The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Lorenzo Bini Smaghi where "euro" appeared
2011-12-16 : The reform of the international monetary system2011-10-17 : The European debt crisis
2011-10-03 : The Triffin dilemma revisited
2011-09-15 : Policy rules and institutions in times of crisis
2011-07-08 : European democracies and decision-making in times of crisis
2011-06-17 : Intervention at Sveriges Riksbank Conference: Monetary Policy in an Era of Fiscal Stress
2011-06-16 : Social Business and Economic Growth
2011-06-15 : Risk Management in Central Banking
2011-06-06 : Private sector involvement: From (good) theory to (bad) practice
2011-05-26 : One size fits all?
2011-05-23 : Macro-prudential supervision and monetary policy - linkages and demarcation lines
2011-05-10 : Monetary and financial stability in the euro area
2011-03-30 : Banking supervision and corporate governance in the European architecture
2011-03-11 : Whither Europe after the crisis?
2011-03-04 : The challenges of surveillance and coordination
2011-02-22 : Eurozone, European crisis & policy responses
2011-02-14 : Addressing imbalances in the euro area
2011-02-10 : Monetary Union, Regulation and Supervision
2011-02-09 : Sovereign risk and the euro (slides from the presentation)
2011-01-28 : Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa: Economist, policy-maker, citizen in search of European unity
2011-01-27 : The challenges facing monetary policy
2011-01-19 : Lessons for monetary policy from the recent crisis
2011-01-10 : The International Monetary System: Towards a New Era
2010-11-01 : The Challenges Facing the Euro Area
2010-10-22 : Demographic trends, technological progress and economic growth in advanced economies
2010-10-14 : Western Democracy and its Discontents: Economic and Political Challenges
2010-10-08 : From Convoy to Parting Ways? Post Crisis Divergence Between European and US Macroeconomic Policies
2010-09-29 : Basel III and monetary policy
2010-09-15 : ECON Committee Hearing on “Improving the economic governance and stability framework of the Union, in particular in the euro area”
2010-09-10 : Joint ECB-JIE conference on “What future for financial globalisation”: Sovereign debt and the global economy
2010-09-07 : What has the financial crisis taught us? The global dimension and international policy cooperation
2010-07-09 : Imbalances and sustainability in the euro area (slides from the presentation)
2010-06-18 : The financial and fiscal crisis: a euro area perspective
2010-06-11 : Europe, the United States and the new challenges to the global economy
2010-05-28 : Challenges for the Euro Area, and the World Economy
2010-05-13 : Lessons of the crisis: Ethics, Markets, Democracy
2010-04-15 : Has the financial sector grown too big?
2010-01-18 : The euro area macroeconomic situation: Where do we stand, where are we going?
2009-11-19 : Monetary policy in challenging times
2009-10-18 : Monetary policy, credit flows and small and medium-sized enterprises
2009-10-16 : The financial crisis: challenges and responses
2009-10-14 : Monetary policy and asset prices
2009-09-25 : Macro-prudential supervision
2009-09-11 : An ocean apart? Comparing transatlantic responses to the financial crisis
2009-06-24 : Presentation of the book entitled “L'acqua e la spugna” by Franco Bruni
2009-06-24 : Inflation and deflation risks: How to recognise them? How to avoid them?
2009-06-19 : Going Forward: Regulation and Supervision after the Financial Turmoil
2009-04-28 : Conventional and unconventional monetary policy
2009-04-06 : The Euro Area's Exchange Rate Policy and the Experience with International Monetary Coordination during the Crisis
2009-04-03 : On the occasion of the inauguration of the Euro Exhibition in Rome
2009-03-30 : Developments and Prospects for the European Economy in 2009
2009-03-06 : Three questions on monetary policy easing
2009-02-18 : Looking beyond the euro's first decade
2009-02-12 : Regulation and supervisory architecture: Is the EU on the right path?
2008-12-01 : Restarting a Market: The Case of the Interbank Market
2008-11-25 : Restoring confidence
2008-11-25 : Careful with (the d) words!
2008-11-07 : Economic policies on the two sides of the Atlantic: (why) are they different?
2008-10-28 : Growth and inflation in the euro area: the importance of productivity in the services sector
2008-10-20 : Some thoughts on the international financial crisis
2008-10-10 : The internationalisation of currencies - A central banking perspective
2008-09-26 : Introductory remarks at the Roundtable discussion 'How to strengthen Europe's financial stability framework?'
2008-09-25 : Celebrating 50 years of Europe
2008-06-24 : Public Hearing on EMU@10: The first ten years of Economic and Monetary Union and future challenges - Introductory comments
2008-06-12 : Supervision and central banking: improving the exchange of information
2008-05-15 : From Tuscany's 19th century currency, the fiorino, to the euro: dialogue on international finance
2008-03-18 : The international role of the euro and its potential in Latin America
2008-01-24 : The economic governance of the European Union in the light of the Treaty of Lisbon: harmonisation or competition between countries?
2007-12-10 : Banking consolidation, innovation and access to credit
2007-12-03 : Globalisation and public perceptions
2007-11-20 : The value of central bank communication
2007-11-20 : Real and nominal convergence: policy challenges
2007-10-26 : Legal system and financial markets
2007-10-01 : Real convergence in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
2007-09-21 : The exchange rate policy of the Euro
2007-07-05 : The future of the Treaty: implications for economic governance in Europe
2007-07-03 : The euro as an international currency: implications for exchange rate policy
2007-06-22 : Is the euro making countries fitter for globalisation?
2007-06-19 : Asymmetric Adjustment in Monetary Unions:Evidence from the Euro Area
2007-05-24 : With or Without Prejudice to Price Stability?
2007-04-19 : Central bank independence: from theory to practice
2007-03-26 : L'Union Economique et Monétaire :Quelle place pour la Zone Euro sur la scène internationale?
2007-03-14 : Introductory remarks at Internationaler Club Frankfurter Wirtschaftsjournalisten
2007-02-27 : The governance of the euro area (eight years on)
2007-02-15 : Slides from the presentation at the Business Forecast Event
2007-01-27 : Lo scenario economico e finanziario per l'Europa
2006-11-15 : Ageing, pension funds and household wealth allocation in the euro area
2006-11-09 : Economia europea e politica monetaria
2006-10-30 : Monetary and financial stability: Challenges in South-Eastern Europe
2006-10-26 : Three Questions on Monetary Tightening
2006-09-28 : Democratic Representation and Economic Policy Rules in an Ageing Society
2006-07-18 : Financial globalisation and integration: What's next? A forward-looking perspective
2006-07-14 : European and Asian Perspectives on Global Imbalances
2006-06-26 : Quale Agenda per la Politica Economica Europea?
2006-05-08 : The Growth of Pension Funds and Financial Markets: Implications for Central Banks
2006-04-27 : Global imbalances - Global policies
2006-03-09 : Independence and accountability of supervision in the european financial market
2006-01-26 : Interview with Die Zeit
2005-12-09 : Interview in Il Giornale
2005-12-08 : Economic forecasting and monetary policy
2005-10-10 : Inflation, expectations and current challenges to monetary policy
2005-06-27 : Interview with La Repubblica