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Speeches for : Benoit Coure where "euro" appeared

2019-12-18 : Monetary policy: lifting the veil of effectiveness
2019-12-16 : Interview with Libération
2019-12-03 : The single currency: an unfinished agenda
2019-11-28 : Economics as a profession: from science to practice
2019-11-26 : Towards the retail payments of tomorrow: a European strategy
2019-11-12 : A tale of two money markets: fragmentation or concentration
2019-10-17 : Interview with Bloomberg
2019-09-30 : Innovation in payments: Libra, blockchain and crypto-assets
2019-09-25 : Introductory remarks
2019-09-17 : Digital challenges to the international monetary and financial system
2019-07-17 : Exchange of views with members of the High Council of Public Finance
2019-07-11 : Inflation expectations and the conduct of monetary policy
2019-07-08 : Interview with BFM Business TV
2019-06-25 : European capital markets: priorities and challenges
2019-06-17 : Interview with the Financial Times
2019-06-12 : The effects of APP reinvestments on euro area bond markets
2019-05-16 : The rise of services and the transmission of monetary policy
2019-05-15 : Exchange of views with members of the French Parliament
2019-05-10 : Cyber resilience as a global public good
2019-05-08 : Interview with the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks
2019-04-23 : Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
2019-04-02 : Interview with Risques
2019-03-29 : Heterogeneity and the ECB’s monetary policy
2019-03-13 : Generation €uro – What Europe can do for you
2019-03-11 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2019-02-27 : The case for cooperation: cross-border CCP supervision and the role of central banks
2019-02-26 : Euro interest rate benchmark reform: achievements and remaining challenges
2019-02-15 : The euro’s global role in a changing world: a monetary policy perspective
2019-02-07 : Interview with Barron’s
2019-01-31 : Fintech for the people
2019-01-25 : Interview with Bloomberg TV
2019-01-07 : Interview with France Inter
2018-12-07 : Euro Cyber Resilience Board for pan-European Financial Infrastructures
2018-11-26 : The role of the European Union in fostering convergence
2018-11-08 : Monetary policy and climate change
2018-10-26 : The international dimension of the ECB’s asset purchase programme: an update
2018-10-04 : The local impact of the ECB’s monetary policy
2018-10-01 : Interview with Der Tagesspiegel
2018-09-25 : Waiting for ESTER: the road ahead for interest rate benchmark reform
2018-09-17 : Forward guidance and policy normalisation
2018-09-05 : Interview with Kathimerini
2018-07-09 : Interview with Bloomberg TV
2018-07-08 : Asserting Europe’s leadership
2018-06-26 : The future of financial market infrastructures: spearheading progress without renouncing safety
2018-06-25 : Interview with Le Figaro
2018-06-15 : The euro area economic outlook and completion of EMU
2018-06-15 : Interview with Europe 1
2018-05-25 : Central banking in times of complexity
2018-05-23 : Interview with Die Zeit
2018-05-14 : The future of central bank money
2018-04-23 : A cooperative approach to CCP recovery and resolution
2018-04-12 : Scars that never were? Potential output and slack after the crisis
2018-04-10 : Interview with France Info
2018-04-06 : The consequences of protectionism
2018-04-06 : Interview with CNBC
2018-03-28 : Taking back control of globalisation: Sovereignty through European integration
2018-03-14 : Making our monetary union stronger and more resilient
2018-03-14 : Financial regulation and innovation: a two-way street
2018-03-12 : Interview with BFM Business TV
2018-03-09 : A Euro Cyber Resilience Board for pan-European Financial Infrastructures
2018-02-26 : The importance of euro interest rate benchmark reforms
2018-02-23 : The persistence and signalling power of central bank asset purchase programmes
2018-02-16 : Trade as an engine of growth: Prospects and lessons for Europe
