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Speeches for : Jean-Claude Trichet where "euro" appeared

2011-10-30 : Interview with Bild am Sonntag
2011-10-29 : Interview with Le Monde
2011-10-24 : Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow: a vision for Europe
2011-10-21 : Towards a more integrated Europe: Challenges ahead for the euro area and Central and Eastern Europe
2011-10-19 : Remarks at the farewell event
2011-10-18 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2011-10-14 : Interview with the Financial Times
2011-10-11 : Interview with Die Welt
2011-10-11 : Interview with L'Express
2011-10-07 : Interview on the Cultural Days of the ECB – Italy 2011
2011-10-06 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-10-04 : Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2011-09-28 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2011-09-23 : Preventing spillovers on the global economy
2011-09-20 : Interview with Expansión
2011-09-15 : Intervention at the Eurofi Financial Forum 2011
2011-09-08 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-09-05 : Les enseignements de la crise
2011-09-02 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2011-08-29 : Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2011-08-27 : Achieving maximum long-term growth
2011-08-04 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-07-27 : Interview with Le Point
2011-07-22 : Statement on the decisions taken by the Euro Area Heads of State or Government at a press briefing on 21 July 2011 in Brussels
2011-07-22 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2011-07-19 : Interview with Postimees, Hospodárske noviny and Delo
2011-07-18 : Interview with Financial Times Deutschland
2011-07-07 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-06-30 : Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2011-06-28 : Completing Economic and Monetary Union
2011-06-19 : The euro area and its role in the global economy
2011-06-16 : Economic diversity on both sides of the Atlantic
2011-06-16 : Interview with The Times
2011-06-13 : The euro, its central bank and economic governance
2011-06-10 : Two continents compared
2011-06-09 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-06-06 : The monetary policy of the ECB during the financial crisis
2011-06-02 : Building Europe, building institutions
2011-06-01 : Making decisions in an uncertain world
2011-05-28 : Interview with Aachener Zeitung on the occasion of the awarding of the 2011 International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen
2011-05-26 : The ECB's response to the crisis
2011-05-18 : Interview with L’Agefi Hebdo
2011-05-15 : Contribution to Bild am Sonntag
2011-05-15 : Interview with El País
2011-05-13 : Financial reform: what has been achieved and what remains to be done
2011-05-05 : Monetary policy in uncertain times
2011-05-05 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-05-02 : Short Address in honour of Axel Weber
2011-04-26 : Interview with Helsingin Sanomat and Kauppalehti
2011-04-07 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-04-04 : La gouvernance de la zone euro
2011-03-28 : La surveillance de la compétitivité dans une union monétaire
2011-03-23 : Taking stock on financial reform
2011-03-21 : Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2011-03-18 : Reforming EMU: time for bold decisions
2011-03-11 : Decision on a memorial commemorating the deportation of Jewish citizens from the Grossmarkthalle in Frankfurt am Main
2011-03-03 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-02-23 : Competitiveness and the smooth functioning of EMU
2011-02-18 : Intellectual challenges to financial stability analysis in the era of macroprudential oversight
2011-02-16 : Interview with Die Zeit
2011-02-14 : Interview with Les Echos
2011-02-13 : Interview with Weser-Kurier
2011-02-11 : The essence of Economic and Monetary Union
2011-02-10 : Interview with L’Espresso
2011-02-03 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-02-01 : I am still learning - The legacy of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
2011-01-23 : Interview with The Wall Street Journal
2011-01-15 : Interview with BILD
2011-01-13 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-01-07 : Economic and Monetary Union: What we have achieved and what we must do next
2010-12-13 : Introductory remarks at the International Club of Economic Journalists
2010-12-08 : Remarks at the launch event for the educational games ‘€conomia' and ‘Inflation Island'
2010-12-03 : Lessons from the crisis
2010-12-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-11-30 : Quarterly Hearing before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2010-11-22 : Hearing before the plenary of the European Parliament on the occasion of the adoption of the EP resolution on the ECB's 2009 Annual Report
