The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Otmar Issing where "euro" appeared
2006-05-22 : Globalisation, emu and the euro2006-05-05 : The watchers conference: Theory and practice of monetary policy
2006-04-28 : Von der Universität zur Notenbank - Marginalien zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis
2006-03-24 : The euro - a currency without a state
2006-03-16 : Dinner speech. Monetary policy: a journey from theory to practice - an ECB colloquium held in honour of Otmar Issing
2006-02-24 : Europe's Hard Fix: The Euro Area
2006-01-18 : Communication and transparency - how do central banks meet these demands?
2005-12-19 : Interview with Hospodářské Noviny
2005-11-23 : Mortgage markets and monetary policy: a central banker's view
2005-11-14 : The role of fiscal and monetary policies in the stabilisation of the economic cycle
2005-11-06 : Mario Monti. A tribute.
2005-11-04 : Addressing global imbalances: the role of macroeconomic policy
2005-10-28 : The role of money in the monetary policy strategy of the ECB
2005-08-09 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2005-06-16 : European integration - achievements and challenges
2005-06-09 : The Lisbon process - a view from the ECB
2005-06-03 : The monetary pillar of the ECB
2005-05-31 : The euro and European financial market integration
2005-05-20 : One size fits all! A single monetary policy for the euro area
2005-04-27 : The enlargement of the EU and the euro zone
2005-01-26 : Wachstum in Europa - Chancen und Risiken, Topic of the year 2005
2005-01-20 : Monetary Policy Implementation: Lessons from the past and challenges ahead. Opening speech at the ECB Workshop
2004-12-10 : Inflation persistence in the euro area
2004-12-06 : Interview with Prof. Otmar Issing, (Delo, Slovenian daily newspaper)
2004-11-25 : Wege zu nachhaltigem Wachstum, Beschäftigung und Stabilität
2004-11-10 : Der Euro - Eine stabile Währung für Europa
2004-10-22 : EU enlargement and monetary integration
2004-10-03 : Outlook for the European Economy
2004-06-10 : On the primacy of price stability
2004-05-28 : The euro and the Lisbon agenda
2004-05-12 : The ECB and the euro - the first five years
2004-05-12 : Summary of “The ECB and the euro - the first five years”
2004-05-10 : Financial Integration, Asset Prices and Monetary Policy
2004-04-16 : Fünf Jahre Euro - Erfahrungen und Erwartungen. Zusammenfassung für die Presse
2004-01-20 : Testimony before the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
2003-11-03 : Monetary policy in uncharted territory
2003-10-28 : 8th Annual ConferenceEurope and the US: Partners and Competitors - New paths for the future
2003-10-01 : Geld Politik für den Euroraum
2003-07-11 : ECB Watchers Conference: The evaluation of the strategy
2003-05-23 : Efficiency in financial institutions
2003-05-08 : Press seminar on the evaluation of the ECB's monetary policy strategy
2003-03-29 : Monetary and Financial Stability: Is there a Trade-off?
2003-03-24 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliamentin accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union
2003-02-28 : Considerations on monetary policy strategies for accession countries
2003-02-27 : The euro - a stable international currency
2002-12-09 : Monetary policy in a world of uncertainty
2002-12-02 : The euro after four years: is there a risk of deflation?
2002-10-25 : Second ECB Central Banking Conference 24-25 October 2002, Frankfurt am Main
2002-08-30 : Monetary Policy in a Changing Economic Environment
2002-07-05 : Some reflections on handling monetary policy in a global environment
2002-06-10 : ECB Watchers conference: monetary policy and the role of the price stability definition
2002-04-29 : Monetary policy in an environment of global financial markets
2002-03-26 : The role of monetary policy in managing economic risks.
2002-03-20 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2001-11-16 : The relevance of reliable statistical systems for monetary policy making in the euro area
2001-10-17 : The challenge for monetary policy: a European perspective
2001-06-29 : Konferenz der Euro-2002-Informationskampagne
2001-06-18 : Monetary policy and financial markets
2001-05-11 : The European Monetary Union in a globalised world
2001-05-03 : The euro and the ECB Successful start - challenges ahead
2001-02-23 : Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: political priority versus economic integration?
2001-02-21 : The euro - a stable currency for Europe
2001-01-24 : Hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2000-12-01 : Europe's challenges after the establishment of Monetary Union: a central banker's view
2000-11-07 : The New Economy - a European view
2000-10-26 : Should we have faith in central banks?
2000-09-29 : Monetary policy in a new environment
2000-09-23 : How to maintain growth in the euro area?
2000-09-12 : The globalisation of financial markets
2000-06-28 : New Technologies in Payments: A Challenge to Monetary Policy
2000-06-26 : Communication challenges for the ECB
2000-05-18 : Der Euro-Kapitalmarkt: Status Quo und Perspektiven
2000-05-12 : How to promote growth in the euro area: the contribution of monetary policy
2000-05-05 : How to achieve a durable macro-economic policy mix favourable to growth and employment?
2000-03-23 : Die Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank
2000-03-17 : Walter Eucken: vom Primat der Währungspolitik
2000-02-08 : European integration at the beginning of the new millennium
2000-01-26 : The euro area - first experience and perspectives
2000-01-10 : Opening Remarks at a Hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
1999-12-03 : The monetary policy of the ECB in a world of uncertainty
1999-11-11 : The ECB's monetary policy in the context of globalisation
1999-10-25 : The monetary policy of the ECB: stability, transparency, accountability
1999-09-20 : Europe: common money - political union?
1999-06-17 : The ECB and its watchers
1999-06-10 : The euro - a stable currency for Europe
1999-05-27 : Hayek - currency competition and European Monetary Union
1999-05-07 : The euro area economy on its way to the new millennium
1999-04-15 : Rede zur Verleihung der Würde eines Ehrendoktors des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, am 15. April 1999
1999-01-28 : The euro - four weeks after the start
1998-11-26 : The European Central Bank on the eve of EMU
1998-10-06 : Monetary policy in EMU
1998-07-04 : Von der D-Mark zum Euro