2018-02-02 : The euro area’s three lines of defence
2018-01-31 : What yield curves are telling us
2018-01-31 : Interview with RTÉ TV
2018-01-29 : La situation économique dans la zone euro et le rôle de la BCE (fiches de présentation)
2017-12-30 : Interview with Caixin Global
2017-12-16 : Central banks as risk managers
2017-11-24 : Policy analysis with big data
2017-11-21 : Interview with Handelsblatt
2017-11-14 : Asset purchases, financial regulation and repo market activity
2017-11-09 : Interview with France Info TV
2017-11-03 : Monetary policy, exchange rates and capital flows
2017-10-29 : Interview with Le Journal du Dimanche
2017-10-12 : The known unknowns of financial regulation
2017-09-22 : The use of local currencies in EU candidate and potential candidate countries
2017-09-12 : Europe’s moment
2017-09-11 : The transmission of the ECB’s monetary policy in standard and non-standard times
2017-07-11 : The international dimension of the ECB’s asset purchase programme
2017-07-07 : Interview with Le Monde and La Stampa
2017-06-30 : Convergence matters for monetary policy
2017-06-20 : European CCPs after Brexit
2017-06-19 : Introductory remarks
2017-06-12 : Interview with Bloomberg
2017-05-31 : Greece: progress, challenges and the way forward
2017-05-23 : Interview with L’Obs
2017-05-19 : Scars or scratches? Hysteresis in the euro area
2017-05-18 : Interview with Reuters
2017-05-16 : Dissecting the yield curve: a central bank perspective
2017-04-19 : The perils of isolation
2017-04-03 : Bond scarcity and the ECB's asset purchase programme
2017-03-31 : Central bank communication in a low interest rate environment
2017-03-28 : Independence and accountability in a changing world
2017-02-16 : Sustainable Globalisation: Lessons from Europe
2017-02-07 : Interview with Le Parisien
2017-02-02 : Outlook for monetary policy in the euro area
2017-01-23 : Interview with Radio Classique
2017-01-20 : Productivity and Growth: Innovation and Diffusion
2017-01-20 : Interview with CNBC
2016-12-31 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2016-12-12 : Q&A on Twitter
2016-12-09 : Interview with Europe 1
2016-11-28 : Greece: progress achieved and challenges ahead
2016-11-26 : Interview with Efimerida ton Syntakton
2016-11-21 : Addressing Europe's economic and political challenges
2016-11-11 : Interview with Le Progrès de Lyon and EBRA newspaper group
2016-11-08 : Low interest rates are not inevitable
2016-11-03 : Sovereign debt in the euro area: too safe or too risky?
2016-10-28 : Monetary policy in a low-growth environment
2016-10-12 : Strengthening the Greek financial system
2016-09-27 : Reforming financial sector benchmarks
2016-09-26 : Having confidence in Europe
2016-09-26 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2016-09-15 : The Case for Rethinking International Capital Flows
2016-08-27 : The ECB's operational framework in post-crisis times
2016-07-28 : Assessing the implications of negative interest rates
2016-07-01 : Interview with Le Monde
2016-06-17 : Structural reforms on the way to a complete Economic and Monetary Union
2016-06-17 : Structural reforms on the way to a complete Economic and Monetary Union
2016-06-09 : Interview with France 24
2016-06-06 : Towards a macroprudential framework for central counterparties
2016-05-19 : Interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun
2016-05-03 : Government bond markets in a changing environment
2016-05-01 : People are not only savers
2016-04-27 : Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2016-03-30 : Interview with Politico
2016-03-21 : The future of the euro area
2016-03-02 : A budgetary capacity for the euro area
2016-03-02 : From challenges to opportunities: rebooting the European financial sector
2016-02-13 : Interview with Rheinische Post
2016-02-11 : Interview with Le Parisien
2016-02-01 : Time for a new Lamfalussy moment
2016-01-27 : The importance of independent fiscal councils
2016-01-15 : Rebalancing in the euro area: are we nearly there yet?