2010-11-19 : Macro-prudential oversight and the future European Systemic Risk Board
2010-11-18 : Reflections on the nature of monetary policy non-standard measures and finance theory
2010-11-13 : Reflections on EMU
2010-11-13 : Interview with Le Progrès
2010-11-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-10-29 : Interview with Politis
2010-10-19 : The continuing quest for reliable and timely statistics
2010-10-17 : Interview with La Stampa
2010-10-16 : Global economic governance and euro area economic governance
2010-10-12 : Europe's frameworks for macro-prudential oversight and economic governance
2010-10-11 : Interview with special edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) on the Cultural Days of the ECB
2010-10-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-09-29 : Keeping the momentum for financial reform
2010-09-27 : Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2010-09-27 : Macro-prudential Regulation as an Approach to Contain Systemic Risk: Economic Foundations, Diagnostic Tools and Policy Instruments
2010-09-20 : The entry of Estonia into the euro area
2010-09-20 : Inauguration of the Euro Exhibition
2010-09-19 : Euro Star Event
2010-09-10 : Interview with Financial Times
2010-09-05 : Celebration of the 130th anniversary of Banca Naţională a României
2010-09-03 : Interview with Le Figaro
2010-09-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-08-27 : Central banking in uncertain times: conviction and responsibility
2010-08-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-07-13 : Interview with Libération
2010-07-09 : Recovery, Reform and Renewal: Europe's economic challenge
2010-07-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-06-24 : Interview with La Repubblica
2010-06-21 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2010-06-18 : Lessons drawn from the crisis
2010-06-10 : The changing world of global governance
2010-06-10 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-06-09 : European integration: the benefits of acting collectively
2010-05-31 : The ECB's response to the recent tensions in financial markets
2010-05-31 : Central bank cooperation after the global financial crisis
2010-05-31 : Interview with Le Monde
2010-05-28 : Outcome of the competition for a memorial commemorating the deportation of Jewish citizens from the Grossmarkthalle in Frankfurt am Main
2010-05-21 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
2010-05-20 : The great financial crisis: Lessons for financial stability and monetary policy
2010-05-19 : New ECB Premises: Ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone
2010-05-15 : Interview with Der Spiegel
2010-05-14 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2010-05-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-04-29 : Keynote speech at the 9th Munich Economic Summit
2010-04-27 : What can central banks do in a financial crisis?
2010-04-26 : Global governance today
2010-04-24 : Interview with Expresso
2010-04-19 : Eulogy to Sławomir Skrzypek, President of Narodowy Bank Polski
2010-04-12 : Introductory remarks at the conference on Financial integration and stability: the legacy of the crisis
2010-04-10 : The Crisis and Beyond
2010-04-09 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2010-04-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-03-26 : Laudatio for Hans Tietmeyer
2010-03-26 : An anchor of stability and confidence
2010-03-25 : Introductory statement before the Plenary of the European Parliament
2010-03-22 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2010-03-19 : Opening statement at the Commission Conference “Building a Crisis Management Framework for the Internal Market”
2010-03-17 : Interview with Le Point
2010-03-10 : Address on the occasion of the inauguration of the “Language of Money” exhibition and the Euro Exhibition at the Museum für Kommunikation in Frankfurt am Main
2010-03-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-02-11 : Statement following the meeting of the Heads of State and Government on 11 February 2010
2010-02-09 : Commentary on “Fifty Years of Monetary Policy: What Have We Learned?” by Adam Cagliarini, Christopher Kent and Glenn Stevens
2010-02-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2010-01-26 : Interview with The Wall Street Journal
2010-01-23 : Interview with FOCUS
2010-01-21 : Welcome message at the Annual General Assembly of the Manufacturers' Association of Israel (MAI)
2010-01-14 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-12-27 : Guest commentary on BILD AM SONNTAG
2009-12-11 : Macro-prudential supervision in Europe
2009-12-10 : Systemic Risk
2009-12-10 : Interview with De Tijd and L'Echo
2009-12-07 : La justice face à la crise
2009-12-07 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2009-12-03 : Introductory statement with the Q&A
