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Speeches for : Yves Mersch where "euro" appeared

2020-11-28 : Interview with Le Monde
2020-11-25 : Interview with Financial Times
2020-11-21 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2020-11-04 : Q&A at UBS event
2020-11-02 : Legal aspects of the ECB’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – an exclusive but narrow competence
2020-10-19 : The ECB’s monetary policy amid the pandemic
2020-10-08 : European economic governance: early lessons from the crisis
2020-09-23 : Interview with Bloomberg
2020-09-11 : Supervisory action in times of crisis and the limits of the ECB’s prudential mandate
2020-07-02 : In the spirit of European cooperation
2020-06-25 : The World Economy Transformed
2020-05-11 : An ECB digital currency – a flight of fancy?
2020-01-27 : Asset price inflation and monetary policy
2019-11-25 : From Basel III to European banking regulation
2019-11-21 : Future-proofing the European banking market – removing the obstacles to exit
2019-11-15 : Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism – recent initiatives and the role of the ECB
2019-11-12 : International trends in central bank independence: the ECB’s perspective
2019-11-11 : Opening remarks
2019-09-04 : Appointment hearing as Vice-Chair of the ECB Supervisory Board
2019-09-02 : Money and private currencies: reflections on Libra
2019-06-29 : Economic and monetary policy at a turning point – where is the economy heading in Europe, the United States and China?
2019-05-29 : Back to stable
2019-04-06 : Competitiveness of Europe and European Financial Markets
2019-03-27 : Necessity, proportionality and probity – central bank independence in unconventional times
2019-02-26 : Lending and payment systems in upheaval: the fintech challenge
2019-02-07 : Promoting innovation and integration in retail payments to achieve tangible benefits for people and businesses
2019-02-04 : The changing role of central banking
2019-01-31 : The possible triangle: frictionless movement of payments, securities and collateral across Europe
2019-01-16 : Interview with Hospodarske noviny
2019-01-11 : Tenth anniversary of the euro in Slovakia
2018-11-30 : TIPS and the future of innovative retail payment solutions in Europe
2018-11-27 : Climate change and central banking
2018-11-22 : Europe: a work in progress – political integration and economic convergence in Monetary Union
2018-10-10 : Monetary policy in the euro area - a brief assessment
2018-10-03 : The future started yesterday
2018-09-06 : Financial stability and the ECB
2018-09-03 : Strengthening the European financial industry amid disruptive global challenges
2018-07-05 : Deepening EMU – political integration and economic convergence
2018-07-01 : Are the economy and monetary policy at a turning point – and where are the European and US economies headed?
2018-06-08 : Central bank risk management in times of monetary policy normalisation
2018-05-29 : Euro Clearing – the open race
2018-04-27 : Reflections on monetary policy in the euro area
2018-04-26 : Monetary policy in the euro area: solid expansion with timid price pressure
2018-03-19 : Challenges facing monetary policy in the euro area
2018-03-14 : Interview with Luxemburger Wort
2018-02-27 : Innovation and digitalisation in payment services
2018-02-22 : Reaping the benefits of payment services in a new regulatory environment
2018-02-15 : Rencontres du Club SEPA
2018-02-14 : The role of euro banknotes as legal tender
2018-02-08 : Virtual or virtueless? The evolution of money in the digital age
2018-01-30 : The limits of central bank financing in resolution
2017-12-29 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2017-12-06 : Challenges for euro area monetary policy in early 2018
2017-11-30 : Digital transformation of the retail payments ecosystem
2017-11-16 : Securitisation Revisited
2017-11-10 : Evolving regulatory environment for CCPs – the perspective of a Central Bank
2017-11-06 : Europe in transformation: Structural, regulatory and technological challenges for the markets of tomorrow
2017-09-25 : Risk management in times of non-conventional monetary policy
2017-09-14 : Economic and financial priorities for relaunching the Eurozone and the EU
2017-09-04 : Aligning accountability with sovereignty in the European Union: the ECB’s experience
2017-07-25 : The ECB’s monetary policy stance
2017-07-24 : Central banking in times of technological progress
2017-07-07 : Retail payments in Europe: the benefits of good governance
2017-07-04 : Loan-level data transparency: achievements and future prospects
2017-05-18 : Advancing financial market integration
2017-05-18 : Developing Europe’s payment landscape
2017-05-08 : Monetary policy challenges for Europe: banking on the recovery
2017-05-05 : Zentralbankunabhängigkeit auf dem Prüfstand
2017-04-28 : Why Europe Still Needs Cash
2017-04-08 : Remarks on the future of economic governance in Europe and the euro
2017-03-30 : Central bank independence revisited
2017-02-10 : Behaving responsibly in a low interest rate environment: A central banker's perspective
2017-01-31 : Digital transformation: Europe's integrated market of tomorrow
2017-01-26 : Ructions in the repo market - monetary easing or regulatory squeezing?