2016-01-13 : Cyber resilience for financial market infrastructures
2015-11-21 : Paradigm lost: Rethinking international adjustments
2015-11-11 : Interview with the Leading European Newspaper Alliance – LENA
2015-11-04 : Interview with El Financiero
2015-11-02 : The international regulatory agenda on CCP links
2015-10-16 : Towards a political convergence process in the euro area
2015-10-12 : Interview with CNBC Television
2015-10-06 : Interview with L'Orient-Le Jour
2015-10-02 : The international role of the euro: concepts, empirics and prospects
2015-09-11 : Interview with EBRA newspaper group
2015-09-10 : Addressing global data availability challenges
2015-08-27 : Drawing lessons from the crisis for the future of the euro area
2015-08-14 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2015-07-27 : Interview with Le Monde
2015-06-29 : Interview with Les Echos
2015-06-10 : Interview with La Croix
2015-05-19 : How binding is the zero lower bound?
2015-05-19 : Interview with L’Economie politique
2015-05-13 : Consolidating the euro area's economic recovery
2015-05-13 : Domestic and cross-border spillovers of unconventional monetary policies
2015-04-22 : Interview with Kathimerini
2015-04-11 : Ensuring an adequate loss-absorbing capacity of central counterparties
2015-03-23 : Introductory remarks
2015-03-18 : What is the goal of the Capital Markets Union?
2015-03-12 : La politique monétaire dans la zone euro
2015-03-10 : Embarking on public sector asset purchases
2015-03-08 : Interview with Politis
2015-02-02 : Lamfalussy was right: independence and interdependence in a monetary union
2015-01-29 : Interview with Corriere della Sera
2015-01-26 : Interview with Europe 1
2015-01-16 : Interview with the Irish Times
2015-01-16 : Interview with Libération
2015-01-13 : Interview with Die Welt
2015-01-10 : Interview avec France 24
2014-12-17 : Interview with Wall Street Journal
2014-12-16 : Entretien avec L’Opinion
2014-11-17 : Taking stock of the global role of the Renminbi
2014-11-14 : The global and European aspects of policy coordination
2014-11-09 : Interview with Phileleftheros
2014-11-04 : Laying the foundations of the Cypriot recovery
2014-10-22 : Towards retail payments 2.0: The new security challenges
2014-10-17 : Structural reforms: learning the right lessons from the crisis
2014-09-26 : Credit and Investment in the European Recovery
2014-09-19 : A three-pillar-strategy for the Euro
2014-09-10 : Interview with Cinco Días
2014-09-09 : Life below zero: Learning about negative interest rates
2014-09-08 : Interview with the Robert Schuman Foundation
2014-09-05 : Stronger together: the Greek turnaround and European integration
2014-09-02 : On the optimal size of the financial sector
2014-07-22 : Policy coordination in a multipolar world
2014-07-13 : Interview with Kathimerini
2014-07-09 : Investing in Europe: towards a new convergence process
2014-07-03 : Price stability as the basis of a sustained recovery
2014-06-28 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung
2014-05-24 : Interview with Gazeta Wyborcza
2014-05-19 : Completing the single market in capital
2014-04-30 : The internationalisation of monetary policy
2014-04-22 : Interview with Le Monde
2014-04-13 : Asset purchases as an instrument of monetary policy
2014-04-07 : Interview with Le Figaro
2014-03-13 : Monetary Policy Transmission and Bank Deleveraging
2014-02-15 : Interview with Delo
2014-02-13 : Exchange of views of Benoît Cœuré with ECON on troika matters
2014-02-12 : Interview with Thomson Reuters
2014-01-31 : The structural aspects of euro area adjustment
2014-01-30 : Is eurozone governance fit for purpose?