2009-11-25 : Interview with Het Financieele Dagblad
2009-11-23 : Key Lessons from the crisis
2009-11-20 : Today's financial institutions and tomorrow's monetary order
2009-11-18 : Insurance companies, pension funds and the new EU supervisory architecture
2009-11-17 : Remarks on the occasion of the European Banker of the Year Award
2009-11-17 : Interview with Le Monde
2009-11-05 : Introductory statement with the Q&A
2009-10-15 : Lessons from the financial crisis
2009-10-09 : The crisis and its lessons
2009-10-08 : Introductory statement with the Q&A
2009-10-04 : Interview with FAZ special supplement of the ECB Cultural Days: A rich variety of cultures at the heart of Europe
2009-09-30 : The regulatory and supervisory reform in Europe
2009-09-28 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2009-09-27 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2009-09-12 : Interview with the „Junge Zeitung“ of the Frankfurter Neue Presse
2009-09-04 : The ECB's exit strategy
2009-09-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-08-22 : Credible alertness revisited
2009-08-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-07-16 : Introductory remarks at the signing ceremony for the T2S memorandum of understanding
2009-07-13 : The ECB's enhanced credit support
2009-07-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-06-22 : Supporting the financial system and the economy: key ECB policy actions in the crisis
2009-06-12 : Celebration of 130th Anniversary of the Bulgarian National Bank
2009-06-12 : The financial crisis and the response of the ECB
2009-06-05 : The times of unprecedented challenges
2009-06-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-05-29 : The financial crisis and the role of central banks: The experience of the ECB
2009-05-25 : Integration and innovation - The Alpha and Omega of a successful retail payments market in Europe
2009-05-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-04-29 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2009-04-27 : The financial crisis and our response so far
2009-04-18 : The global dimension of the crisis
2009-04-17 : Restoring confidence in the global financial system
2009-04-09 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2009-04-09 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2009-04-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-03-30 : Hearing before the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2009-03-23 : Interview with Wall Street Journal
2009-03-17 : What lessons can be learned from the economic and financial crisis?
2009-03-16 : Europe - Cultural Identity - Cultural Diversity
2009-03-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-02-26 : The external and internal dimensions of Europe's competitiveness
2009-02-23 : Remarks on the future of European financial regulation and supervision
2009-02-20 : The ECB's response to the crisis
2009-02-16 : Macroeconomic policies, imbalances and the need to avoid going back to the status quo ante
2009-02-16 : Interview with China Finance
2009-02-12 : Ten years of the euro: successes and challenges
2009-02-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-01-23 : Interview with Le Figaro Magazine
2009-01-21 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2009-01-19 : (Under-)pricing of risks in the financial sector
2009-01-15 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2009-01-13 : The euro@10: achievements and responsibilities
2009-01-09 : A paradigm change for the global financial system
2009-01-08 : State celebrations for the introduction of the euro in Slovakia
2008-12-30 : Interview with the Börsen-Zeitung
2008-12-23 : Réflexions sur les turbulences financières
2008-12-23 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2008-12-15 : The changing role of communication
2008-12-15 : Interview with the Financial Times
2008-12-11 : European Financial Integration
2008-12-08 : Remarks on the financial turmoil
2008-12-08 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2008-12-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-11-26 : Introductory statement at the press conference on the occasion of the signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Bank of Egypt on a new banking supervision programme
2008-11-26 : Interview to Al-Ahram
2008-11-21 : 18th Frankfurt European Banking Congress
2008-11-18 : Central banks and the public: the importance of communication
2008-11-14 : International interdependencies and monetary policy - a policy maker's view
2008-11-12 : The Eurosystem team at ten years
2008-11-10 : Interview with Folha de Sao Paulo
2008-11-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-10-27 : Current challenges for the euro area
2008-10-14 : The financial turbulence: Where do we stand?
