The webapp provides for each item the link on ECB's website.
Speeches for : Eugenio Domingo Solans where "euro" appeared
2004-04-23 : Statistics and their use by central banks2003-12-10 : The importance of MFI interest rates for the Eurosystem and the general public
2003-11-27 : La experiencia internacional en el manejo de la política monetaria: casos exitosos
2003-11-13 : The changeover to the euro currency
2003-10-24 : An analysis of the international role of the euro: its impact on economic relations between Asia and Europe
2003-10-17 : Prices, productivity and growth... and money
2003-10-13 : The enlargement of the EU and the European capital markets
2003-10-09 : The role of the Eurosystem in financial markets
2003-09-17 : ECB Press Conference for the opening of the euro banknote design exhibition
2003-09-05 : European enlargement from the ECB's perspective
2003-08-20 : Official Statistics for a Global Economy
2003-06-13 : Why does the structure of the financial system matter?
2003-05-16 : The importance of Eurostat for the monetary policy of the European Central Bank
2003-05-08 : Catalunya dins l'Europa moderna
2003-03-27 : The international role of the euro in a globalised economy
2003-03-10 : Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding on Economic and Financial Statistics between the ECB (Directorate General Statistics) and the European Commission (Eurostat)
2003-03-07 : Economic policy: complementary and reinforcing dimensions
2003-02-13 : Financial innovation and monetary policy
2002-12-16 : Macroeconomic stability and growth in the European Monetary Union
2002-12-09 : The relevance of financial sector developments for accession countries
2002-11-22 : Some thoughts on the performance of the ECB
2002-11-11 : The euro: a driving force in a globalised financial system
2002-09-17 : European financial integration and stability
2002-06-11 : Exchange rate policies in the accession process
2002-05-24 : Monetary integration in Europe: some past and present experiences
2002-04-12 : The new challenges for the European banking system
2002-03-09 : European financial integration and the international role of the euro
2002-02-28 : A farewell to the peseta
2002-02-12 : Primeras impresiones de la entrada en vigor del euro: impacto en los mercados financieros y en el sistema bancario
2002-01-24 : The culmination of European Monetary Union
2001-12-05 : The Psychology of the European Currency, as viewed by the European Central Bank
2001-11-29 : Some remarks on the future of the euro
2001-11-22 : Balance of payments seminar with accession countries
2001-11-19 : NETDAYS launch
2001-11-16 : Issues concerning the use and measurement of the HICP
2001-10-16 : Challenges to economic statistics in a united Europe
2001-10-09 : Practical aspects of the introduction of the euro
2001-09-18 : Putting euro banknotes and coins into circulation
2001-08-30 : Press conference on the occasion of the unveiling of the euro banknotes and their security features. Presentation of the mass media campaign including a brief overview of the Euro 2002 Information Campaign
2001-08-30 : Press conference on the occasion of the unveiling of the euro banknotes and their security features. Introductory remarks on the euro banknotes and their security features
2001-08-30 : ECB Press conference on the occasion of the unveiling of the euro banknotes and their security features, Frankfurt am Main, 30 August 2001
2001-07-09 : Europa y la nueva economía
2001-06-08 : Financial markets in the European Monetary Union
2001-05-15 : Putting euro banknotes and coins into circulation
2001-04-04 : La puesta en circulación de los billetes y monedas en euros
2001-03-26 : Europa y la nueva economía
2001-03-08 : La inflación, una variable clave para la política monetaria del BCE
2001-02-26 : The euro and the Eurosystem - some issues of interest for the Swedish public
2000-12-11 : Preparing the next steps until 2002: Introduction of the euro banknotes and coins
2000-12-01 : Monetary policy under inflation targeting
2000-11-15 : Intervención en la celebración del 50 aniversario de la banca central en Cuba
2000-10-26 : La política monetaria europea y el Banco Central Europeo
2000-09-20 : Integrated European financial markets in a globalised economy
2000-09-12 : Parameters of the eurosystem's monetary policy
2000-08-26 : How should monetary policy makers respond to the new challenges of global economic integration?
2000-06-05 : Introductory statement at a Hearing before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, on the Euro 2002 Information Campaign on euro banknotes and coins
1999-11-16 : The euro as a new international currency
1999-11-15 : The euro as a new international currency
1999-11-15 : The euro and the activities of the European Central Bank
1999-09-25 : Un balance de la actuación del Banco Central Europeo
1999-09-24 : La revolución tecnológica y la actividad del BCE
1999-09-18 : The euro as an international currency
1999-09-10 : Euro and European integration
1999-07-23 : El BCE. Un nuevo Banco central para España
1999-07-02 : The monetary policy of the Eurosystem
1999-06-25 : Three courses for a dinner speech
1999-06-10 : First balance and further challenges for the euro
1999-06-03 : Seis meses de política monetaria del BCE y del SEBC. La formulación de la política monetaria
1999-05-24 : Should the ECB have broader objectives beyond price stability?
1999-05-13 : Perspectivas y enseñanzas del euro como moneda internacional
1999-05-10 : El BCE. Un Banco Central del siglo XXI
1999-04-15 : The euro in the international capital markets
1999-04-14 : 100 days of EMU: First experiences and further perspectives
1999-03-25 : The statistical requirements of the ESCB
1999-03-16 : Primer balance y apuestas del euro
1999-03-10 : The euro as a new world currency
1998-12-04 : The monetary policy of the European Central Bank
1998-07-09 : El sistema europeo de bancos centrales. Aspectos functionales e institutionales
1998-06-26 : Principales aspectos relacionados con la introducción del euro