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Tag: transparency

Elements retrieved: 52

Section: Observation and Innovation / Business: rethinking

#social #Kaizen and #coalition #building in #business40
Viewed 6621 times | Published on 2018-06-30 10:58:58 | words: 2620

Assessing systemically: the data side of #European #Union #integration within #digital #transformation
Viewed 11389 times | Published on 2019-12-30 13:34:44 | words: 3401

#transparency and #digital #transformation: #emergence of the #common #good in the #age of #consent
Viewed 12026 times | Published on 2020-01-08 10:26:01 | words: 7127

#talent #attraction and #retention within a #data - #centric #society
Viewed 8700 times | Published on 2020-01-13 15:28:28 | words: 4278

Going smart or going postal? smartwork, smartcities, smartvehicles- the Turin and Italy case - part 1
Viewed 15802 times | Published on 2020-08-24 22:00:00 | words: 5679

COVID-19 : systemic impacts and parochial thinking- moving toward long-term sustainability
Viewed 12699 times | Published on 2020-09-01 10:00:00 | words: 2748

Going smart (with data): the Italian case - introduction
Viewed 10265 times | Published on 2020-11-18 08:00:00 | words: 4405

Going smart (with data): the Italian case - a systemic sneak preview of the future
Viewed 18960 times | Published on 2021-04-03 12:00:00 | words: 4020

The nine islands of continuous organizational learning #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #COVID19
Viewed 16766 times | Published on 2021-04-22 22:00:00 | words: 11202

change and harmonization vs. assimilation #nextgenerationeu #data #culture
Viewed 8464 times | Published on 2022-09-08 16:15:00 | words: 5331

Fortress Europe, strategic stockpiling, and coping with reality #sustainability #systemic #thinking #lifecycle #management
Viewed 15971 times | Published on 2023-11-23 13:00:00 | words: 4389

Business, policy, audiences in a data-centric society: the case of non-profit investments
Viewed 17352 times | Published on 2023-12-28 22:00:00 | words: 9851

Designing skills-based organizations in a data-centric world: we are all investors
Viewed 11731 times | Published on 2024-02-07 17:15:00 | words: 6348

Linking heuristics, AI, legacy, and... demographic trends - the case of Italy
Viewed 9779 times | Published on 2024-02-22 17:50:00 | words: 11458

Section: Observation and Innovation / Society: EU-Italy-Turin

An #industrial #policy ? Can be sustainable by the #local #business #culture ? #innovation #industry40 #Italy
Viewed 7994 times | Published on 2019-11-10 23:30:18 | words: 3135

#Brexit and the #future of #Europe - considerations on #PPI and #PF in #UK and #Italy
Viewed 10656 times | Published on 2019-12-15 22:58:46 | words: 7733

Three centuries in a month and moving forward: #Italy, #EU, and #COVID19
Viewed 13586 times | Published on 2020-04-08 18:50:58 | words: 12725

Making it simpler? Italy, the externalization country, needs more transparency
Viewed 10946 times | Published on 2020-08-04 09:20:02 | words: 1911

Intelligent cut and trust toward a systemically sustainable NextGenerationEU in Italy
Viewed 12120 times | Published on 2021-02-05 21:30:00 | words: 4515

Systemic boundaries and the fifth freedom #Italy #EU #NextGenerationEU #PNRR
Viewed 22671 times | Published on 2021-07-10 23:00:00 | words: 4281

Actionable intelligence and competence centers within #PNRR #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 10448 times | Published on 2021-08-29 22:55:00 | words: 3455

Democracy, continuity, tribes during transformation times #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #Italy
Viewed 10759 times | Published on 2021-11-01 16:50:00 | words: 5958

Moving ahead- the narrative of political change #Italy #France #EU #integration
Viewed 17520 times | Published on 2021-12-17 22:15:00 | words: 5666

Taking sides: a couple of thousand of years of tribal bipartisanship- lessons from #Italy to the #European #Union
Viewed 13748 times | Published on 2022-01-24 07:35:00 | words: 5462

Thinking about #PNRR / #NextGenerationEU in #Italy - #riding vs. #making #waves
Viewed 13913 times | Published on 2022-02-07 07:00:00 | words: 3967

Whatever it takes- #navigating the treacherous waters of #politics in #PNRR and #NextGenerationEU times
Viewed 10495 times | Published on 2022-02-26 12:15:00 | words: 6992

politiche2022_04: il dopo elezioni è già iniziato #Italy #national #elections
Viewed 8197 times | Published on 2022-09-17 09:00:00 | words: 4608

