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You are here: Home > Politiche 2022

Viewed 14743 times | words: 460
Published on 2022-08-10 | Updated on 2022-09-23 11:00:00 | words: 460

As you probably know, Italy is in for an earlier-than-expected round of national elections.

Disclosure: my vote traditionally is centre-left, i.e. PD, but stopped voting for national and local elections for reasons that I explained elsewhere.

Anyway, I still firmly remain:
_ centre-left (the Einaudi Foundation online test classified me as "liberale di sinistra")
_ bipartisan
_ neither belonging nor interested in being coopted by any local tribe- I have just membership of few non-political associations, and, if you ignore some "causes" organizations in the past, the only political association I was ever a member of was a European federalist integration advocacy.

This article is just a "stub" for a section that will start soon.

Actually, as I did while living in Brussels, was planning to re-register dirittodivoto.com, and do something similar to what I did back then (collect and compare political platforms across the spectrum).

Unfortunately, I saw that the domain has been taken over after I left it expire, and is currently owned by a "corporate website scavenger" (those who pick up expired websites and then put up a hefty pricetag): no, I am not going to spend 2888 USD to re-register that domain.

Anyway, stay tuned: as I did follow the local elections in Turin in 2016 (and, as I previously wrote, the national elections while in Brussels), I will post routinely articles.

While this stub is in English, those articles will be both in English and Italian, and will start soon.

Stay tuned!

PS on August 16th released a (beta) mini-webapp that allows to search via tag cloud and compare the political platform of the two main coalition (centre-right and the one around the PD), plus the main political party from the previous national elections, M5S- you can find it here, while the associated CSV dataset on Kaggle is here

Articles in this series:

_2022-08-18 politiche2022_01: Tre programmi ed un marziano a Roma #Italy #national #elections
_2022-09-02 politiche2022_02: Costruttori di cattedrali o imbonitori? #Italy #national #elections
_2022-09-09 politiche2022_03: elezioni tribali in Stato tribale #Italy #national #elections
_2022-09-17 politiche2022_04: il dopo elezioni è già iniziato #Italy #national #elections
_2022-09-23 politiche2022_05: una finestra di 34 interviste #Italy #national #elections
_2022-09-26 politiche2022_06: ad urne chiuse #Italy #national #elections