The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo where "euro" appeared
2012-05-18 : Completing the euro project: The day after tomorrow2012-05-16 : Closing remarks at the colloquium: Monetary policy in unconventional times
2012-04-18 : Future challenges for central bank statistics
2012-04-12 : Retos de la nueva Europa: La culminación de la Unión Económica y Monetaria
2012-03-22 : Las líneas de defensa frente al riesgo soberano y al 'efecto contagio' en los mercados. ¿Qué papel puede y debe jugar la política monetaria?
2012-03-15 : “What has Europe learnt from the crisis”?
2012-03-05 : De la crisis sub-prime a la crisis soberana: el papel del BCE
2011-11-25 : Sovereign contagion in Europe
2011-11-24 : The sovereign debt crisis and the future of European integration
2011-11-04 : The ECB and the sovereign debt crisis
2011-10-21 : The ECB's monetary policy during the crisis
2011-10-13 : The conduct of monetary policy: lessons from the crisis and challenges for the coming years
2011-09-19 : Monetary and fiscal policies in times of crisis
2011-09-16 : Address at the opening ceremony of the Euro Exhibition
2011-06-24 : Speech on the occasion of awarding of PhD Honoris Causa to Mr. González-Parámo by the University of Malaga
2011-06-10 : How will historians judge our handling of this crisis?
2011-06-03 : The management of the banking sector and the economy: What have we learned about financial markets and regulations?
2011-05-26 : The challenges of the European financial sector
2011-05-18 : What securitisation for the future? - The collapse and revival of ABS markets
2011-05-12 : The European Union and the Lessons from the Crisis: The Way Forward
2011-03-24 : The ECB's Non-standard Measures during the Current Financial Crisis The ECB's Non-standard Measures during the Current Financial Crisis
2011-03-10 : Speech on the occasion of the inauguration of the Euro Exhibition at Banca Naţională a României
2011-03-04 : Rethinking risk management: from lessons learned to taking action
2011-01-27 : The banking sector towards the “new normal”: some considerations
2010-11-19 : Basilea III y el nuevo marco macroprudencial
2010-10-25 : Household Finance and Consumption - Opening remarks
2010-09-29 : The European experience on macro-prudential regulation
2010-09-03 : Lessons from the crisis for monetary policy and financial stability
2010-06-21 : Reform of the architecture of the financial system
2010-06-18 : The European Central Bank and the policy of enhanced credit support
2010-06-16 : Re-starting securitisation
2010-05-26 : The challenges of credit risk management: lessons learned from the crisis
2010-03-25 : Estrategias económicas de salida de la crisis
2010-02-26 : Monetary and fiscal policy interactions during the financial crisis
2010-02-19 : Globalisation, international financial integration and the financial crisis: The future of European and international financial market regulation and supervision
2010-01-22 : The regulatory and supervisory reform in Europe
2009-12-11 : New investment fund statistics for the euro area
2009-12-01 : Central bank policies in and out of the crisis: From non-conventional to new conventional
2009-11-19 : Address at the opening ceremony for the Euro Exhibition at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin
2009-11-10 : The response of the Eurosystem to the financial crisis
2009-11-06 : Non-standard monetary policy: Five questions about the exit
2009-09-16 : National Accounts for monetary policy making: Reflections on the use of the Euro Area Accounts in the light of the financial crisis
2009-09-09 : Some reflections on the future of the market for credit derivatives
2009-09-04 : Fiscal policy and the financial crisis: the need for an effective exit strategy
2009-06-19 : Beyond the financial crisis: Some issues on the future of central banking
2009-06-10 : Address for the 2008 Bernácer Prize Award Ceremony in honour of Markus Brunnermeier
2009-06-04 : Managing risk: The role of the central bank in a financial crisis
2009-05-25 : Las finanzas en la encrucijada: Enseñanzas de la crisis
2009-02-12 : La crisis financiera: Lecciones y retos
2009-02-06 : Financial market failures and public policies: A central banker's perspective on the global financial crisis
2009-02-02 : On the occasion of the inauguration of the Euro Exhibition in Barcelona
2009-01-16 : Liquidity, funding and solvency: Policy responses and lessons
2008-11-21 : The financial market crisis, uncertainty and policy responses
2008-10-22 : Future of banking supervision in Europe
2008-10-16 : Liquidity, financial markets and the economy: The role of central banks
2008-09-30 : Sub-prime crisis, liquidity tensions and central banks: One year on
2008-09-25 : Central banks and the financial turmoil
2008-09-09 : Some lessons from the global financial turmoil
2008-09-05 : Globalisation, macroeconomic stability and monetary policy at a time of financial turmoil
2008-07-11 : Financial systems, new technologies and productivity growth
2008-07-09 : Política monetaria y gestión de liquidez en tiempos de turbulencias económicas y financieras
2008-06-01 : Financial turmoil, securitisation and liquidity
2008-05-19 : Los primeros diez años de la Unión Monetaria Europea
2008-04-25 : Concluding Remarks at the Fourth ECB conference on statistics “A strategic vision for statistics: challenges for the next ten years”
2008-04-14 : Whither liquidity? Developments, policies and challenges
2008-02-29 : Tensiones financieras, incertidumbre y mercados monetarios: La experiencia del Banco Central Europeo
2008-02-14 : Closing remarks at the Second Symposium of the ECB-CFS Research Network on “Capital Markets and Financial Integration in Europe”
2007-12-03 : The role of information and communication in central bank policy: The experience of the recent financial turmoil
2007-10-29 : La experiencia de integración financiera de la Unión Europea
2007-10-24 : The euro money and financial markets: Where do we stand?