2017-01-16 : Digital Base Money: an assessment from the ECB's perspective
2017-01-06 : 2017 - a decisive year for innovative retail payment services
2016-12-06 : Distributed Ledger Technology: role and relevance of the ECB
2016-11-17 : The causes of monetary policy measures and their impact - a review
2016-11-10 : Comments by Yves Mersch at Financial Services summit
2016-10-27 : Low interest rate environment - an economic, legal and social analysis
2016-10-12 : The ECB and the Federal Reserve - an ocean apart?
2016-10-11 : Speaking points for an event organised by MNI Connect
2016-10-03 : The challenge of low interest rates for banks within the banking union
2016-09-26 : The next steps in the evolution of the Eurosystem's market infrastructure
2016-09-19 : Banks adapting to the new normal: Striking a balance between prudence and pragmatism
2016-09-07 : Reaching for perfection – building the market infrastructure of tomorrow
2016-09-03 : Introductory remarks for the discussion panel ‘The Future of the Euro'
2016-06-29 : Opening remarks at the Academy of European Law
2016-06-23 : Monetary policy in the euro area: scope, principles and limits
2016-06-16 : Unkonventionelle Geldpolitik - eine ordnungspolitische Würdigung
2016-06-14 : Grasping the new normal of the banking industry - a view from a European Central Banker
2016-06-07 : Making Europe's financial market infrastructure a bulwark of financial stability (speaking points)
2016-05-05 : Bares bleibt Wahres
2016-04-25 : Distributed ledger technology - panacea or flash in the pan?
2016-04-09 : Scope and Limits of Monetary Policy
2016-03-22 : Shaping the future of Europe's financial market infrastructure
2016-02-16 : Oral hearing of the Federal Constitutional Court 16 February 2016 in the OMT proceedings
2016-02-04 : Policy needs, knowns and unknowns in the aftermath of the crisis
2016-01-27 : Current developments in the German banking market
2016-01-18 : Growth potential and competition - what lies ahead for card payments?
2015-12-29 : Interview with International Bankers Forum
2015-12-03 : Auf neuen Wegen zum alten Ziel
2015-11-18 : Keynote speech Euro Finance Week
2015-11-16 : “A currency beyond the nation state: The euro and its institutional challenges ahead”
2015-11-15 : Interview with Les Echos
2015-11-12 : Three challenges for the banking sector
2015-11-11 : Elemente des Entwurfs des Aktionsplans zur Schaffung einer Kapitalmarktunion
2015-11-06 : View of a Central Banker on the Future of Banking
2015-10-26 : Challenges of retail payments innovation
2015-10-14 : The future of Europe's financial market infrastructure: the Eurosystem's Vision 2020
2015-10-14 : Interview with The Asian Banker
2015-10-13 : Speech at MNI Connect event
2015-09-29 : Means of payments and SMEs: where are we heading?