2008-10-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-09-30 : Some lessons from the financial market correction
2008-09-23 : Interview with Hospodárske noviny
2008-09-22 : The entry of Slovakia into the euro area
2008-09-21 : Inauguration of the “Euro exhibition” hosted by Národná banka Slovenska
2008-09-15 : Ehrenplaquette of the city of Frankfurt am Main - awarding ceremony
2008-09-11 : The European Regulatory and Supervisory Framework: The Views of the ECB
2008-09-10 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2008-09-05 : Risk and the Macro-economy
2008-09-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-08-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-07-18 : Interview with Le Figaro, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Irish Times, Jornal de Negócios
2008-07-10 : The current state of the euro area and its future
2008-07-09 : Introductory to the European Parliament
2008-07-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-07-02 : Fostering sound financial globalisation: the role of Europe
2008-06-30 : Discours délivré à l'occasion de la réception du prix ‘Vision for Europe'
2008-06-25 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2008-06-20 : L'intégration économique et financière européenne dans un monde globalisé
2008-06-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-06-04 : Reflections on the current financial markets correction
2008-06-03 : Monetary policy in challenging times
2008-06-02 : Address at the ceremony to mark the 10th anniversary of the European Central Bank and the European System of Central Banks
2008-05-16 : How to preserve and consolidate the remarkable success of the Euro and the performance of the European economy?
2008-05-15 : Reflections on the current financial market correction
2008-05-12 : The governance of globalisation
2008-05-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-05-06 : The handing over of the building permit for the new European Central Bank premises by the City of Frankfurt
2008-04-30 : How to increase the competitiveness of the European economy
2008-04-30 : Interview with Die Presse, Der Kurier, Der Standard and Salzburger Nachrichten
2008-04-28 : Toward the First Decade of Economic and Monetary Union - Experiences and Perspectives
2008-04-24 : A strategic vision on euro area statistics: the ECB's view
2008-04-21 : Opening speech at the conference on ‘The safety and efficiency of post trading arrangements in Europe'
2008-04-15 : A unique perspective
2008-04-14 : Remarks on the recent turbulences in global financial markets
2008-04-10 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-04-03 : Award of the Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany
2008-03-26 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2008-03-07 : Introduction and chair of the panel on “Stylised facts of globalisation and world inflation”
2008-03-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-02-28 : Introductory remarks at the inauguration of the Willem F. Duisenberg Fellowship of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
2008-02-25 : The growing importance of the Asia-Pacific region
2008-02-15 : Structural reforms for the European economy
2008-02-14 : Globalisation, inflation and the ECB monetary policy
2008-02-13 : Keynote speech at the Second Symposium of the ECB-CFS research network on “Capital Markets and Financial Integration in Europe”
2008-02-11 : Interview with Kyodo News, Nikkei, Nippon Hoso Kyokai and Yomiuri Shimbun
2008-02-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-01-23 : Enhancing the EU arrangements for financial stability
2008-01-18 : The successful entry of Cyprus into the euro area
2008-01-17 : The creation of economic and corporate wealth in a dynamic economy - Contribution to the panel discussion
2008-01-16 : A few remarks on communication by central banks
2008-01-12 : The successful entry of Malta into the euro area
2008-01-10 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2008-01-05 : Remarks at the meeting of the Management Board of the CDU
2007-12-19 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2007-12-07 : The US economy, the euro area economy, and their central banks
2007-12-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-12-05 : The process of European economic and financial integration
2007-12-03 : Enhancing the EU regulatory and supervisory framework: The Eurosystem's perspective
2007-11-26 : The growing importance of emerging economies in the globalised world and its implications for the international financial architecture
2007-11-23 : Global Capital - Surrender of National Policies? Lessons from the recent events in credit markets
2007-11-08 : The emergence of China in the global economy: A European perspective
2007-11-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-10-23 : Building Europe in a globalised world
2007-10-16 : Interview with Izvestia
2007-10-09 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2007-10-08 : Economic Management in a Large Currency Zone like the Euro Area
2007-10-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-10-01 : The process of European economic and financial integration
2007-09-30 : Welcome Malta!
