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Speeches for : Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell where "euro" appeared

2011-05-23 : SEPA in der Praxis - Sicht der Europäischen Zentralbank
2011-05-19 : Financial integration and stability
2011-05-13 : Closing remarks for the conference “The future of retail payments: opportunities and challenges”
2011-05-12 : Transformation of the banking business and its impact on retail payments: governance, efficiency and integration
2011-05-10 : Policy discipline and spillovers in an interconnected global economy
2011-05-03 : Asset price bubbles: how they build up and how to prevent them?
2011-04-08 : Ist die europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion eine Solidargemeinschaft? Soll sie es sein?
2011-03-21 : What lies behind the success of the euro?
2011-03-18 : Introductory statement at the press conference on the occasion of the signing of the protocol between the European Central Bank, the National Bank of Serbia and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
2011-03-15 : Der einheitliche Euro-Zahlungsverkehrsraum (SEPA): Wo stehen wir und was bringt er uns?
2011-01-27 : Wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Herausforderungen für den Euro-Raum
2011-01-20 : Wirtschaftliche Aussichten 2011 für den Euroraum
2010-11-25 : SEPA: a busy year is coming to its end and another exciting year lies ahead
2010-11-23 : The euro area's economic outlook
2010-11-15 : Priorities for Integration
2010-10-29 : Zukunft Euro
2010-10-25 : Retail sales from a euro area perspective
2010-10-18 : The Single Euro Payments Area - where do we stand?
2010-09-28 : Priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the EU for the financial services area
2010-09-27 : The interplay of banking, financial intermediation and regulation
2010-07-23 : Policy challenges facing the euro area
2010-07-03 : The ECB's actions during the recent crisis and the policy elements needed for a sound recovery
2010-06-11 : Address on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Euro Exhibition at Narodowy Bank Polski
2010-06-11 : Financial Integration and Stability: Efficiency Gains vs. Pitfalls
2010-05-05 : SEPA for cards: more than a symbol of SEPA's success
2010-04-28 : Time ripens all things, and now the time is ripe to reap the benefits from E-invoicing
2010-04-19 : Address on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Euro Exhibition at the Banque centrale du Luxembourg
2010-03-15 : Introductory remarks to the press conference on the announcement of the EU-funded cooperation programme between the ECB and the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010-01-28 : Die Zukunft der Geld- und Finanzpolitik sowie der Systemaufsicht
2009-12-11 : The Way Forward with Monetary, Fiscal and Macroprudential Policies
2009-12-02 : Thinking small first - how does it apply to the financing conditions and payments of small and medium-sized enterprises?
2009-11-23 : The Progress of Migration to SEPA
2009-11-16 : A case for rapid euro adoption?
2009-10-16 : The European response to the financial crisis
2009-10-13 : Payments are becoming European
2009-10-05 : Wege aus der Krise
2009-09-21 : Business models in banking: Is there a best practice?