2015-09-10 : Medium to long-term priorities of Capital Markets Union (CMU) for the ECB/Eurosystem
2015-07-14 : Ways towards more dynamic growth
2015-07-02 : Translating a shared vision into a winning story
2015-06-25 : On European Unity: Economic and Institutional Challenges Facing Europe
2015-06-16 : Introductory statement on TARGET2-Securities (T2S) before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
2015-06-11 : Capital Markets Union: Optimising investment and financing conditions, increasing resilience
2015-06-04 : Getting the balance right: innovation, trust and regulation in retail payments
2015-05-18 : Swedbank Economic Outlook Seminar
2015-05-07 : Interview with La Vanguardia
2015-04-24 : Dinner speech at EUI-NOMICS
2015-04-08 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2015-03-10 : The Future of Banking - a Central Banker's view
2015-01-25 : Advancing Monetary Union
2014-11-17 : Aktuelle geldpolitische Herausforderungen
2014-10-22 : Capital markets union - the “Why” and the “How”
2014-10-17 : Monetary policy and economic inequality
2014-09-26 : Tackling unemployment in Europe - increasing mobility, enhancing flexibility, optimising education
2014-09-17 : Towards a new collateral landscape
2014-09-10 : For a European capital markets union - Securing stability, overcoming fragmentation
2014-06-29 : Interview für den Deutschlandfunk
2014-06-11 : Next steps for European securitisation markets
2014-05-31 : Law, money and market: the legal dimension of monetary policy
2014-05-24 : Finance in an environment of downsizing banks
2014-05-19 : Rede bei der BayernLB Fixed Income Conference
2014-05-19 : Euro banknotes - a means of payment recognised worldwide
2014-05-15 : EU integration and the road to the euro area
2014-05-14 : Keynote speech at 70th Banking Conference of German Cooperative Banks
2014-05-14 : Keynote speech
2014-05-05 : Institutional overhaul of the euro area - progress and remaining challenges
2014-04-17 : Launching the ECB-coordinated technical cooperation with central banks of the Western Balkan
2014-04-07 : Banks, SMEs and securitisation
2014-03-24 : Efficient retail payments: key in strengthening the competitiveness and growth potential of the EU
2014-03-07 : Externe Unternehmensfinanzierung im Euroraum: Herausforderungen und Chancen
2014-02-26 : China: Progressing towards financial market liberalisation and currency internationalisation
2014-02-07 : Reviving growth in the euro area
2014-01-15 : Opening of the New Face of the Euro Exhibition
2014-01-13 : “Europe after the warm reboot”
2014-01-13 : Unveiling the new €10 banknote
2013-12-09 : Euro area monetary policy: where we stand
2013-12-04 : Auf dem Weg zur Europäischen Bankenunion: Chancen nutzen, Risiken beherrschen
2013-11-29 : Mastering the crux of defragmentation
2013-11-26 : Economic and legal limits of central banking
2013-11-18 : On the road to a banking union: the way forward from the ECB's perspective
2013-11-15 : The overhaul of the architecture of the euro area and the return of investor confidence
2013-11-13 : SMEs, Banking Union, and securitisation - exploring the nexus
2013-11-08 : Intergenerational Justice in Times of Sovereign Debt Crises
2013-10-24 : Interview with Het Financieele Dagblad
2013-10-14 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2013-09-30 : Towards a European Banking Union
2013-09-26 : A regime change in supervision and resolution
2013-09-24 : Neueste politische Entscheidungen zur Bankenunion und ihre Auswirkungen auf die EZB als Aufsichtsbehörde
2013-09-06 : Monetary policy and financial stability under one roof
2013-08-29 : The single market and banking union
2013-06-27 : The single supervisory mechanism - a step towards a European banking union
2013-06-17 : The European Central Bank's role in overcoming the Crisis
2013-06-13 : Monetary policy in an environment of low growth and interest rates
2013-05-17 : “Built to Last”: The New Euro Area Framework
2013-05-06 : The euro and the ECB: Perspectives and challenges ahead
2013-04-05 : The Banking Union - a European perspective: reasons, benefits and challenges of the Banking Union
2013-03-25 : Opening of the “New Face of the Euro” exhibition
2013-03-19 : Closing remarks at the ECB/EU Commission conference on “Post-trade harmonisation and financial integration in Europe”
2013-03-04 : Financial stability policies in central banks
2013-02-27 : The European banking union - first steps on a long march