The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Philip R. Lane where "euro" appeared
2025-02-21 : Europe and the world economy2025-02-05 : A middle path for ECB monetary policy
2025-01-14 : The euro area outlook and monetary policy
2025-01-13 : Interview with Der Standard
2025-01-03 : Navigating a fragmenting global trading system: insights for central banks
2024-12-20 : Tariffs, tensions and tackling inflation: the road ahead
2024-12-18 : The euro area outlook and monetary policy
2024-11-28 : The 25th anniversary of the Euro50 Group: looking ahead to the 50th anniversary
2024-11-25 : Interview with Les Echos
2024-11-25 : Monetary policy under uncertainty
2024-11-21 : Navigating a fragmenting global trading system: insights for central banks
2024-11-18 : The 2021-2022 inflation surges and the monetary policy response through the lens of macroeconomic models
2024-11-07 : Macroeconomics of sovereign debt
2024-10-22 : Inflation and monetary policy in the euro area
2024-10-07 : The transmission of monetary policy
2024-10-02 : Expectations and Monetary Policy
2024-08-29 : Contribution to panel on 'Inflation – Challenges for Policymakers and Researchers'
2024-08-24 : The effectiveness and transmission of monetary policy in the euro area
2024-07-23 : Opening remarks
2024-07-04 : Inflation and monetary policy
2024-06-27 : The road ahead: is there room for optimism?
2024-06-26 : Modern monetary analysis
2024-06-11 : Monetary policy and the disinflation process
2024-05-27 : Interview with Financial Times
2024-05-27 : Inflation in the euro area
2024-05-06 : Interview with El Confidencial
2024-05-02 : The analytics of the monetary policy tightening cycle
2024-04-15 : Disinflation in the euro area: an update
2024-03-25 : Quo vadis, inflation?
2024-03-22 : Inflation and monetary policy
2024-03-15 : The economic outlook and monetary policy
2024-03-11 : The 2021-2022 inflation surges and monetary policy in the euro area
2024-02-15 : The banking channel of monetary policy
2024-02-12 : Euro area international financial flows: analytical insights and measurement challenges
2024-02-08 : Disinflation in the euro area
2024-02-01 : Monetary policy and inflation
2024-01-13 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2024-01-12 : NGEU: a euro area perspective
2023-12-20 : The euro area outlook
2023-11-28 : Inflation and monetary policy in the euro area
2023-11-09 : Central bank liquidity: a macroeconomic perspective
2023-11-08 : The transmission of monetary policy tightening and mediumterm growth prospects
2023-11-02 : Monetary policy tightening in the euro area
2023-10-16 : Interview with Het Financieele Dagblad
2023-10-03 : Inflation and monetary policy in the euro area
2023-09-26 : Monetary policy transmission in the euro area
2023-09-22 : Interview with Yahoo Finance
2023-09-21 : Disinflation and monetary policy in the euro area
2023-09-05 : Interview with The Currency
2023-08-18 : The ECB Podcast Summer School #3: the role of banks in fighting inflation
2023-08-04 : The ECB Podcast Summer School #1: a deep dive into inflation
2023-07-12 : The banking channel of monetary policy tightening in the euro area
2023-06-23 : Are wages and greedflation really pushing up prices?
2023-06-19 : The dynamics of the financial system in the euro area
2023-05-26 : How quickly will inflation return to target?
2023-05-08 : Inflation and monetary policy
2023-04-25 : Interview with Le Monde
2023-04-19 : Monetary policy tightening and the financing of firms
2023-04-06 : Interview with Cyprus News Agency
2023-04-05 : Monetary Policy and Inflation
2023-03-29 : Interview with Die Zeit
2023-03-23 : Monetary Policy in Europe: The Role of Monetary Union
2023-03-22 : Inflation and Monetary Policy
2023-03-06 : Underlying inflation
2023-03-01 : Interview with IMF Finance and Development magazine
2023-02-28 : Interview with Reuters
2023-02-27 : Macro-Financial Stability in the EU: Some Lessons on the occasion of Fifty Years of Irish Membership of the EU
2023-02-16 : The euro area hiking cycle: an interim assessment
2023-01-17 : Interview with Financial Times
2023-01-06 : The euro area economic outlook
2022-12-07 : ECB monetary policy
2022-12-06 : Interview with Milano Finanza
2022-12-01 : Inflation diagnostics and monetary policy
2022-11-25 : Inflation Diagnostics
2022-11-21 : Interview with Market News
2022-11-11 : Policy panel — The global economy: old trade-offs and new challenges
2022-10-31 : Currency pegs: a euro area perspective
2022-10-11 : The transmission of monetary policy
2022-09-27 : Interview with Der Standard
2022-09-17 : Cantillon Lecture
2022-09-14 : Monetary policy and the money market
2022-08-29 : Monetary policy in the euro area: the next phase
2022-06-20 : Inflation and monetary policy in the euro area
2022-06-01 : Inflation shocks and monetary policy
2022-05-30 : Interview with Cinco Días
2022-05-25 : The euro area outlook: selected issues
2022-05-20 : The impact of the pandemic on the euro area
2022-05-05 : The euro area outlook: some analytical considerations
2022-04-27 : Statistical implications of the ECB’s monetary policy strategy review
2022-04-05 : Interview with Antenna TV
2022-04-01 : Interview with CNBC Europe
2022-03-31 : Monetary policy during the pandemic: the role of the PEPP
2022-03-29 : Interview with Politico
