - shifting the airpods social model toward value generation
Viewed 13994 times | Published on 2023-09-08 23:55:00 | words: 7262
Change Vs Tinkering - evolving data centric project, program, portfolio frameworks
Viewed 15443 times | Published on 2024-01-26 15:35:00 | words: 5223
Under the hood: best practices, transformation, and Weltanschauung in data-centric and AI times- part 2 structural
Viewed 11825 times | Published on 2024-03-16 17:15:00 | words: 6448- Section: Observation and Innovation / Society: EU-Italy-Turin
Amministrative 2016-07 Chiuse le urne...
Viewed 9075 times | Published on 2016-06-05 21:14:48 | words: 1341
Il paese dei leader
Viewed 19306 times | Published on 2017-01-23 22:26:37 | words: 3104
Primary colors #primarie #Italia
Viewed 6897 times | Published on 2017-04-30 10:26:31 | words: 817
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
Viewed 7096 times | Published on 2017-06-18 20:17:32 | words: 1088
L'oppio della politica e scelte di voto
Viewed 7366 times | Published on 2018-02-04 08:56:43 | words: 2027
In difesa della condivisione dei rischi e dei benefici
Viewed 9459 times | Published on 2018-03-22 14:17:50 | words: 2553
Società ad assetto variabile #manufacturing #business40
Viewed 7090 times | Published on 2018-07-09 12:47:56 | words: 617
Controcorrente: olimpiadi sì, ma non da soli
Viewed 11770 times | Published on 2018-07-20 14:43:00 | words: 1427
Pensiamo all'Internal Investment Attraction, non solo al Foreign Direct Investment
Viewed 7310 times | Published on 2018-08-06 11:49:59 | words: 2240
Viewed 7024 times | Published on 2018-08-29 17:57:10 | words: 1293
#empatia ed #attrazione / #ritenzione #investimenti
Viewed 5940 times | Published on 2018-09-11 08:01:57 | words: 4977
Modelli di sostenibilità
Viewed 7015 times | Published on 2018-09-16 13:44:52 | words: 2345
Qianli zhi xing, shi yu zuxia / a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Viewed 10659 times | Published on 2018-10-04 16:59:53 | words: 1275
#economia della #transizione #Torino #Italia #innovazione
Viewed 8669 times | Published on 2018-10-07 21:10:57 | words: 1983
brevi considerazioni a margine del #rapporto #Rota e di #Torino #Stratosferica
Viewed 8080 times | Published on 2018-10-22 07:51:06 | words: 1568
Building competencies #Turin #Piedmont #business40
Viewed 8447 times | Published on 2018-11-02 20:08:29 | words: 3235
2019-05 #Turin - the day after #elections and #FCA announce ( #RegionaliPiemonte and #EuropeanParliament2019 during #Brexit series )
Viewed 8043 times | Published on 2019-05-27 13:35:03 | words: 1714
#2020: three #twisted #reasons for a #positive #outlook for #Italy and #Turin
Viewed 16155 times | Published on 2020-01-10 14:15:41 | words: 2099
Three centuries in a month and moving forward: #Italy, #EU, and #COVID19
Viewed 14345 times | Published on 2020-04-08 18:50:58 | words: 12725
The post-COVID economy: #unbundling #scenarios for #automotive, #banking, #cities
Viewed 14704 times | Published on 2020-06-14 21:24:22 | words: 8812
A different model of #Italy - using #NextGenerationEU, #COVID, #PNRR as #leverage
Viewed 18182 times | Published on 2021-08-17 07:30:00 | words: 3879
Actionable intelligence and competence centers within #PNRR #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10628 times | Published on 2021-08-29 22:55:00 | words: 3455
Planning a business, planning a society - #sharing #knowledge #infrastructure and #innovation #swarming #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10876 times | Published on 2022-06-05 12:40:00 | words: 6421
Going practical: contextualizing the #Quirinale #Treaty and sketching a way forward during a government crisis #Italy #France #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #SDG
Viewed 16306 times | Published on 2022-07-21 14:25:00 | words: 8137
Market failure, State remedy, and citizenship in a data-centric society
Viewed 5172 times | Published on 2023-08-02 15:03:00 | words: 13119
A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 4 of 4 - connecting the dots
Viewed 14730 times | Published on 2023-10-07 18:25:00 | words: 8068
The Italian way to economic policy: from Mattei to a cacophony of tribal actors #recovery #sustainability
Viewed 13858 times | Published on 2023-10-28 10:35:00 | words: 7604
Converting an issue and a need into an opportunity: the Turin case
Viewed 15927 times | Published on 2023-11-28 13:00:00 | words: 9035
Legislative reforms and direct democracy in a data-centric society: lessons from business and politics in Italy
Viewed 16529 times | Published on 2023-12-19 23:10:00 | words: 11352
Intermezzo: structural political change in Italy in the first European election with NextGenerationEU
Viewed 16330 times | Published on 2024-01-31 22:10:00 | words: 5258
EP2024Series_00 The tumbleweed of EU decision-making European Parliament elections
Viewed 10979 times | Published on 2024-03-17 14:00:00 | words: 4417- Section: Observation and Innovation / Citizen Audit
Recovery plan and Legge 77/2020: a tale of two worlds- converging #EU and #Italy
Viewed 10638 times | Published on 2020-07-31 15:50:02 | words: 5944
Seizing the industrial policy opportunity: competence centers and recovery plan in Italy - thinking systemically
Viewed 17476 times | Published on 2020-09-12 18:00:00 | words: 4602
Grant or loan? The Halloween of Italy Recovery Plan COVID19
Viewed 8482 times | Published on 2020-10-30 20:30:00 | words: 5978
Year end and implement(ing) sustainable reforms in a tribal society #PNRR #NextGenerationEU #RRF
Viewed 8328 times | Published on 2022-12-31 20:00:00 | words: 3152- Section: Observation and Innovation / Communication: Strumenti
Strumenti01 Integrare i social network
Viewed 14942 times | Published on 2012-01-16 19:46:00 | words: 8319
Strumenti02 Cenni per una bibliografia ragionata
Viewed 16010 times | Published on 2012-02-10 20:30:00 | words: 3989
Strumenti03 Meta-politica
Viewed 18497 times | Published on 2012-08-17 09:30:00 | words: 3908
Strumenti05 Comunicazione come atto negoziale - parte seconda
Viewed 11606 times | Published on 2014-10-31 15:12:00 | words: 7245- Section: Books / Bibliography
Tombari-Greco - Fondazioni 3.0: Da banchieri a motori di un nuovo sviluppo - ISBN 9788830101326 - 3.5/5
Viewed 8507 times | Published on 2020-06-06 19:43:04 | words: 1311- Section: Organizational support
Organizational Support 03 : three examples of integrating AI- portfolio, people management, vendor controlling
Viewed 7888 times | Published on 2023-01-03 12:20:00 | words: 4782
Organizational Support 05: A flying project
Viewed 12325 times | Published on 2023-04-29 22:45:00 | words: 3571
Organizational Support 06: Experiments in technology democratization: the ethical dimension of a systemic view
Viewed 4510 times | Published on 2023-07-15 20:00:00 | words: 9558
Organizational Support 08: blending physical and digital- starting with an existing need
Viewed 10534 times | Published on 2023-10-29 21:45:00 | words: 3880
Organizational Support 10: strategy-oriented KPIs in a data-centric society
Viewed 13537 times | Published on 2024-02-15 17:50:00 | words: 11346