The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Isabel Schnabel where "euro" appeared
2025-03-07 : Interview with wochentaz2025-02-25 : No longer convenient? Safe asset abundance and r*
2025-02-11 : Escaping stagnation
2024-12-16 : Navigating towards neutral
2024-11-27 : Interview with Bloomberg
2024-11-16 : Reassessing monetary policy tools in a rapidly changing world
2024-11-14 : Reassessing monetary policy tools in a volatile macroeconomic environment
2024-11-07 : The ECB’s balance sheet reduction: an interim assessment
2024-11-05 : The ECB’s monetary policy: towards price stability
2024-10-30 : The ECB’s monetary policy: towards price stability
2024-10-02 : Escaping stagnation: towards a stronger euro area
2024-09-26 : The ECB’s monetary policy: towards price stability
2024-09-19 : The euro area inflation outlook: a scenario analysis
2024-08-30 : The euro area inflation outlook: a scenario analysis
2024-07-26 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2024-06-23 : The ECB’s monetary policy: towards price stability
2024-06-12 : The ECB’s monetary policy: towards price stability
2024-06-07 : Is monetary policy dominated by fiscal policy?
2024-05-28 : The benefits and costs of asset purchases
2024-05-24 : Interview with ARD Plusminus und
2024-05-17 : Interview with Nikkei
2024-05-14 : From laggard to leader? Closing the euro area’s technology gap
2024-04-25 : The state contingency of monetary policy transmission
2024-04-18 : From laggard to leader? Closing the euro area’s technology gap
2024-04-17 : The future of inflation (forecast) targeting
2024-03-20 : R(ising) star?
2024-03-14 : The Eurosystem’s operational framework
2024-02-23 : Has the fight against inflation been won?
2024-02-16 : From laggard to leader? Closing the euro area’s technology gap
2024-02-13 : The dynamics of PEPP reinvestments
2024-02-07 : Interview with Financial Times
2024-01-29 : Learning from crises: our new framework for euro liquidity lines
2024-01-10 : Q&A on X
2023-11-23 : Monetary policy in times of stubborn inflation
2023-11-21 : Monetary policy in times of stubborn inflation
2023-11-02 : The last mile
2023-10-06 : Interview with Jutarnji list
2023-09-25 : Money and inflation
2023-09-20 : Challenges for monetary policy at times of stubborn inflation
2023-09-05 : What is special about climate-related and environmental risks?
2023-08-31 : Disinflation and the Phillips curve
2023-06-19 : The risks of stubborn inflation
2023-06-07 : Interview with De Tijd
2023-05-19 : Monetary and financial stability – can they be separated?
2023-05-09 : Challenges for monetary policy at times of high inflation
2023-04-24 : Interview with Politico
2023-04-20 : Inflation in the euro area and the US – causes, persistence, outlook
2023-04-19 : Challenges for monetary policy at times of high inflation
2023-03-29 : Inflation in the euro area and the US – causes, persistence, outlook
2023-03-27 : Back to normal? Balance sheet size and interest rate control
2023-03-26 : Inflation in the euro area and the US – causes, persistence, outlook
2023-03-24 : How green is our balance sheet?
2023-03-02 : Quantitative tightening: rationale and market impact
2023-02-17 : Interview with Bloomberg
2023-02-10 : Q&A on Twitter
2023-02-07 : Monetary policy in times of pandemic and war
2023-01-10 : Monetary policy tightening and the green transition
2022-12-24 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2022-11-29 : Inflation in the euro area – causes and outlook
2022-11-24 : Finding the right mix: monetary-fiscal interaction at times of high inflation
2022-11-10 : Persistence of inflation in the euro area
2022-09-30 : Monetary policy in a cost-of-living crisis
2022-09-22 : Interview with t-online
2022-09-22 : Inflation in the euro area – causes and outlook
2022-09-12 : Reconciling the macro and micro evidence on the effects of monetary policy
2022-08-27 : Monetary policy and the Great Volatility
2022-08-18 : Inflation in the euro area – causes and outlook
2022-08-18 : Interview with Reuters
2022-07-08 : A catalyst for greening the financial system
2022-07-02 : Inflation in the euro area – past and future
2022-06-16 : Interview with Dein SPIEGEL
2022-06-14 : United in diversity – Challenges for monetary policy in a currency union
2022-05-11 : The globalisation of inflation
2022-05-03 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2022-04-02 : Managing policy trade-offs
2022-03-17 : A new age of energy inflation: climateflation, fossilflation and greenflation
2022-02-24 : Finding the right sequence
2022-02-17 : Inflation im Euroraum: Ursachen und Ausblick
2022-02-15 : Interview with Financial Times
2022-02-09 : Q&A on Twitter
2022-01-14 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2022-01-08 : Looking through higher energy prices? Monetary policy and the green transition
2021-12-22 : Interview with Le Monde
2021-12-08 : Monetary policy and financial stability
2021-11-29 : Inflation im Euroraum: Ursachen und Ausblick
2021-11-25 : Inflation im Euroraum: Ursachen und Ausblick
2021-11-23 : Interview with Bloomberg
2021-11-17 : Reflation, not stagflation
2021-11-09 : Monetary policy and inequality
2021-10-07 : Prospects for inflation: sneezes and breezes
2021-10-01 : Lessons from an unusual crisis
2021-09-20 : Asset purchases: from crisis to recovery
2021-09-15 : The monetary policy non-puzzle in bond markets
2021-09-14 : The spectre of inflation
2021-09-13 : New narratives on monetary policy – the spectre of inflation
2021-08-31 : Climate change and monetary policy
2021-08-26 : Die neue geldpolitische Strategie der Europäischen Zentralbank
2021-08-24 : The rise of non-bank finance and its implications for monetary policy transmission
2021-08-21 : Interview with Focus
2021-07-14 : A new strategy for a changing world
2021-07-10 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
2021-07-03 : Escaping low inflation?
