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Speeches for : Fabio Panetta where "euro" appeared

2023-10-31 : Extending the benefits of digital technologies to cross-border payments
2023-09-20 : Investing in tomorrow: Future-proofing fiscal policies and governance in Europe
2023-09-04 : Shaping Europe’s digital future: the path towards a digital euro
2023-08-30 : Europe needs to think bigger to build its capital markets union
2023-08-03 : Getting disinflation right
2023-06-28 : Why Europe needs a digital euro
2023-06-23 : Paradise lost? How crypto failed to deliver on its promises and what to do about it
2023-06-22 : Central clearing in turbulent times: frontiers in regulation and oversight
2023-06-02 : Interview with Le Monde
2023-05-24 : Interview with Les Echos
2023-05-17 : Digital euro – for everyone, everywhere in the euro area
2023-04-24 : United we stand: European integration as a response to global fragmentation
2023-04-24 : A digital euro: widely available and easy to use
2023-04-01 : Interview with The New York Times
2023-03-22 : Everything everywhere all at once: responding to multiple global shocks
2023-03-10 : Digital euro – a work in progress
2023-03-08 : The Quick and the Dead: building up cyber resilience in the financial sector
2023-02-16 : Monetary policy after the energy shock
2023-01-24 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2023-01-23 : The digital euro: our money wherever, whenever we need it
2022-12-07 : Crypto dominos: the bursting crypto bubbles and the destiny of digital finance
2022-11-16 : Greener and cheaper: could the transition away from fossil fuels generate a divine coincidence?
2022-11-14 : The complexity of monetary policy
2022-11-11 : Investing in Europe’s future: The case for a rethink
2022-11-03 : Mind the step: calibrating monetary policy in a volatile environment
2022-09-29 : Building on our strengths: the role of the public and private sectors in the digital euro ecosystem
2022-09-26 : Demystifying wholesale central bank digital currency
2022-08-23 : Policy panel on central bank digital currencies
2022-07-13 : Key objectives of the digital euro
2022-07-01 : Europe as a common shield: protecting the euro area economy from global shocks
2022-06-16 : Bringing European payments to the next stage: a public-private endeavour
2022-06-15 : The digital euro and the evolution of the financial system
2022-06-01 : Adapting to the fast-moving cyber threat landscape: no room for complacency
2022-06-01 : The ECB’s 2022 Convergence Report
2022-05-25 : Normalising monetary policy in non-normal times
2022-05-16 : Public money for the digital era: towards a digital euro
2022-05-05 : Interview with La Stampa
2022-04-25 : For a few cryptos more: the Wild West of crypto finance
2022-04-08 : More than an intellectual game: exploring the monetary policy and financial stability implications of central bank digital currencies
2022-04-06 : Europe’s shared destiny, economics and the law
2022-03-30 : A digital euro that serves the needs of the public: striking the right balance
2022-03-22 : Building a robust and diversified clearing ecosystem
2022-02-28 : Small steps in a dark room: guiding policy on the path out of the pandemic
2022-02-18 : Central bank digital currencies: defining the problems, designing the solutions
2021-12-10 : The present and future of money in the digital age
2021-11-24 : Patient monetary policy amid a rocky recovery
2021-11-19 : The ECB’s case for central bank digital currencies
2021-11-18 : Designing a digital euro for the retail payments landscape of tomorrow
2021-11-09 : Digital currencies around the world – what are the policy implications?
2021-11-05 : Central bank digital currencies: a monetary anchor for digital innovation
2021-10-19 : “Hic sunt leones” – open research questions on the international dimension of central bank digital currencies
2021-10-08 : Stay safe at the intersection: the confluence of big techs and global stablecoins
2021-09-30 : Cyber risks and the integrity of digital finance
2021-07-29 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2021-07-27 : After the crisis: Economic lessons from the pandemic
2021-07-14 : Preparing for the euro’s digital future
2021-06-28 : Monetary-fiscal interactions on the way out of the crisis
2021-06-20 : Interview with Financial Times
2021-06-15 : Cash still king in times of COVID-19
2021-05-26 : Interview with Nikkei
2021-05-19 : At the edge of tomorrow: preparing the future of European retail payments
2021-04-26 : Monetary autonomy in a globalised world
2021-04-14 : A digital euro to meet the expectations of Europeans
2021-04-11 : Interview with El País
2021-03-25 : Digital central bank money for Europeans – getting ready for the future
2021-03-03 : Central clearing and the changing landscape
2021-03-02 : Mind the gap(s): monetary policy and the way out of the pandemic
2021-02-10 : Evolution or revolution? The impact of a digital euro on the financial system
2021-02-09 : Interview with Der Spiegel
2021-01-25 : Fabio Panetta: Sustainable finance: transforming finance to finance the transformation
2020-12-16 : Keeping cyber risk at bay: our individual and joint responsibility
2020-12-14 : A commitment to the recovery
2020-12-02 : Money in the digital era
2020-11-27 : From the payments revolution to the reinvention of money
2020-11-27 : Interview with Expresso
2020-11-04 : The two sides of the (stable)coin
2020-10-22 : On the edge of a new frontier: European payments in the digital age
2020-10-17 : Interview with Kathimerini
2020-10-12 : A digital euro for the digital era
2020-10-02 : We must be prepared to issue a digital euro
2020-09-22 : Asymmetric risks, asymmetric reaction: monetary policy in the pandemic
2020-09-15 : Healing after the pandemic: supporting and sustaining the recovery
2020-08-19 : The provision of euro liquidity through the ECB’s swap and repo operations
2020-07-27 : Interview with La Repubblica
2020-07-13 : Pursuing a successful path towards euro area accession
2020-07-07 : Unleashing the euro’s untapped potential at global level
2020-07-01 : The price of uncertainty and uncertainty about prices: monetary policy in the post-COVID-19 economy
2020-06-16 : Interview with Le Monde
2020-06-12 : Sharing and strengthening the euro’s privilege
2020-06-05 : Interview with Radio anch’io, Rai Radio 1
2020-06-05 : Intervista con News Mediaset
2020-05-14 : Interview with Der Standard
2020-04-28 : Beyond monetary policy – protecting the continuity and safety of payments during the coronavirus crisis
2020-04-21 : Why we all need a joint European fiscal response
2020-03-19 : Interview with TG1
2020-03-15 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2020-02-27 : Protecting the European financial sector: the Cyber Information and Intelligence Sharing Initiative
2020-02-26 : Joining forces: stepping up coordination on risks in central clearing
2020-02-18 : Deepening and widening Economic and Monetary Union: finding the right speed