2007-09-29 : Reflections on the international financial architecture
2007-09-26 : The monetary policy implications of ageing
2007-09-21 : The process of European economic integration
2007-09-20 : Short Address at the Gala Dinner for the 50th anniversary of the Bundesbank
2007-09-11 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2007-09-07 : The euro area and its Monetary Policy
2007-09-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-08-27 : Productivity in the euro area and monetary policy
2007-08-11 : Interview with Ouest France
2007-08-02 : Transcript of the Press Briefing
2007-07-25 : Interview with Die Zeit
2007-07-20 : How can we increase growth potential in Europe?
2007-07-11 : Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2006 to the European Parliament
2007-07-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-06-22 : Swiss monetary policy as viewed by the European Central Bank
2007-06-18 : The role of central banks in a globalised economy
2007-06-13 : Economic integration and adjustment processes in the euro area
2007-06-11 : Hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2007-06-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-06-05 : International Monetary Conference Central Bankers panel
2007-06-04 : The need for structural reforms in Europe
2007-06-01 : Charting a new global landscape: the growing impact of emerging markets on the world economy
2007-05-22 : Introductory remarks at ETUC Congress
2007-05-22 : The role of research in central banks and at the ECB
2007-05-18 : Interview with the Financial Times and the Financial Times Deutschland
2007-05-14 : Interview with Nikkei Business Magazine
2007-05-11 : The current state of European financial integration
2007-05-10 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-05-09 : Towards the review of the Lamfalussy approach: Market developments, supervisory challenges and institutional arrangements
2007-04-18 : Some reflections on the development of credit derivatives
2007-04-17 : Closing remarks at the conference organised by the European Commission and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 'The euro and the dollar: pillars in global finance'
2007-04-13 : Keynote luncheon remarks at the conference 'Transatlantic Roundtable on Finance and Monetary Affairs'
2007-04-12 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-04-02 : Interview with Dnevnik, Expansión, Irish Independent and La Repubblica
2007-03-21 : Hearing of Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank
2007-03-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-02-28 : Governance and convergence: the state of play in the euro area
2007-02-26 : Interview with FOCUS
2007-02-15 : How can the European economy succeed in an increasingly globalised world ?
2007-02-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-01-15 : Speech at the Celebration “Welcome to the Euro”
2007-01-15 : Keynote address at the € conference Slovenia
2007-01-11 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-12-20 : Testimony at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2006-12-18 : Interview with Ta Nea, Der Tagesspiegel and Luxemburger Wort
2006-12-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-11-29 : The Process of Economic, Monetary and Financial Integration in Europe
2006-11-13 : Creating an integrated market for the euro area
2006-11-10 : Closing address at the Fourth ECB Central Banking Conference on The role of Money and Monetary Policy in the Twenty-first Century
2006-11-10 : Panel Intervention at the 4th ECB Central Banking Conference on “The role of money: Money and monetary policy in the 21st century”
2006-11-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-10-26 : Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2005 to the European Parliament
2006-10-16 : How to elevate the potential growth rate of Europe
2006-10-10 : Testimony at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
2006-10-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-10-04 : Statement by the President of the ECB at the public hearing at the European Parliament on the interception of bank transfer data from the SWIFT system by the US secret services
2006-09-15 : Interview with L’Espresso