2021-06-24 : The ECB’s policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic
2021-06-22 : Die Geldpolitik der EZB in der Corona-Krise
2021-06-14 : From market neutrality to market efficiency
2021-05-28 : Interview with Reuters
2021-05-27 : Societal responsibility and central bank independence
2021-05-12 : Tackling climate change as a central bank: Between motivation, obligation and limitation
2021-04-28 : Q&A on Twitter
2021-04-14 : Die Geldpolitik der EZB in der Corona-Krise
2021-04-09 : Interview with Der Spiegel
2021-03-25 : Paving the path to recovery by preserving favourable financing conditions
2021-03-18 : Die Geldpolitik der EZB in der Corona-Krise / The Monetary Policy of the ECB in the Coronavirus Crisis
2021-03-16 : Interview with Les Echos
2021-03-03 : From green neglect to green dominance?
2021-02-26 : Unconventional fiscal and monetary policy at the zero lower bound
2021-02-25 : Interview with LETA
2021-02-18 : The ECB's policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic
2021-01-31 : Interview with Deutschlandfunk
2021-01-28 : The sovereign-bank-corporate nexus – virtuous or vicious?
2021-01-12 : Isabel Schnabel: Interview with Der Standard
2020-12-18 : Q&A on Twitter
2020-12-17 : Climate change and monetary policy
2020-12-16 : The importance of trust for the ECB’s monetary policy
2020-12-14 : Welcome address
2020-12-01 : Interview with Bloomberg
2020-11-24 : COVID-19 and monetary policy: Reinforcing prevailing challenges
2020-11-23 : Shifting tides in euro area money markets: from the global financial crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic
2020-11-19 : COVID-19 and the liquidity crisis of non-banks: lessons for the future
2020-11-17 : Interview with CNBC
2020-11-05 : Unequal scars – distributional consequences of the pandemic
2020-11-04 : Monetary policy in changing conditions
2020-11-03 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2020-10-20 : Don’t take it for granted: the value of high-quality data and statistics for the ECB’s policymaking
2020-10-12 : Pulling together: fiscal and monetary policies in a low interest rate environment
2020-10-10 : The ECB’s independence in times of mounting public debt
2020-09-28 : Women are central, not just in central banks
2020-09-28 : When markets fail – the need for collective action in tackling climate change
2020-09-18 : Unequal scars – distributional consequences of the pandemic
2020-09-16 : Interview with Agence France-Presse (AFP)
2020-09-11 : The shadow of fiscal dominance: Misconceptions, perceptions and perspectives
2020-08-31 : Interview with Reuters
2020-08-26 : Going negative: the ECB’s experience
2020-08-19 : The provision of euro liquidity through the ECB’s swap and repo operations
2020-07-21 : Interview with Expansión
2020-07-17 : Never waste a crisis: COVID-19, climate change and monetary policy
2020-07-13 : Interview with ARD „plusminus“
2020-07-07 : Interview with NRC Handelsblad
2020-07-02 : The ECB’s monetary policy during the coronavirus crisis – necessary, suitable and proportionate
2020-06-28 : Necessary, suitable and proportionate
2020-06-27 : The ECB’s monetary policy during the coronavirus crisis – necessary, suitable and proportionate
2020-06-25 : The ECB's policy response to the COVID-19 crisis
2020-06-10 : The ECB’s policy in the COVID-19 crisis – a medium-term perspective
2020-06-09 : Q&A on Twitter
2020-05-27 : Interview with Financial Times
2020-05-27 : Interview with Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
2020-05-25 : Coronavirus: zooming in on financial markets
2020-05-11 : Interview with La Repubblica
2020-04-16 : The ECB’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
2020-04-04 : Interview with To Vima
2020-03-21 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
2020-03-18 : Interview with Die Zeit
2020-02-27 : How long is the medium term? Monetary policy in a low inflation environment
2020-02-11 : Narratives about the ECB’s monetary policy – reality or fiction?
2020-02-11 : Interview with Die Welt
2020-01-09 : Mehr Europa für eine stabile gemeinsame Währung