2007-10-11 : The euro area economy and the financial markets
2007-09-11 : MiFID - non-equities market transparency: the ECB's perspective
2007-06-28 : Progress towards a Framework for Financial Stability Assessment
2007-06-15 : Expectations and credibility in modern central banking: A practitioner's view”
2007-06-01 : The New Quarterly ‘National Accounts'
2007-04-19 : La Unión Monetaria Europea después de ocho años: ¿Qué hemos aprendido?
2007-03-16 : Globalisation and monetary policy
2007-02-16 : Los retos de la banca minorista europea, con especial referencia al mercado hipotecario
2007-02-05 : Strukturreformen in Europa: von Zielen zu Fakten
2007-01-25 : The challenges to liquidity management in the euro area: the perspective of the ECB
2007-01-15 : Welcome to the euro, farewell to the tolar
2006-12-01 : The ageing problem: its impact on financial markets and possible policy responses
2006-11-30 : The enlargement of the euro area
2006-11-24 : De las musas al teatro: Ocho años de política monetaria única
2006-11-13 : Fomentando la cultura económica y financiera
2006-10-27 : Europe's Monetary Union in practice
2006-10-24 : Statistical challenges raised by globalisation
2006-09-28 : Expectations, uncertainty and the design of monetary policy
2006-09-18 : Statistics for the international financial system
2006-09-15 : Fiscal policies and financial markets in EMU
2006-06-09 : Central Banks and Global Imbalances: Introduction to the round table
2006-05-05 : The Revised Stability and Growth Pact: is it working?
2006-05-04 : Financial Statistics for a Global Economy
2006-04-25 : Global imbalances and the need for policy adjustment
2006-03-31 : The ageing problem: the ECB's views
2006-03-17 : Uncertainty and gradualism in monetary policy
2006-03-01 : The importance of high quality cross-border portfolio investment statistics
2006-02-24 : Cross-border banking in the EU: developments and emerging policy issues
2006-02-02 : Some observations on the measurement of economic phenomena, with special reference to the System of National Accounts
2005-11-21 : Los tres pilares del crecimiento europeo
2005-10-18 : Access to finance and economic development
2005-10-13 : The reform of the Stability and Growth Pact: an assessment
2005-09-30 : La reforma de las reglas fiscales de la Unión Monetaria en perspectiva
2005-09-19 : Regional divergence in the euro area
2005-07-14 : The outlook for financial stability in the euro area
2005-07-13 : European Monetary Union. Where do we stand?
2005-06-27 : Interview with La Gaceta de los Negocios
2005-06-23 : The European Central Bank's monetary policy in an international context: principles and challenges
2005-05-23 : Inflation differentials in the euro area
2005-05-13 : Taxation, tax reform and monetary policy
2005-04-08 : La moneda única y sus exigencias: ¿Ha merecido la pena?
2005-02-21 : La situación actual de la economía europea
2005-02-07 : La gestión de las políticas fiscales en el marco de la Unión Económica y Monetaria
2005-01-28 : Financial integration and economic growth. Lessons from the European experience. Foro Chile - Unión Europea Fundación Euroamérica
2005-01-27 : Interview with El Mercurio
2005-01-21 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2005-01-21 : Euro area balance of payments and international investment position vis-à-vis main external counterparts
2004-12-10 : The euro: looking back, looking ahead
2004-12-09 : The euro after six years: achievements and challenges ahead
2004-12-08 : Interview with Mr José Manuel González-Páramo, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
2004-11-11 : Fiscal and monetary policy in EMU
2004-10-18 : Interview with Mr José Manuel González-Páramo, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank