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You are here: Home > Suggested readings > AAVV - Storia dello spionaggio: atti della Tavola rotonda, Biella, 23 settembre 2005 - ISBN 8873201377 - 3.5/5

Viewed 2893 times | words: 216
Published on 2018-05-01 | Updated on 2018-05-02 07:18:56 | words: 216


Storia dello spionaggio: l'intelligence militare italiana, l'intelligence elettronica, l'intelligence cinese: atti della Tavola rotonda, Biella, 23 settembre 2005
BookID 109253503
ISBN 8873201377
(see LibraryThing.com card)
Description (from Amazon)---
My review: 3.5/5Interesting collection of historical essay on information services development (i.e. spooks, not IT!) that were presented at a workshop

beside few that could have limited interest to non-Italian audiences (e.g. on their role and negative impact of mismanagement on wars during the XIX century, from Crimea on), others could actually cater for a larger audience:
- on the history of the penetration from (and cooperation with) Soviet services during the Mussolini times
- on the impact and tactics of electronic warfare in the Middle East wars
- on the structure of the "guojia anquan bu" (China; a nice complement and update to Sawyer's monumental "The Tao of Spycraft" https://www.librarything.com/work/22419/book/79674329)
Outline material: No outline material yet shared