#rethinking #digital #transformation #democracy in #Italy
Viewed 13306 times | Published on 2022-09-27 12:20:00 | words: 2893

reforms and measuring business and society: #KPIs in a #data - #centric #ecosystem #EU #Italy
Viewed 9734 times | Published on 2022-10-08 23:40:00 | words: 5062

Implementing the Quirinale Treaty at the NextGenerationEU times #PNRR
Viewed 8893 times | Published on 2023-01-10 19:10:00 | words: 5794

Developing a crisis into an innovation opportunity #Turin #NextGenerationEU #PNRR #Stellantis
Viewed 8100 times | Published on 2023-02-28 17:20:00 | words: 4808

Digital transformation and expanding organizational frontiers - part A: framework #Turin #Italy #EU #innovation #data #centric
Viewed 9622 times | Published on 2023-05-15 20:00:00 | words: 5860

#sustainability after #COVID and beyond #NextGenerationEU: #compliance and fostering an #ecosystem - with notes and links on #Turin #Italy #EU
Viewed 5883 times | Published on 2023-06-29 22:00:00 | words: 9134

Market failure, State remedy, and citizenship in a data-centric society
Viewed 5073 times | Published on 2023-08-02 15:03:00 | words: 13119

Adding enablers to a data-centric society: it is not just about technologies
Viewed 13674 times | Published on 2023-09-12 17:30:00 | words: 6105

A systemic journey toward TechWeek2023 in Turin: 1 of 4 - sustainability
Viewed 14965 times | Published on 2023-09-20 13:50:00 | words: 7221

The Italian way to economic policy: from Mattei to a cacophony of tribal actors #recovery #sustainability
Viewed 13629 times | Published on 2023-10-28 10:35:00 | words: 7604

Legislative reforms and direct democracy in a data-centric society: lessons from business and politics in Italy
Viewed 16379 times | Published on 2023-12-19 23:10:00 | words: 11352

Section: Observation and Innovation / Citizen Audit

Another step ahead/05 2021-08-19 #Italy #Government #COVID19 #NextGenerationEU
Viewed 11923 times | Published on 2021-08-19 18:00:00 | words: 3766

Crises and the Monnet Method: looking forward beyond interim adversities EU
Viewed 11199 times | Published on 2022-03-17 23:00:00 | words: 3254

Not only blockchain: financial data disintermediation and transparency, as continuous risk monitoring democratization
Viewed 8253 times | Published on 2022-10-20 11:15:00 | words: 2799

Reading pre- and post-COVID corporate narratives, the Italian case: a dataset in fieri
Viewed 4226 times | Published on 2023-07-26 14:30:00 | words: 1992

Looking at pre- and post-COVID : decomposition by industry
Viewed 6693 times | Published on 2023-11-03 23:50:00 | words: 3605

Moving from words to numbers: conceptual design of KPIs / progress on a data-project/data-product
Viewed 13435 times | Published on 2024-01-02 23:15:00 | words: 2697

Section: Books / Ongoing

BookBlog20240303 Converging data products, projects, and publications- a progress report
Viewed 8766 times | Published on 2024-03-03 22:30:00 | words: 3979

Section: Books / Published

Book01. #BFM2013 Knowledge-based Organizational Change ISBN 978-1493581078 2013-10-26
Viewed 12010 times | Published on 2016-06-16 19:58:08 | words: 492

Section: Data democracy

End of a week of focus on #PNRR #NextGenerationEU and #transparency
Viewed 15454 times | Published on 2021-08-21 22:30:00 | words: 2405

Section: Organizational support

Organizational Support 02 : integrating AI and blockchain in competitive supply chains with #circular #economy #automotive example
Viewed 13140 times | Published on 2022-09-23 15:45:00 | words: 5502

Organizational Support 03 : three examples of integrating AI- portfolio, people management, vendor controlling
Viewed 7567 times | Published on 2023-01-03 12:20:00 | words: 4782

Organizational Support 06: Experiments in technology democratization: the ethical dimension of a systemic view
Viewed 4350 times | Published on 2023-07-15 20:00:00 | words: 9558

Organizational Support 09: shuffling and pruning- an organizational PDCA proposal
Viewed 15696 times | Published on 2024-01-09 13:45:00 | words: 17617

Organizational Support 10: strategy-oriented KPIs in a data-centric society
Viewed 13331 times | Published on 2024-02-15 17:50:00 | words: 11346