The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Peter Praet where "euro" appeared
2019-05-31 : Entretien avec L‘Echo2019-05-31 : Interview met De Tijd
2019-05-15 : On the importance of institutions as provider of stability and protection in an uncertain world
2019-05-10 : Keynote speech
2019-03-27 : Providing monetary policy stimulus after the normalisation of instruments
2019-03-18 : Market power: a complex reality
2019-03-12 : Q&A on Twitter
2019-02-21 : On the importance of real estate statistics
2019-02-20 : Economic situation and outlook
2019-02-18 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2018-11-26 : Preserving monetary accommodation in times of normalisation
2018-11-22 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2018-11-13 : Preserving monetary accommodation in times of normalisation
2018-11-02 : Interview with BdP Revista, staff magazine of Banco de Portugal
2018-10-17 : Economic policymaking under uncertainty
2018-09-27 : The interaction between monetary policy and macroprudential policy
2018-09-20 : Challenges to monetary policy normalisation
2018-09-17 : Economic developments in the euro area
2018-09-05 : Creating an enabling environment for pan-European banks in the Banking Union
2018-08-28 : Monetary and Macroprudential Policy Interactions
2018-07-05 : Delivering on our Mandate – 20 years of ECB Monetary Policy
2018-07-03 : Ensuring a sustained adjustment in inflation
2018-06-23 : Interview with Expresso
2018-06-06 : Monetary policy in a low interest rate environment
2018-05-14 : Economic developments in the euro area
2018-05-07 : Economic developments in the euro area
2018-05-03 : Economic and monetary policy in EMU: from unconventional times to sustainable and balanced growth
2018-04-16 : Improving the functioning of Economic and Monetary Union: lessons and challenges for economic policies
2018-04-09 : Economic developments in the euro area
2018-03-16 : Interview with Reuters
2018-03-14 : Assessment of quantitative easing and challenges of policy normalisation
2018-02-15 : Strengthening France’s economy and the Eurozone
2018-02-08 : Panel on global monetary policies – similarities and differences on the way to the new normal
2018-02-08 : Q&A on Twitter
2018-02-01 : Economic developments in the euro area
2018-01-29 : Maintaining price stability with unconventional monetary policy
2017-11-30 : The outlook for reform: cementing growth and delivering sustainable employment
2017-11-23 : Investment and investment finance in Europe: a policy perspective
2017-11-16 : Recent economic developments in the euro area
2017-11-15 : Communicating the complexity of unconventional monetary policy in EMU
2017-11-06 : Opening remarks
2017-10-27 : EMU - how much federalism?
2017-10-12 : Monetary policy and the euro area economic expansion
2017-10-11 : Maintaining price stability with unconventional monetary policy measures
2017-10-02 : Maintaining price stability with unconventional monetary policy measures
2017-09-28 : The ECB asset purchase programme and European financial markets (Slides from the presentation)
2017-09-28 : Interview with Les Echos
2017-09-16 : Interview with De Tijd
2017-09-13 : Karl-Otto Pöhl Lecture
2017-07-08 : Interview with De Standaard
2017-07-06 : Europe’s economic recovery and implications for monetary policy
2017-07-04 : Unconventional monetary policy and fixed income markets
2017-06-22 : Interview with Der Spiegel
2017-05-24 : Europe’s economic recovery: challenges and opportunities for the banking sector
2017-05-11 : The role of the ECB: prudence and responsibility in times of crisis
2017-05-11 : Interview with Peter Praet for Trends/Tendances
2017-05-04 : Ensuring price stability
2017-04-19 : European Monetary and Financial Outlook (Slides from the presentation)
2017-04-06 : We need to complete the Banking Union
2017-04-06 : Calibrating unconventional monetary policy
2017-04-04 : It is urgent to agree on an ambitious timetable for completing the Banking Union
2017-04-03 : Interview with Expansión
2017-03-30 : How does monetary policy secure price stability over the medium term?
2017-03-29 : Have unconventional policies overstretched central bank independence? Challenges for accountability and transparency in the wake of the crisis
2017-03-27 : The economic situation in the euro area and the implications for monetary policy
2017-03-24 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2017-03-24 : Interview with VDI Nachrichten
2017-03-16 : The ECB's monetary policy: past and present
2017-03-15 : The euro area economic outlook and monetary policy
2017-02-23 : The macroeconomic situation and monetary policy in the euro area
2017-02-23 : Creating stability in an uncertain world
2017-02-02 : Maintaining price stability in the euro area
2017-01-24 : Towards Banking Union
2017-01-20 : Is secular stagnation the new economic reality?
2016-12-20 : Interview with the Telegraaf
2016-12-14 : Interview with Die Zeit
2016-11-24 : The importance of a genuine banking union for monetary policy
2016-11-18 : The euro area economy, monetary policy and structural reforms
2016-11-17 : The future of global financial integration
2016-11-14 : Long-run saving and monetary policy
2016-11-09 : Monetary policy and the euro area banking system
2016-10-26 : The euro area economy, monetary policy and structural reforms
2016-10-07 : Beyond monetary policy: on the importance of a proper alignment of economic policies in EMU
2016-10-06 : Turn cyclical recovery into a structural recovery
2016-10-06 : Monetary policy transmission in the euro area
2016-10-04 : Monetary policy and the euro area banking system
2016-09-20 : Interview with L'Opinion
2016-09-15 : Remarks at the BNYM 20th anniversary dinner on the dynamics of TARGET2 balances and monetary policy implementation
2016-08-31 : Financial cycles and monetary policy
2016-07-01 : Transmission channels of monetary policy in the current environment
2016-05-23 : Interview with Público
2016-04-07 : The ECB's monetary policy response to disinflationary pressures
2016-04-04 : The ECB's fight against low inflation: reasons and consequences
2016-03-18 : Interview with La Repubblica
2016-02-10 : The ECB and its role as lender of last resort during the crisis
2016-01-30 : Interview with NRC Handelsblad
2016-01-13 : The ECB’s monetary policy: back to medium-term price stability of below, but close to, 2%
2016-01-06 : Interview with Knack
2015-12-21 : Interview with La Libre Belgique
2015-12-11 : The transmission of recent non-standard measures
2015-12-10 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2015-11-19 : Monetary policy under uncertainty
2015-11-17 : Interview with Bloomberg
2015-10-08 : EMU - disappointed expectations and how to move forward
2015-09-24 : Monetary policy lessons from the financial crisis: some remarks
2015-09-23 : Remarks at the FIBI Annual Lunch
2015-09-21 : Current issues on economic policy: The low interest rate environment in the euro area (slides from the presentation)
2015-09-19 : Interview with NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG
2015-09-10 : The low interest rate environment in the euro area
2015-09-09 : The ECB's asset purchase programme: the impact so far
2015-06-30 : The APP impact on the economy and bond markets
2015-06-15 : Structural reforms and long-run growth in the euro area
2015-06-13 : Interview with der Standard
2015-04-23 : Lifting potential growth in the euro area
2015-04-16 : Price stability: a sinking will-o'-the-wisp?
2015-03-25 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2015-03-11 : Public sector security purchases and monetary dominance in a monetary union without a fiscal union
2015-02-16 : Interview with Jornal de Negócios
2015-02-12 : Economic Developments in the Euro Area
2015-02-05 : Interview with Les Echos
2015-01-31 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2014-12-31 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2014-12-19 : Is the ECB doing enough?
2014-12-09 : Current issues in monetary policy
2014-11-17 : Repairing the bank lending channel: the next steps
2014-10-28 : Interview with De Tijd and L’Echo
2014-10-10 : Recent monetary policy measures supporting the euro area recovery
2014-07-15 : Interview with Les Echos
2014-07-09 : Keynote speech at the Europlace Financial Forum
2014-07-03 : Current issues of monetary policy
2014-05-27 : Monetary policy and balance sheet adjustment
2014-05-15 : Interview with Die Zeit
2014-04-10 : The financial cycle and real convergence in the euro area
2014-03-12 : Current issues and challenges for central bank communication
2014-02-22 : Interview with Expresso
2014-02-18 : Reforms and growth in the euro area
2013-12-22 : Interview with La Stampa
2013-12-13 : Economic Recovery in the Euro Area - The role of Monetary Policy
2013-12-12 : Interview with the Financial Times
2013-11-19 : Steering the economy in a challenging environment
2013-10-18 : Household heterogeneity and the transmission mechanism
2013-10-07 : Japan and the EU in the global economy - challenges and opportunities
2013-09-16 : Entretien avec Les Echos
2013-07-18 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2013-05-22 : Monetary policy in the context of balance sheet adjustments
2013-05-16 : Adjustment and growth in the euro area
2013-04-17 : The crisis response in the euro area
2013-02-27 : Economic adjustment in the euro area
2013-02-13 : Transition of the financial system in the wake of the financial crisis
2013-01-29 : Speech on the occasion of the “Annual Danish Top Executive Summit 2013”
2012-11-30 : The “Great Rebalancing” of the euro area and the global economy
2012-11-26 : Deleveraging and monetary policy
2012-10-26 : Deleveraging and the role of central banks
2012-09-27 : Adjustment in the euro area: Impressive, but still incomplete
2012-06-15 : Heterogeneity in a monetary union: What have we learned?
2012-05-25 : European financial integration in times of crisis
2012-05-10 : Managing financial crises: the role of the ECB
2012-05-08 : Address at the event marking the first signatures to the T2S Framework Agreement
2012-04-19 : The role of the central bank and euro area governments in times of crisis
2012-02-27 : Sound money, sound finances, a competitive economy - principles of a european culture of stability
2012-02-20 : Monetary policy at crisis times
2011-12-09 : The State of the global economy
2011-11-24 : Housing cycles and financial stability - the role of the policymaker
2011-11-15 : Fixed income investment of insurance companies and pension funds in a low yield - but volatile - environment
2011-11-10 : The (changing) role of central banks in financial stability policies
2011-08-31 : A new voice on a familiar topic - SEPA from the perspective of ECB Executive Board Member Peter Praet
2011-06-16 : Address on the occasion of the inauguration of the Euro Exhibition