
BusinessFitnessMagazine was first published online in 2003-2005, as part of Business Fitness Consulting International Ltd (registered in UK in 1998).

Through a market pre-selection and a script-based direct marketing cold calling and polling campaign, in few months the magazine in 2003 obtained over 800 subscribers from more than 500 leading European companies.

The target? Whoever can influence the technology adoption and evolution in companies, i.e. CEOs, COOs, CIOs, HR Directors, etc.

In 2013, in preparation of a first relaunch in Italy, a book containing and updated reprint of the 2003-2005 was released, while in 2018 a preview of future editions was published as a free book (currently offline).

The magazine is being redesigned to complement the other publishing activities that you can follow on and on Twitter @changerulebook

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