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You are here: Home > Suggested readings > Calise - La democrazia del leader - ISBN 9788858121177 - 3.5/5

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Published on 2018-05-02 | Updated on 2018-05-03 07:11:58 | words: 338


Calise, Mauro
La democrazia del leader
BookID 130286238
ISBN 9788858121177
(see LibraryThing.com card)
Description (from Amazon)La nostra democrazia è irriconoscibile.

Senza una rappresentanza funzionante, senza partiti governanti, senza elettori partecipanti.

Una democrazia senza.

Al centro della scena politica resistono solo i leader, ultimo perno di comunicazione, mobilitazione e decisione.

Avamposto sempre più isolato della frontiera pubblica occidentale.

Ma può la democrazia sopravvivere solo come protesi e baluardo della leadership?

Per rispondere, dobbiamo avere il coraggio di capire perché il re è ritornato nudo.

E cosa ci aspetta, oltre l'ultima spiaggia.
My review: 3.5/5short yet interesting book on the evolution (?) of our Western democracies into something else, obviously focused on Italy, but with concepts that might be applied elsewhere.

Incidentally: a key element is the disintermediation (the direct access of the leader in charge, elected or not, to the voters) in representative political regimes, and how anyway this creates a conflict between reforms (that take time) and the request from the voters to obtain instantaneous confirmation of their choice to support the leader

a further element to differentiate this book: its focus on the impact of media&judicial powers on the democratic process in a "high visibility" society (in Italian- media and magistratura, both aptly classified under the nickname "Fattore M", reminding an older "Fattore K" http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2013/04/19/fattore-k-esiste-ancora/568330/): both unelected, both, due a series of overlapping changes and scandals, de facto acting without any third-party oversight (as those that should are either too weak, lack legitimacy, or lack the means).
Outline material: No outline material yet shared