2006-09-04 : Remise du prix franco-allemand de la Culture
2006-08-31 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-08-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-07-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-06-29 : Further integrating euro area economies: some reflections
2006-06-27 : Joint interview with Corriere della Sera, Helsingin Sanomat, De Volkskrant, Diário de Notícias
2006-06-21 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2006-06-08 : Lecture on “Activism and alertness in monetary policy”
2006-06-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-05-22 : Structural reforms in Europe
2006-05-11 : The process of European financial integration
2006-05-11 : Two successes of the euro: the single monetary policy and European financial integration
2006-05-05 : The development of euro area statistics from an ECB perspective
2006-05-05 : EMU after seven years: Successes and challenges
2006-05-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-04-24 : Why Europe needs structural reforms
2006-04-11 : Interview with Yediot Ahronot
2006-04-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-04-04 : Issues related to central counterparty clearing
2006-03-31 : Economic Integration in the Euro Area
2006-03-30 : EMU and the euro: successes and challenges
2006-03-23 : La politique monétaire européenne : principes, résultats et questions actuelles
2006-03-15 : Interview with Der Standard, De Standaard, La Tribune, Süddeutsche Zeitung and L'Echo
2006-03-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-02-27 : Looking at EU and euro area enlargement from a central banker's angle: the views of the ECB
2006-02-20 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2006-02-06 : Monetary Policy and Economic Prospects in the Euro Area
2006-02-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2006-01-20 : Growth performance, labour productivity and structural reforms in the euro area
2006-01-13 : The process of European financial integration: where do we stand?
2006-01-12 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-12-23 : Interview with Der Spiegel
2005-12-16 : European financial integration
2005-12-15 : Interview with Paris Match
2005-12-01 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-11-28 : The state of European financial integration
2005-11-24 : Interview in Die Welt, La Stampa and Libération
2005-11-21 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2005-11-18 : Eurasia: Bull Meets Tiger - Panel III - Financial Markets: Shared Responsibility
2005-11-16 : Developing the Work and Tools of CEIOPS: the views of the ECB
2005-11-10 : Growth potential, labour productivity and structural reforms in Europe
2005-11-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-10-28 : The Eurosystem and the integration of European financial markets, 50th Anniversary of ACI - The Financial Markets Association
2005-10-14 : Interview with Izvestia
2005-10-10 : The euro area economy: determinants of growth, competitiveness and the need for structural reforms
2005-10-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-10-03 : European financial integration
2005-09-21 : Interview with the Irish Times, Le Figaro, El Mundo and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2005-09-14 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2005-09-01 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-08-27 : Monetary Policy and 'Credible Alertness'
2005-08-06 : Speech during the memorial service for Wim Duisenberg on 6 August 2005 in the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
2005-07-18 : Financial services policy 2005-2010: the ECB's view
2005-07-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-07-06 : European financial integration: the views of the ECB
2005-07-04 : Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2004 to the European Parliament
2005-06-24 : Monetary policy in EMU - views and challenges
2005-06-21 : Reflections on the international financial system
2005-06-17 : Closing remarks at the ECB Workshop “What effects is EMU having on the euro area and its member countries”
2005-06-15 : English translation of a contribution by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, published in Le Monde, in the edition dated 16 June 2005.
2005-06-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-05-31 : Press briefing on the ECB Financial Stability Review - June 2005
2005-05-30 : The European economy: current situation, prospects, challenges
2005-05-26 : Financial markets integration in Europe: the ECB's view
2005-05-23 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2005-05-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-04-19 : Remarks on the European financial integration and on the management of inflation expectations by the European Central Bank
2005-04-09 : The challenges of economic and financial integration in the enlarged Europe
2005-04-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-03-24 : La gestion de la transition vers la monnaie unique et l'établissement de la crédibilité de l'euro
2005-03-18 : The success of the euro and its impact on European companies
2005-03-16 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2005-03-14 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2005-03-10 : European Financial Integration: the view of the ECB
2005-03-09 : Economic and financial integration in EMU and implications for monetary and economic policies
2005-03-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-02-25 : Monetary Policy and Private Expectations. Zolotas Lecture at the Bank of Greece
2005-02-24 : Article by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank in the The Wall Street Journal, 24 Februar 2005
2005-02-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2005-01-25 : Communication, transparency and the ECB's monetary policy
2005-01-20 : Interview with Les Echos
2005-01-20 : Introductory statement to the press conference on the chosen design of the international urban planning and architectural design competition for the New ECB Premises
2005-01-14 : The euro ; successes and challenges
2005-01-13 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-12-15 : Press briefing on the “ECB Financial Stability Review“
2004-12-09 : A stability-oriented monetary policy as a necessary condition for long term growth
2004-12-06 : The integration of the single market for financial services: the Eurosystem perspective
2004-12-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-11-30 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2004-11-29 : South Eastern European Challenges and Prospects
2004-11-19 : Euro in wider circles
2004-11-11 : The ECB's use of statistics and other information for monetary policy
2004-11-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-10-27 : EU Enlargement: challenges and opportunities
2004-10-25 : Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2003 to the European Parliament
2004-10-22 : Third ECB Central Bank conference on ‘The new EU Member States: convergence and stability' in Frankfurt, 21 and 22 October Concluding remarks
2004-10-20 : Press briefing on the ECB Convergence Report
2004-10-12 : EMU and the euro: successes and challenges
2004-10-09 : Interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank
2004-10-07 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-10-05 : Key issues for monetary policy: an ECB view
2004-09-27 : Current issues on the European Central Bank and the euro
2004-09-23 : European economy: current state and prospects
2004-09-22 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2004-09-20 : Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture on “The transformation of the International Financial Architecture to meet the challenges of globalisation”
2004-09-10 : European identity
2004-09-02 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-07-09 : The current state of the European economy and the ECB's monetary policy concept
2004-07-01 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-06-29 : Integration of the European Financial Sector
2004-06-22 : Supply side economics and monetary policy
2004-06-18 : Interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank
2004-06-14 : The International Financial Architecture - Where do we stand?
2004-06-03 : Dinner Speech
2004-06-03 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-05-31 : Structural reforms and growth, as highlighted by the Irish case
2004-05-25 : Joint Eurosystem - Bank of Russia Seminar, Helsinki
2004-05-24 : Keynote speech at the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
2004-05-14 : The international role of the euro
2004-05-13 : Current challenges for the ECB: sustainable non-inflationary growth and financial stability
2004-05-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-05-05 : The current state of the EU banking sector
2004-04-27 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament. Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2003
2004-04-26 : Issues in monetary policy: views from the ECB
2004-04-23 : European Priorities: an ECB perspective
2004-04-22 : Euro area statistics and their use for ECB policy-making
2004-04-20 : Lecture on the occasion of the receipt of the EFR-Business Week Award 2004
2004-04-01 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-03-05 : Paris Seminar on the EU accession process: Concluding remarks
2004-03-04 : Paris seminar on the EU accession process: Dinner address
2004-03-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-02-16 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2004-02-05 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2004-02-02 : The euro - five years on
2004-01-29 : The challenges for the European economy in 2004
2004-01-26 : Economic reform in Europe
2004-01-26 : The integration of European financial markets
2004-01-16 : Euro-Mediterranean Seminar Eurosystem and Mediterranean country national central banks: Concluding remarks
2004-01-15 : Euro-Mediterranean Seminar Eurosystem and Mediterranean country national banks: Welcome remarks
2004-01-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2003-12-04 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2003-12-03 : Financial integration: Where do we stand?
2003-12-01 : Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, with the President of the European Central Bank, in accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union
2003-11-27 : The ECB's monetary policy strategy after the evaluation and clarification of May 2003
2003-11-26 : Financial stability
2003-11-20 : Europe at the crossroads
2003-11-20 : The ECB's monetary policy strategy after the evaluation and clarification of May 2003
2003-11-06 : Introductory statement with Q&A