2009-09-09 : A single market for cards: the missing piece in the SEPA puzzle
2009-07-16 : Opening statement at the press briefing for the signing of T2S Memorandum of Understanding
2009-07-08 : Globalisierung der Post-Trade Infrastrukturen
2009-07-06 : Implementing SEPA: our expedition to a fully integrated euro retail payment market
2009-06-15 : Monetary policy challenges in light of the current financial market developments
2009-06-15 : Beyond the turmoil: rules, supervision and infrastructures
2009-06-06 : The future of reserve currencies
2009-06-06 : The post-crisis financial architecture
2009-05-19 : The new financial architecture and the role of Europe
2009-05-06 : Ten years of the euro: Successes and challenges in light of the current financial market developments
2009-03-16 : The Quest for the Holy Grail? - European Financial Integration: Achievements and Hurdles
2009-01-22 : The financial crisis - looking back and the way forward
2008-12-08 : Challenges for the Euro at ten
2008-11-18 : European Pension Funds Congress
2008-11-17 : Enhancing infrastructures for the EU financial market
2008-10-27 : Do you SEPA? The ECB's point of view
2008-10-20 : The role of retail finance for financial markets efficiency and stability
2008-09-12 : Priorities for EU infrastructures and prospects of transatlantic infrastructures
2008-09-11 : EU priorities for investment funds and EU securities infrastructures
2008-09-09 : SEPA for cards
2008-09-03 : Speech at the EPC Coordination Committee offsite meeting in Château-de-Limelette
2008-09-01 : Introductory statement at the press conference held at the Central Bank of Serbia on the occasion of the start of the ECB/ESCB needs analysis programme in Belgrade, Serbia
2008-07-02 : The future of cards and payments: SEPA for cards
2008-06-18 : Towards an integrated securities market - The TARGET2-Securities project
2008-06-16 : Speech at the International Bankers' Club
2008-06-14 : Herausforderungen für die Geldpolitik im Lichte der jüngsten Finanzmarktentwicklungen
2008-06-09 : Central banks, liquidity and a changing financial market infrastructure
2008-05-15 : Dinner speech at the 8th meeting of the T2S Advisory Group
2008-05-06 : Ten years of European Monetary Union: What is the role of national central banks today?
2008-04-21 : High-level panel: Improving the efficiency and integration of post-trading arrangements in Europe
2008-04-17 : Corporates in the Single Euro Payments Area: Business as usual?
2008-04-15 : Building and preserving trust - Challenges for the financial community
2008-01-28 : SEPA goes live
2008-01-22 : The Single Euro Payments Area in a global context
2007-11-30 : TARGET2-SECURITIES Gains from integrating the European post-trade infrastructure - the case for T2S
2007-11-26 : The euro - benefits and challenges
2007-11-20 : Press conference on the launch of TARGET2: TARGET2 and European market integration
2007-11-19 : Going the extra mile to be ready for SEPA
2007-11-12 : Opening remarks Payments and monetary and financial stability
2007-10-08 : SEPA - three months to go and full steam ahead?
2007-09-27 : TARGET2-Securities: A big win for European integration
2007-09-13 : Conference related to the 10th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2007-09-03 : SEPA - from steam train to TGV?
2007-08-29 : Better Regulation“ im Finanzsektor - die Sicht der Europäischen Zentralbank
2007-05-23 : Globalisation - a challenge for the euro area
2007-05-15 : The new SEPA landscape from vision to reality (and back)
2007-05-08 : Making SEPA a reality - Involving the public sector in the Single Euro Payments Area
2007-05-07 : Financial integration, modernisation and competitiveness in Europe: achievements and challenges
2007-05-03 : Modernising payments: 'no pain - no gain'
2007-03-23 : Regulatory framework and payment systems issues
2007-03-12 : The competitiveness of European financial markets. An economic framework for effective policy-making
2007-03-08 : Introductory statement with Q&A
2007-02-16 : Introductory statement to the Press conference in Sarajevo
2007-02-13 : The European Central Bank's view on SEPA
2007-01-15 : Panel intervention at the Euro conference hosted by Banka Slovenije
2006-12-18 : Dinner speech: TARGET2-Securities meeting with market participants
2006-12-01 : Financial Integration and Stability in Europe. Concluding remarks
2006-11-30 : TARGET2-Securities: from vision to reality. The Eurosystem's contribution to an integrated securities market
2006-11-13 : Concluding remarks 'SEPA - Opportunities by Change'
2006-10-23 : Building the Future - Integrating Europe's Financial Sector
2006-09-28 : Opening remarks at the conference on Financial System Modernisation and Economic Growth in Europe
2006-09-20 : A SEPA for cards: a contribution to a cashless society?
2006-09-18 : Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges for the Euro Area
2006-09-07 : From theory to practice: let's roll out the cables
2006-07-17 : Preliminary Findings of the Retail Banking Sector Inquiry
2006-07-06 : European Financial Integration and the Financial System
2006-06-29 : Round table conference on m-Payments
2006-06-15 : ABI-SWIFT 'SPIN 2006' Conference on 'The drivers of change: regulation versus competition'
2006-06-09 : Drivers for change in payment and securities settlement systems
2006-06-07 : What is the outlook for the Single European Payments Area (SEPA)?
