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You are here: Home > Data Democracy > Case 05: Decreto Rilancio - navigating a government decree by tag cloud

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Published on 2020-05-18 | Updated on 2023-08-10 21:30:10 | words: 429

May 2020 (this dataset), followed then by the conversion into law

Retrieving the articles associated with a specific search tag, for the most frequent keywords within the 263 pages and 266 articles of an Italian Government decree that was released on 2020-05-19

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Website (and link to dataset)


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see documentation

Update Frequency

Addendum 2023-08-10

Upon the conversion into a law, a further dataset and webapp were released.

Legge 77/2020.

While the tag cloud for Legge 77/2020 is purely informative, showing the content of the law "as is", it contains a section "timeframe" with a further webapp, adopting the viewpoint of somebody having to consider the organizational impacts of the law.

While nominally the law was focused on the COVID-19 crisis and actions to be taken after its peak in spring 2020, both the Decreto "Rilancio" 34/2020 and its conversion into law 77/2020 extended way beyond the immediate needs, adding a long list of what elsewhere would be called "earmarks".

In each part of both (the "Titolo") articles often contain clauses ("comma", in Italian) that either organizationally or financially have impacts across multiple years, or even introduce changes to existing laws and regulations.

Hence, the list under timeframe shows only articles where, from a reading as if it were to be considered on the implementation side in the private sector, such impacts are either clearly listed, or shown potentially.

Obviously, now that it is a law, can be amended by further laws, and therefore the list could evolve.

The current list derived from the law as approved on 2020-07-17, following the official text published on Gazzetta Ufficiale on 2020-07-18.

Please anyway consider that this is just a support for further organizational analysis: hence, it neither represents nor is intended as legal advice.

Also, further articles commenting specific structural elements will be published on this site- links will be added here.