The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa where "euro" appeared
2005-02-17 : Interview with Il Sore 24 Ore2004-11-03 : How to deal with emerging pan-European financial institutions?
2004-10-21 : Enlargement and “old” Europe: Blow or Blessing?
2004-09-28 : The European Union and the Russian Federation: Challenges of market building
2004-06-23 : Challenges of financial integration in the post-FSAP period
2004-05-11 : Panel Session: Drivers of European Financial Integration - Markets or Policy?
2004-04-20 : The role of financial markets in sustaining economic growth in Asia
2004-03-22 : The evolving European financial landscape: integration and regulation
2004-02-26 : Building on the euro's success
2004-02-02 : Exchange rate issues relating to the acceding countries
2003-07-07 : Central banks and financial stability
2003-07-01 : Speech at the Bank of Korea on Regional co-operation: experiences in East Asia and Europe
2003-06-12 : Opening speech
2002-11-22 : International currencies: where does the euro stand?
2002-11-04 : Trajectories towards the euro and the role of ERM II
2002-07-10 : Public hearing on After Enron: financial supervision in Europe at theCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2002-06-29 : The Euro Goes East
2002-05-20 : Self vs. public discipline in the financial field
2002-04-29 : Competition, co-operation, public action: Three necessary drivers for European financial integration
2002-03-22 : Accession Countries on the Way to the Euro: A Central Banker's View,
2002-02-22 : Remarks at the roundtable: Mid-term review of progress towards European financial integration
2002-02-21 : Securities and banking: bridges and walls
2002-01-21 : Securities and banking: bridges and walls
2001-09-24 : Towards a single payment area
2001-09-05 : Clearing and settlement of securities: a European perspective
2001-04-02 : Consolidation of the payment systems industry: the Eurosystem's perspective
2001-03-17 : La competitività dell'Italia
2000-12-21 : High-level seminar with the EU-candidate countries
2000-11-09 : Domestic payments in Euroland: commercial and central bank money
2000-04-29 : Is a euroland banking system already emerging?
2000-04-07 : Competition among Banks: good or bad?
2000-03-08 : An institutional glossary of the Eurosystem
2000-02-10 : The Eurosystem and financial stability
1999-11-19 : Moneta, Commercio, Istituzioni: esperienze e prospettive della costruzione europea
1999-11-12 : ECB press conference following the Helsinki seminar on the EU accession process
1999-09-13 : Payments and the Eurosystem
1999-06-30 : Reflections on the globalisation and europeanisation of the economy
1999-05-07 : The euro: a currency bridging peoples and cultures
1999-04-15 : Eurosystem: new challenges for old missions
1999-03-17 : The external representation of the euro area
1999-03-09 : The euro: significance for Europe and beyond
1999-02-24 : EMU and banking supervision
1998-12-03 : The external value of the euro
1998-11-06 : The housing finance markets and EMU
1998-10-27 : The impact of the introduction of the euro on ACP countries and particularly on the CFA franc zone
1998-09-03 : On the eve of the euro