2014-01-22 : The “fourth stage” of EMU: laying the foundations for a sustained recovery
2014-01-16 : Interview with Bloomberg
2013-12-12 : Interview with Die Zeit
2013-12-06 : The future of Europe: building on our strengths
2013-11-23 : The political dimension of European economic integration
2013-11-11 : Savers aren’t losing out
2013-10-28 : Lessons from East Asia for the euro area
2013-10-21 : Retail payments at a crossroads
2013-10-17 : The relevance of household-level data for monetary policy and financial stability analysis
2013-10-09 : The economic consequences of low interest rates
2013-10-03 : Liquidity regulation and monetary policy implementation: from theory to practice
2013-09-30 : The implications of bail-in rules for bank activity and stability
2013-09-26 : The usefulness of forward guidance
2013-09-18 : Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2013-09-11 : Four years after Pittsburgh: What has OTC derivatives reform achieved so far
2013-09-02 : Outright Monetary Transactions, one year on
2013-07-29 : Interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung and Le Figaro
2013-07-15 : COGESI workshop on collateral eligibility requirements
2013-07-15 : Triparty Settlement Interoperability
2013-07-11 : Reviving credit growth in the euro area
2013-07-10 : Non-standard monetary policy measures: where do we stand?
2013-07-05 : Monetary Policy and the Risk of a Lost Decade
2013-06-25 : Duration Risk in the Financial System
2013-06-10 : Monetary policy in a fragmented world
2013-06-03 : Global liquidity and international risk-sharing in the post-crisis environment
2013-05-23 : The Single Resolution Mechanism: Why it is needed
2013-05-17 : Monetary policy in the crisis - Confronting short-run challenges while anchoring long-run expectations
2013-05-03 : Where to exit to? Monetary policy implementation after the crisis
2013-04-22 : Euro banknotes: a secure means of payment and a symbol of Europe
2013-04-15 : Harmonising cashless payments: the SEPA experience
2013-04-11 : SME financing, market innovation and regulation
2013-03-12 : The way back to financial integration
2013-03-02 : Revisiting the European social contract
2013-02-22 : Adjustment and growth in the euro area economies
2013-02-07 : Monetary Policy and Banking Supervision
2013-01-21 : The three dimensions of the euro area crisis
2013-01-18 : Euro area financial regulation: where do we stand? (slides from the presentation)
2013-01-16 : Ensuring the smooth functioning of money markets
2012-12-13 : SME financing: a euro area perspective
2012-12-06 : Central banking, insurance and incentives
2012-12-01 : Restoring trust in Economic and Monetary Union
2012-11-28 : Challenges facing financial integration and financial stability
2012-11-21 : SEPA migration, innovation and change
2012-11-19 : Towards a consistent, coherent and complete Economic and Monetary Union
2012-11-15 : The euro as a trusted means of payment
2012-10-26 : Which models do we need in times of crisis?
2012-10-17 : What can monetary policy do about inequality?
2012-10-08 : Why the euro needs a banking union
2012-10-01 : Collateral scarcity - a gone or a going concern?
2012-09-23 : Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
2012-09-20 : Challenges to the single monetary policy and the ECB's response
2012-08-30 : Opening remarks at the ECB workshop on “Markets for inflation protection: recent developments, modelling tools and policy implications”
2012-07-20 : Responses to the euro area crisis (slides from the presentation)
2012-07-20 : Short-term crisis management and long-term vision: how Europe responds to the crisis
2012-06-28 : The euro area sovereign debt market: lessons from the crisis
2012-06-16 : The importance of money markets
2012-06-01 : Restoring confidence in the euro area
2012-05-08 : Unexpected events and the global safety net
2012-04-20 : Risk-sharing in EMU: before, during and after the crisis
2012-04-11 : Financing the economy of the euro area: the ECB's role
2012-03-26 : The monetary policy of the European Central Bank
2012-03-06 : The reform of financial regulation: priorities from an ECB perspective
2012-02-19 : Central banks and the challenges of the zero lower bound
2012-02-06 : Global liquidity and risk appetite: a re-interpretation of the recent crises
2011-12-08 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
2011-11-03 : Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)