2006-04-03 : Issues related to Central Counterparty Clearing
2006-03-31 : The European Central Bank, Italy and the integration of Eastern Europe
2006-02-23 : The Lisbon Agenda - what can banks contribute?
2005-11-15 : SEPA: making the dream become a reality
2005-10-28 : Global Financial Markets 2015: looking ahead - Ten theses - Liechtenstein Dialogue, Liechtenstein
2005-10-21 : Regulation, Competition and Integration in EU banking: What Drives Performance? - Revisiting Freiburg -
2005-10-14 : Single market for financial services - vision or reality?
2005-10-03 : Keeping up the momentum: achieving the SEPA objectives on time
2005-09-30 : Press briefing: Presentation of indicators of financial integration in the euro area
2005-06-17 : Introductory remarks on the euro and European financial integration, at the ECB Workshop “What effects is EMU having on the euro area and its member countries?”
2005-05-06 : Interchange in a changing market: Observations from the euro area perspective
2005-04-25 : The need for regulatory involvement in the evolution of payment systems
2005-04-19 : The next dimension for EU-China relations
2005-03-11 : Der Euro und die Währungen der neuen EU-Länder
2005-03-09 : Monetary and Financial Policies in the New Integrated Union
2005-03-01 : Integration and efficiency in collateral markets - a central bank perspective
2005-01-20 : Dinner speech on the Eurosystem's monetary policy implementation at the ECB Workshop on “Monetary Policy Implementation: lessons from the past and challenges ahead”
2004-12-06 : The Euro - Financial Strength and Weakness from a Global Perspective
2004-12-03 : Exchange rate moves in a global economy: a central banking perspective
2004-11-24 : Chancengleichheit für Frauen und Männer: Erfolg durch Vielfalt
2004-11-23 : Speech at the European Mortgage Federation Annual Conference
2004-11-12 : Zusammenfassung des Vortrags vor dem Club der Wirtschaftspublizisten, Wien
2004-11-05 : Six Years after the Euro: Success and Challenges
2004-11-04 : Die Bedeutung integrierter Finanzräume für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
2004-10-18 : Integration des Europäischen Finanzmarktes und Schaffung eines einheitlichen Zahlungsverkehrsraumes
2004-09-21 : Card payments and the European financial integration
2004-09-06 : Time to act: clear objectives and a convincing roadmap for the Single Euro Payments Area
2004-06-21 : Presentation, delivered at the symposium Zahlungsverkehr in Deutschland im Umfeld europäischer und internationaler Entwicklungen organised by the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt am Main, pdf 320 kB
2004-05-25 : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank
2004-05-17 : Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der EU-Erweiterung
2004-05-14 : Five Years of the Euro: Successes and New Challenges
2004-05-11 : Speech at the ECB-CFS Symposium 'The Role of the ECB in Financial Integration'
2004-03-23 : Enlarged EU - Financial Strength and Weakness from a Global Perspective
2004-02-20 : Challenges for central banks in an enlarged European Union and euro area
2004-02-10 : Internationaler Club Frankfurter Wirtschaftsjournalisten
2003-11-21 : ECB-CFS Research Network on 'Capital markets and financial integration in Europe'
2003-11-14 : ECB's monetary policy issues in the run-up to enlargement
2003-11-11 : The role of institutions in the financial system
2003-11-03 : Welcoming the new Member States
2003-10-27 : The euro in central and eastern Europe
2003-09-16 : Payments and confidence - the views of the Eurosystem
2003-08-29 : Europa und die USA - Clash of Cultures?
2003-06-30 : Speech in honour ofMr. Alessandro Profumo, Chief Executive Officer of UniCredito Italiano S.p.A., European Banker of the Year 2002