2022-03-17 : The euro area outlook and monetary policy
2022-03-02 : The monetary policy strategy of the ECB: the playbook for monetary policy decisions
2022-02-23 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2022-02-17 : Inflation in the near-term and the medium-term
2022-02-10 : Bottlenecks and monetary policy
2022-01-25 : Interview with Verslo žinios
2022-01-11 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2022-01-07 : Interview with RTÉ
2021-11-12 : The future of the EU fiscal governance framework: a macroeconomic perspective
2021-11-11 : Expectations surveys: a tool for research and monetary policy
2021-11-08 : Inflation in the short term and in the medium term
2021-11-08 : Interview with El País
2021-10-11 : The monetary policy toolbox and the effective lower bound
2021-10-07 : Data analysis and monetary policy during the pandemic
2021-09-25 : Making monetary policy fit for today and beyond: the ECB strategy review
2021-09-24 : Structural change and central banking: some research priorities
2021-09-15 : The ECB’s monetary policy strategy review
2021-08-25 : Interview with Reuters
2021-08-19 : The new monetary policy strategy: implications for rate forward guidance
2021-06-22 : The resilience of the euro
2021-06-17 : Interview with Bloomberg TV
2021-05-25 : The ECB strategy review
2021-05-10 : Interview with Le Monde
2021-05-05 : Taking stock: The ECB strategy review and current challenges for monetary policy
2021-04-29 : Interview with Dagens Industri TV
2021-04-26 : Maximising the user value of statistics: lessons from globalisation and the pandemic
2021-04-01 : Inflation dynamics during a pandemic
2021-03-27 : Stabilising the economic outlook
2021-03-23 : Interview with CNBC
2021-03-16 : Interview with the Financial Times
2021-02-26 : Interview with Expansión
2021-02-25 : The compass of monetary policy: favourable financing conditions
2021-01-31 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2021-01-27 : Philip R. Lane: Interview with SKAI TV
2020-12-18 : Building a bridge towards economic recovery
2020-12-15 : The resilience of the euro
2020-12-02 : Transcript of the fireside chat at Reuters Global Outlook Investment Summit
2020-11-26 : Monetary policy in a pandemic: ensuring favourable financing conditions
2020-11-24 : IMF Policy Dialogue: New Policy Frameworks for a “Lower-for-Longer” World
2020-11-22 : Interview with Les Echos
2020-11-17 : Transcript of interview with Portuguese public broadcaster RTP3
2020-10-21 : International flows and the pandemic: evidence from the euro area
2020-10-14 : The pandemic and ECB monetary policy
2020-10-11 : Interview with Wall Street Journal
2020-10-06 : The ECB’s monetary policy in the pandemic: meeting the challenge
2020-10-01 : The euro area: a laboratory for international macroeconomic research
2020-09-24 : Q&A on Twitter
2020-09-11 : The outlook for the euro area
2020-08-27 : The pandemic emergency: the three challenges for the ECB
2020-08-27 : Interview with CNBC
2020-08-04 : The macroeconomic impact of the pandemic and the policy response
2020-07-01 : Interview with Reuters news agency
2020-06-24 : The ECB’s monetary policy response to the pandemic: liquidity, stabilisation and supporting the recovery
2020-06-22 : Understanding the pandemic emergency purchase programme
2020-06-22 : The market stabilisation role of the pandemic emergency purchase programme
2020-06-11 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2020-06-05 : Expanding the pandemic emergency purchase programme
2020-05-22 : International inflation co-movements
2020-05-19 : Pandemic central banking: the monetary stance, market stabilisation and liquidity
2020-05-19 : Coronavirus: from health crisis to economic crisis
2020-05-18 : Interview with El Pais
2020-05-12 : Interview with the Telegraaf
2020-05-01 : The monetary policy response to the pandemic emergency
2020-03-13 : The Monetary Policy Package: An Analytical Framework
2020-02-27 : Monetary policy, low interest rates and low inflation
2020-02-21 : The monetary policy toolbox: evidence from the euro area
2020-02-17 : The analytical contribution of external statistics: addressing the challenges
2020-02-14 : Interview with RTÉ (Ireland’s National Television and Radio Broadcaster)
2020-02-11 : Low inflation: macroeconomic risks and the monetary policy stance
2020-02-05 : The future of the euro
2020-02-02 : Interview with Financial Times
2020-01-09 : Policy Frameworks and Strategies for an Open Economy
2019-12-16 : Households and the transmission of monetary policy
2019-11-28 : Determinants of the real interest rate
2019-11-25 : The yield curve and monetary policy
2019-11-23 : Interview with Sky TG24
2019-11-20 : Interview with La Repubblica
2019-11-20 : Q&A with Fortune
2019-11-15 : Europe’s role in a changing global economy
2019-11-14 : The international transmission of monetary policy
2019-10-31 : Inflation: on porridge, prices and the new normal
2019-10-16 : The economic outlook for the euro area
2019-10-01 : Globalisation and monetary policy
2019-09-30 : Q&A with Reuters
2019-09-26 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2019-09-16 : Reflections on monetary policy
2019-09-04 : The Phillips Curve at the ECB
2019-07-09 : Q&A on Twitter
2019-07-04 : Welcome address
2019-07-02 : Interview with Yle
2019-07-01 : Monetary Policy and Below-Target Inflation